Game Of Death

Game Of Death

Some games are fun with guns. Some games even take peoples' breath, but this game determines between life or death. When a group of teenage friends get tricked and forced to play the game by unknown hosts in a large mansion, will they leave the mansion with their lives or in their graves?

published on October 18, 2014completed


Adrienne's Point Of View

Holding on to her small pale arm carefully, Karuka's long white hair blew gracefully in the fall wind. Along with her hair, Karuka's long white frilly dress continuously flew along side the wind. With her white eyes unable to see anything, I tried to explain to the young girl about the beautiful green leaves transforming into colors of brown and yellow. Karuka will never be able to see these colors and might not be able to hear the sounds around her at the rate her hearing is decreasing.

Lifting my brown eyes up, I saw Danni skating boarding quickly to Karuka and me. Her brown long hair flew with the wind as her black jacket and dark green shirt clung to her skinny tan frame. With her blue jean pants hanging onto her long legs, I could hear the squeak of her new dark blue Nike shoes coming towards us. A smile curved on her face.

"Hey, guys! What's shaking?" (Danni walking towards us)
"Well the trees since the wind is shaking them." (Me smiling while holding Karuka's hand)
"Looks like someone is being a smart butt today. Where are the others?" (Danni holding her skateboard)
"They told Adrienne they would be here any minute together." (Karuka holding my hand tight)

Karuka and I first met during school. During her first few days, Karuka constantly got picked on for being blind and slightly deaf. However, Danni and me pulled her closer into our circle of friends, and she has been happy ever since. Most of the time, Karuka rather have me help her around since I detail the world better to her, or so she says anyway.

Lost in thought, I suddenly noticed a laughter of noticeable voices heading towards us. Looking up, Aleasha's long whitish blonde hair blew back behind her showing off the beautiful blue streaks and tips while her green long sleeve shirt, blue skinny jeans, and black converses held beautifully onto her pale skin. Her icy blue eyes stared at the comical Lilliuth. With her long shinny blonde hair pulled in a pony tail, Lilliuth's small white jacket and shirt with a bunny on it held onto her small, pale childish frame. With her baggy blue jeans and baby blue sneakers matching, Lilliuth's brown eyes shut with laughter. Staring at Lilliuth, Mukri smiled ever so lightly at the joke Lilliuth appeared to have made. Mukri's curly purple hair laid so gracefully on her long sleeve yellow over shirt. Along with the yellow shirt blowing in the wind, her black skirt flew along with it. Her small pale arms wrapped around each other as her black flats clamped near us. Also, on top of her head, a dark purple hat snuggled tight on her small head. Mukri's purple eyes motioned a sign of happiness at Mary beside her. Mary's long straightened black hair fell delicately on her shoulders while her white Bennie hugged her head tightly. Gripping onto her, a long sleeve band shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, and black converses covered up her pale appearance. With her pale blue eyes catching a glimpse of us, Mary motioned the laughing girls over to us.

Finally, we all met in the small area for once in a long time. Pulling my extremely long red hair back onto my back, I smiled at the friends I have in front of me. With my brown eyes staring at each one of them, I realized just how much everything had changed. This was the first time in months we were able to hang out like this since our parents transferred most of us away to different schools. Glaring down at my tan hands, I adjusted my black leather jacket and white tee shirt while brushed down the wrinkles in my skinny jeans.

A while back, our small town was home to several murders. With this being all on the news, most of the parents go worried and sent their children off to a new town. Even though the murders were caught and sent to jail, it was too late for our circle of friends to live around each other anymore. However, social media and text messages has kept our friendship strong.

"I am so happy to see all of you guys again!" (Lilliuth)
"I agree. We never need to spend that long apart again!" (Aleasha)
"Well if parents didn't make some of us move, we wouldn't be having this problem." (Mary)
"They were just scared of our safety." (Mukri)
"Trust me. Nothing interesting is going to happen at that school." (Me)
"Except for the cute guys!!" (Danni)
"Some of the guys are pretty nice." (Karuka)
"Karuka, how have you been feeling lately?" (Mukri)
"Ka shave Ben late? Who are those people?" (Karuka)
"Haha!! She asked how have you been feeling lately." (Lilliuth laughing)
"Oh, I was wondering who Ben was. Ha, I've been doing good. Except for the hearing lose." (Karuka holding my hand tighter)
"Do they think she will be fully deaf soon?" (Mary whispers to us so Karuka can't hear)
"Yes, but don't tell Karuka. Today is going to be a fun day." (Me winking)
"Why did it get quiet??" (Karuka reaching her other hand out)
"Us quiet? You got to be kidding me right?" (Aleasha)
"So where are we going first?" (Danni)
"How about some coffee at the book store?" (Mukri)
"Sounds great! Let's go!" (Mary)

As we began to walk to the book store and cafe, I started to feel as though we were being watched. Well a group of beautiful girls all hanging together makes every guy watch, but it wasn't a lusting feeling I felt. However, I shrugged it off my shoulders and continued to smile and laugh with the girls.

