
Lilliuth's brown eyes shut tight as the knives of death launched straight for her small frame. Murki's small body clinched tightly onto me. Watching carefully, my green eyes stayed glued to the knives. Suddenly, Adrienne jumped in front of Lilliuth. Adrienne pulled Lilliuth down to the ground before any knives killed Lilliuth. The knives pierced the door with only one cut Adrienne's upper arm a little.
"What the heck was that?!" Aleasha lifting Lilliuth up.
"Well someone tried to trigger the trap. Great blood." Adrienne wiping the blood off and standing up.
"We have to clean that up." Aleasha looking at it.
"Thank you so much for saving me, again!" Lilliuth smiling and hugging Adrienne.
"Hold on. I think I see the person who did this." Adrienne running down the hallway.
"Wait! We shouldn't get separated!" Lilliuth following her along with Aleasha.
"Come on, Hatto!" Mukri yelled at me, but I held her hand and pulled her back.
We were alone. Even though it was not the best timing, I wanted to give her something. Something I had never done to any other girl. Staring into her beautiful purple eyes, I lowered my head and lips to hers and softly pressed my lips onto hers. The soft feel of our lips touching sent butterflies through my stomach. My first kiss.
Pulling away, I saw her beautiful pale cheeks transform into a shade of bright red. From the way Mukri was acting, I guessed it was her first kiss, too. Still, it was the most amazing thing I have ever done. Then, I wrapped my strong pale arms around her and hugged her tight.
"I just wanted to do that. Sorry, I couldn't control myself." I whispered in her ear.
"It is um ok. Should we um get going?" Mukri stuttering.
"Were you ok with that?" I asked pulling away.
"Of course! You just caught me off guard." Mukri blushing red.
"Ok then." I grab her hand. "Let's go, beautiful!" I said running through the hallway after the others.
"B..b..beautiful?" Murki tightening her grip on my hand.
A smile curved on my face over the feelings radiating from us. Finally, a girl has a crush on me. Normally, I am the shy boy in class who does not talk much and just has ear phones in my ears. No girls ever notice me, but I guess this event has allowed me to meet a great girl.
Arriving with the girls, we saw some female holding a knife against Aleasha's neck. With long red hair and pale skin, the girl's brown eyes glared at us with a hint of evil oozing out. Her black leather long jacket held tight on her arms with her dark blue tank top hugged her curves while her skinny jeans showed off her figure. Tapping her black long boots, I noticed her appearance was very similar to Adrienne. Could there be a connect?
Glaring over at Adrienne, I saw her brown eyes widen in shock over the girl in front of her. Something was going on here, but why did this girl have Aleasha held like that? Fear shot from Aleasha's blue eyes while the cold metal blade pressed against her neck.
"Well. Well. Well!! Lookie here!! I just thought this girl was annoying and easy kill, but if this is Adri's friend, I will let her live." Girl throws Aleasha to the ground at us.
"Alice..What are you doing here?" Adrienne staring at the girl.
"Alice? Adrienne, how do you know her?" Lilliuth confusingly glaring at Adrienne.
"Have you not told them about me? Well Adri, that isn't nice!" Alice smiling.
"This is my twin sister, Alice. Now, tell me why are you here?" Adrienne getting angry.
"Your twin sister?! You never told us you had a twin!" Mukri shocked.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Aleasha standing up.
"Because she.." Adrienne interrupted by Alice.
"Because I killed our parents probably. Didn't want to tell anyone about her crazy, insane sister?" Alice rolling her eyes.
"Ali, that wasn't true! You are not crazy or insane! You had a good reason for it!" Adrienne yelling.
"She killed your parents!! How is that a good reason?!" Aleasha yelling.
"You wouldn't understand! Our parents were.." Adrienne getting interrupted again.
"Adrienne, don't defend her!! She might be your sister, but you shouldn't do that!" Lilliuth glaring at Alice.
"Wow. What friends you have made, Adri. You can really pick them." Alice giggling.
"Shut up, monster!" Lilliuth pointing at Alice.
"Don't call my sister a monster!! Ali did what she had to!! Aleasha, I already told you but not the full story. When our parents were alive, several burglars broke into the house. They made our father watch as they rapped our mother. Our mother's screams woke Alice up and killed everyone of them. Aleasha, when I said Alice snapped, it was really our parents." Adrienne getting interrupted by Alice.
"You said I snapped, Adri? You always like to exaggerate." Alice laying against the wall.
"I only did it because I did not want to admit the truth. Our father could not look at our mother the same. He saw her as violated. He would hit her and then come after us. Mother would get drunk and take pills. She would yell at us and tell us we were no good and bunch of other horrible stuff. While I was asleep, Alice killed them. She told me they were gone until the neighbors caught onto the smell and called the police." Adrienne glaring down at the floor.
"Not even a prison can hold me." Alice giggling.
"Oh. I'm sorry for over reacting." Lilliuth apologizing.
"Me too. I guess we judged you too early." Aleasha apologizing.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Alice! I'm Mukri!" Mukri smiling.
"I know who y'all are. I keep track of my sister." Alice rolling her eyes.
"Now, why are you here, and did you trigger that trap?" Adrienne getting serious.
"A guy named Samekichi sent me a message saying you were in danger. Yes. I thought I heard Mme." Alice catching a glimpse at Adrienne's cut. "Did that happen from the trap I triggered?" Alice appearing worried.
"Yes, but don't worry." Adrienne shrugging it off.
"No, Adri! Come on. I discovered where they keep the medical supplies." Alice pulling Adrienne.
"Such a sweet sibling bond." I said following.
Staring at the sisters, I held Murki's hand and followed the girls. Wow. I thought Adrienne was just a powerful girl, but her sister is something else. Alice, I think, was a cold blooded killer. Even though she has reasons, I don't think I could of done that. She even broke out of prison. PRISON. I will not get on her bad side. At least, she cares for Adrienne. I mean she looked worried seeing a little cut on her sister.
The sisters talked and chatted about everything as we continued walking to the room. With love in their brown eyes, laughter echoed from their mouths as they were finally reunited with each other.
Glaring at Aleasha and Lilliuth, I noticed worried eyes coming from both of their faces. Mukri and I did not talk much, but Aleasha and Lilliuth really jumped to conclusions about Alice. Alice might be able to get us out of here. Maybe.
Looking down at Mukri, she raised her purple eyes up at me as I showed a smile of confidence. She seemed worried about Alice, too. I mean a killer with them now is a bit scary, but Adrienne wouldn't let Alice hurt us. Right?
Arriving at the room, Alice opened the door and ran start for the cabinets. We all walked inside the room and shut the door. The room was basically a infirmary someone would see in a school. Why is this in a house? I mean really. Where is Asami to ask this question? Alice ran over to Adrienne with a first aid kit and started fixing Adrienne up.
"So, Ali, you said you thought it was Mme. Why are you worried about her?" Adrienne watching Alice.
"Well, I know a few things about her." Alice putting a little pressure with some gauzes to make the blood stop.
"And how do you know that?" I said curious.
"Silly boy. Don't ask a girl her secrets. Shouldn't you be kissing your girl?" Alice chuckling.
"! We just started talking!" Mukri blushing.
"Awww! Y'all are so cute!" Aleasha smiling.
"They are aren't they?!" Lilliuth agreeing.
"Ok. Ok. For real though. What do you know, Alice?" I asked blushing and holding Mukri.
"Oh, silly boy. I have known Mme for some time. I know how to win this stupid game y'all are in." Alice wrapping tape over the gauze.
X-L38's Point Of View
Ugh. This is such a waste of time! I mean really. We are just sitting here. Twisting a knife in my hand, I watched as Danni sat in the corner shaking in fear. Stop being such a little coward. Well, she is about to die.
Looking at Bloodie, I noticed how much her purple eyes have been glaring at Danni so much. Bloodie is completely insane. Kill. Kill. Kill. If that girl had a chance, she would really want to kill every second, but she has to eat and sleep which involved not killing. Unless someone counts killing animals for food.
Glaring at Mme, I realized a bored look reflecting from her grey eyes. Now, out of all the others, I truly envy Mme. Her body, her hair, her completion is so perfect unlike me who was a lab experiment and could never look like that. Still, she shouldn't be wasting her time on a girl who took some records of her. It is stupid records. She can get them back!