Arriving at the book store and cafe, the girls ran start for some coffee to warm them up while I searched for a book to read for my English class. Walking into the teen romance section, I scanned through every book searching for something interesting. A book called "Death Due Us Part" caught my attention. Reaching for the book, a large pale hand touched mine at the same time I touched the book. Looking up, a tall boy stood over me. His white hair scattered sharply in each direction as his grey eyes lured me in to know more about him. With his black long jacket hugging his muscular arms, his white shirt showed off the muscles hiding underneath along with his black jeans holding his legs firmly. With his black shoes fading into his pants, I noticed this boy appeared to have a dark mysterious present to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want this book?" (Me pulling my hand away)
"Actually, I was just wanting to read the summary. I enjoy a good dark book once in a while." (Boy)
"I agree. These books about true love just make me sick sometimes." (Me looking away)
"Really now? I thought for a girl in this section you would love that. Like that series?" (Boy points at Twilight)
"Oh, no. I'm not into fake vampires and weird love triangles." (Me grabbing "Death Due Us Part")
"What does the summary say?" (Boy leaning over)
"It tells about a man's wife dying, and as a ghost she discovers all the betrayal he has hidden from her. I think she begins to haunt him." (Me interested)
"Doesn't sound like a bad book." (Boy)
"Naw. I think I'm going to get it. I have to go meet my friends at the cafe. It was nice meeting you." (Me walking away)
"Mind if I come with? A friend of mine is over there." (Boy following)
"Oh sure, but first you got to tell me your name." (Me smiling a little)
"It's Samekichi. And yours?" (Samekichi smirking at me)
"Oh, my name is Adrienne. Nice to meet you." (Me hiding my blushing while twisting my red hair)
"The pleasure is all mine." (Samekichi)

As Samekichi and I arrived at the cafe, my friends circled around the largest table in the cafe. Along with the girls, a handsome boy with black spiky hair sat by Danni and Aleasha. His dark long sleeve shirt clinched tightly onto his muscular upper torso. Since the boy was sitting down, I couldn't tell much more about his pale appearance other than his stormy grey eyes glaring at Samekichi. The boy's grey eyes signal a feeling of discomfort radiating from him. Was he unhappy about something?

"Hey, bro! About time you got here. Did you find that book?" (Boy)
"Yes, Markus. I found it, but someone beat me to it." (Samekichi smirking down at me)
"No. He was just nice and let me have it." (Me)
"Samekichi? Nice? Sure we are talking about the same guy?" (Markus)
"Come on. He is your friend. He can't be that mean." (Danni)
"Right. Friends are supposed to be nice." (Mukri)
"If they wasn't, it would be a touch relationship!" (Lilliuth)
"Yeah. What book did you get?" (Mary)
"Death Due Us Part." (Me)
"Sounds boring." (Aleasha)
"Will you read it to me, Adrienne?" (Karuka reaching for my hand)
"Of course." (Me grabbing Karuka's hand)
"Are you girls free tonight by any chance?" (Markus smirking hesitantly)
"We have.." (Mary)
"What she means is we are free tonight! Right girls?" (Lilliuth)
"Um yeah I guess." (Mukri hugging up to Aleasha)
"Great. There is a place we would love for y'all to see." (Samekichi)
"Will there be more guys there?" (Aleasha and Danni)
"Yes." (Markus)

After that, the girls continued to drink their coffee while I wondered why these boys so quickly asked us to go with them. Was this their plan the entire time? Raising my head up from thinking, my brown eyes became trapped by the beautiful grey eyes of Samekichi. No guy I have ever met had such a beautiful shade of color as his. Looking away, I noticed something dark radiating from his gaze. Maybe going with the boys was a bad idea.

A few hours passed by when the sun finally retired off from its job to let the moon take over. The moon shined brightly through out the sky as the boys walked us to the location. Samekichi stayed closed to me the entire time with his dark appearance getting stronger where as Markus hung onto both Danni and Aleasha. Holding Karuka tight, I talked to her about the night sky.