Averting my gaze to S-28P, I felt a bit of less hatred emerging from my on going rage. He always tried his hardest to please me. Ever since that day I saved him, S-28P does everything I want. I guess I don't blame him. Smiling at him, I noticed a little blush showing from him. Such a silly boy.
Suddenly, the door opened, and the two errand boys and the blind girl walked inside. Samekichi's muscular torso was covered in Mary's blood while Markus held onto Karuka's small arms.
"So, I heard the scream. I guess it worked." Mme smiling.
"Yes. Thank you for letting me get blood all over me." Samekichi rolling his eyes.
"Oh, you will be ok! Little baby!" Bloodie laughing.
"Here is Danni." Markus placing Karuka by Danni.
"Oh, so you are being nice to the dead girl?" I said mocking him.
"She is blind. She can't see." Markus walking away.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Softy." I said winking.
"So, guys, let's have some fun. Maybe if they hear the screams they will come to us." Mme smiling big.
"So, you are saying torture?" Bloodie jumping up and down.
"Yes, but don't kill them." Mme hitting the wall where weapons popped out.
"Do you want to do it, X-L38?" S-28P asked.
"Naw. You do it." I said as he shook his head for yes.
As I sat on the ground, I watched the fear emerge from the two torture victims. Suddenly, I noticed Danni whisper, "We will make it out of here. Just don't scream. We can't let the others get hurt." Wow! These girls are going to suffer in pain for their friends. What if their friends found a way out and left them!
Looking at Mme, I noticed her getting the branding tool with a M on it while holding it over the stove fire. Which ever girl gets that is going to get hurt. Bad. She will scream.
Glaring at Bloodie, she was boiling water. Uh oh. My skin started hurting after the thought of being burned by hot water. I don't like the girls, but I do feel sorry. What am I saying? I don't.
S-28P just glared at the girls for a few minutes. For once in his life, he wasn't sure how to torture them. Watching, he walked up to both girls and stared at them with no emotion what so ever. Pulling his hand back, he slapped Danni across the face with his right hand sending her on the floor. Danni laid there on the floor and did not raise up. Next, S-28P glared at Karuka and slapped her across the face with his left hand. Karuka fall to the floor with pain emerging on her face.
Looking at Markus, I noticed his fist clinched tightly beside him. Samekichi placed his hand on Markus's shoulder and glared at to the two girls on the floor. Why is Markus holding his fist like that? S-28P did what he was supposed to. Was I missing something?
"Did I do good?" S-28P sitting beside me.
"I guess you did pretty good." I said placing an arm around him hugging him.
"That was nothing to what I'm about to do!" Bloodie walking to Danni with steaming water. "Get up!" Bloodie roared pulling Danni on the wall.
"No..Please." Danni in pain.
"All you have to do it scream." Bloodie holding the water.
"Never.." Danni closing her eyes.
A laugh emerged from Bloodie's evil smile. Grabbing a knife, Bloodie cut both pant legs up to her thigh. Then, Bloodie tilted the pan causing hot water to singed Danni's pale skin. Her skin transformed into a dark red color as Danni bite her lip causing blood to come from her lip down her chin. Shaking her head, Bloodie poured the rest of the water all up and down Danni's right leg.
Danni's mouth opened about to scream, but she placed her hand over her mouth quickly. Blisters started emerging on her skin while some of her skin started burning off. Poor girl. Just scream, idiot.
Removing the branding tool from the stove, Mme walked over to Karuka and smiled. For some reason, I think she really hated the blind girl. What was so bad about a blind girl? Pulling Karuka against the wall, Mme pulled up Karuka's dress to where her underwear was showing. Taking a glimpse at Markus, I noticed his cheeks becoming all flustered as he quickly reverted his grey eyes.
"Now, just scream, and this will be over." Mme smiling.
"No..I will not do that to my friends." Karuka clinching her fists ready for the pain.
Shaking her head, Mme pushed the branding tool against Karuka's butt. Karuka bit her lip like Danni did causing a line of blood to run down her chin. As Mme pressed harder into Karuka's skin, the singeing noise covered the entire room. The look on Karuka's face showed the poor blind girl couldn't handle the pain any more as she launched a bloody scream into the air through the entire house.
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!