"The stars are twinkling brighter than ever before tonight with the moon out shinning it all with its pure white light." (Me staring into the sky)
"Wow. I wish I could see it, Adrienne." (Karuka smiling)
"I am guessing she is blind?" (Samekichi)
"And slightly deaf." (Me)
"What a bummer." (Samekichi) "Do you always describe it so cheerfully to her?"
"Not always. Somethings are not always so happy." (Me)

The night air and sky seemed more lively tonight than normally. The fierce fall wind blew through the night. Darkness appeared to be creeping out of every corner of the forest even though the moon was full tonight. Glaring around, the trees even showed a scary appearance to them. Looking at my friends, I noticed regret and fear on most of their faces as we huddled close to each other. What have we gotten ourselves into? Maybe we should turn back around, but the thought came too late as we were already here.

Arriving at the location, we saw a large five floored mansion in front of us. The dark wood appeared to be slowly rotting away while the wind appeared to made the creeks of the house sound louder than normal. What a large place. The dark atmosphere made the place more mysterious and craving for adventure. As I gazed at the house, I never expected a blunt object to bang the back of my head. Darkness took over as I felt my body beginning to hurl to the ground. I knew at that moment the mistake we had just made.
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Comments (93)

About Author
on February 11, 2016's been so long since I seen this story...
About Author
on February 05, 2015
Wait...I lost an arm D: I actually really liked my Left arm tho, Great for drawing!
About Author
on January 07, 2015
Oh no karuka is diying! Dx
About Author
on December 15, 2014
@JasmineTheFox @Celtic_Wolf @Matlen @Crimsonthehedgehog
New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
About Author
on December 15, 2014
YES! And I have red hair now :o and I lost a arm! And my boyfriend became lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump! XD but still I hope those sirens mean a ambulance...
About Author
on December 09, 2014
@Matlen @JasmineTheFox @Crimsonthehedgehog @Celtic_Wolf
About Author
on December 09, 2014
Oh no...
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
About Author
on December 01, 2014
Oh..shit just got real
About Author
on December 01, 2014
Oh my god..
About Author
on December 01, 2014
So much love :D
About Author
on December 01, 2014
@Celtic_Wolf @JasmineTheFox @Matlen
About Author
on December 01, 2014
Karuka:as long as I know that if they are here to save us there is a way when there's a will I wonder if we can get samekichi and Markus out of here with us? I hope so..I know samekichi cares not for me but...maybe if Markus truly does care then...I could care for him too..
About Author
on November 30, 2014
Mukri:beat them up alice!
About Author
on November 28, 2014
Oh and is that Aleasha with her blue hair in the pic in the newest chapter?
Yeah couldn't find a pic so I made one..or tried
Oh that's fine! I found a pic I just need to add the streaks and tips
About Author
on November 28, 2014
About Author
on November 28, 2014
About Author
on November 28, 2014
Aleasha: *starts to get an evil look on her face whether she's quiet or not* I. Will. Kill. You!
About Author
on November 28, 2014
About Author
on November 28, 2014
No! *Karuka begins crying* I...failed......Markus....I'm sorry....
Aw :( I love when yall do this Cuz it helps me with the characters
Yeah she's sad since she screamed :p
About Author
on November 27, 2014
About Author
on November 27, 2014
About Author
on November 27, 2014
I really love the twin sister
Yay :D
About Author
on November 27, 2014
About Author
on November 27, 2014
@Alistar @Matlen @Celtic_Wolf @Crimsonthehedgehog @JasmineTheFox NEW CHAPTER
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!
About Author
on November 27, 2014
Relax. Lol I just needed a cliff hanger for the upcoming chapter. You will see what happens.
About Author
on November 26, 2014
About Author
on November 26, 2014
About Author
on November 25, 2014
More more more!!!!!!!! :d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d
About Author
on November 25, 2014
Aleasha: *screams bloody murder* *claps hand over mouth* omg! M-Mary...she's....GONE! How could the monsters do this to a sweet innocent girl?!
About Author
on November 25, 2014
About Author
on November 25, 2014
@Alistar @AnimePup @Celtic_Wolf @Crimsonthehedgehog @JasmineTheFox @Matlen NEW CHAPTER :D
Still loving this story!
About Author
on November 25, 2014
About Author
on November 25, 2014
About Author
on November 25, 2014
Nooo! I got an apple stuck to my head now! D:
About Author
on November 18, 2014
@Alistar @Celtic_Wolf @JasmineTheFox @Crimsonthehedgehog @Matlen New Chapter made 2 in one day since I didn't update in a week :)
About Author
on November 15, 2014
About Author
on November 15, 2014
Keep me posted!
About Author
on November 15, 2014
Loving this so far.
About Author
on November 15, 2014