
Noises. Sounds of people voices. Familiar voices. The sound of panic. Opening my drowsy purple eyes, I saw three blurry figures around me. With my eyes focusing more, I noticed two of the girls were Adrienne and Aleasha while the boy in the corner appeared to be the one Adrienne called Samekichi. His appearance scared me more than anything, and the dark mysterious atmosphere around him didn't help.
Raising my pale body up, I felt a throbbing pain rise from the back of my head. Placing my hand behind my head, I felt the knot from the object that appeared to have hit me. Running to my side, I saw Adrienne's red long hair jumping in the wind.
With her arms wrapping around me, Adrienne realized how terrified I was. The room around us covered with dark red blood. Wood from the old house fell off its border while a dreadful smell of death filled through out the room. My curiosity and fear grew larger as I realized the others were not here.
Shaking, I glared at Adrienne asking, "Adrienne, where are we?"
Looking at me with her brown eyes, she answered, "I don't know. Samekichi, where are we? What happened?" However, even though she asked him, he did not respond to her question. The only response he gave was his hysterical laughter.
Still shaking, I added, "I'm scared.."
Smiling down at me, Adrienne confidently said, "Calm down. Aleasha, how are you doing?"
As Aleasha's body shook with fear as well, her blue eyes seemed to have traveled off into a world of no return. Slowly coming back, Aleasha answered,"So much blood. Yeah, I am ok."
With confidence, Adrienne said, "Good. Let's go find the others and.." A pause came from her confident speech as Adrienne glared at the door.
With her sentence halting in the middle, I looked up at her face. Her brown eyes widened at the door while her tan color faded out a little. Glancing at Aleasha, her icy blue eyes seemed to have gotten colder after looking at the door. When I decided to bite my fear and look, my heart sunk into a dark place.
Bright red blood smeared on the door and around it. The newly made blood appeared to be shaped in words, but the blood ran down the wall and door colliding together. Along with the blood, the words terrified me. Written on the wall, the blood said, "Welcome To The Game Of Death. Will you make it out with your friends before us, the hosts, find you?"
Standing up, Adrienne continually glared at the door while she said, "Looks like we aren't alone."
The thought of a game for killing widened my purple eyes. "How are you not scared," saying hesitantly watching the door.
Searching around the room, Adrienne did not look at me as she responded, "If you let them scare us, they will find us. We have to think intelligently about what we do."
What in the world is she thinking? We should just get out of here quickly. Hysterically, I quietly yelled, "But they seem like they know how to play this game!"
"So. Sometimes you know the game too much, you over look things." Adrienne added while she started searching through the cracks of the wall. What could possibly be hidden inside of there? A dead rat maybe.
Sliding closer to me, Aleasha's small body still shook in fear as she asked, "What are you looking for, Adrienne?"
Reaching her hand into the cracks, Adrienne quickly said, "Something to fight with."
"Fight? Ha are you crazy? Don't you see all the blood?" Samekichi urged trying to get Adrienne to be as terrified as the rest of us.
As I watched Adrienne, I noticed a new attitude radiating off of her. Adrienne normally smiled and kept us feeling safe. Now, a dark feeling came from her. Similar to the one Samekichi has, but Adrienne did not scare me. My body continuously shook from fear of death. Aleasha huddled beside me shaking, too.
Aleasha always seemed like a good friend. The topics the others would talk about never interested me, but Aleasha would be too quiet to talk with the rest. So, she talked with me. Both of our parents made us move to a different school, but that thought wasn't helping us now.
Looking across the room, I saw Samekichi smiling with a devilish grin. His white bangs were pulled back a little while his smile controlled most of his face. His grey eyes continually watched Adrienne. Those dark eyes lusted for something. Something strange. Suddenly, low words began to conger from his lips. The voice talked so low I couldn't understand all but one word. Kill.
Terrified, I jumped up and walked my shaking body towards Adrienne and whispered in her ear, "I don't think we should trust him." (Me)
Trying to pull something out, Adrienne quietly asked, "Why?"
Glancing back at Samekichi, I told her, "Cause he is watching you funny and just said kill towards you."
"Really now? We will keep a watch on him." Adrienne responded pulling out a slender metal pipe.
Still trying to get her to realize he is dangerous, I continued by saying, "But Adrienne.."
Slightly smiling, Adrienne finished the conversation by adding, "I know, but we can't leave him to die."
Realizing I couldn't win, I walked back towards Aleasha and sat down next to her shaking body. She had began to shake so much that even her white blonde hair would hid the blue streaks she loved. Suddenly out of the blue, Samekichi asked,"Do you except to fight?"
"I do. I won't let them kill me or any one else." Adrienne confidently responded clinching the pipe.
A evil smile curved on his devilish face. For some reason, Samekichi all appeared to be waiting for a certain answer as he continued, "You expect to kill them. You would be just like them."
Adrienne glared her head up and assuredly stated, "It's kill or be killed. Sadly, I would rather do the killing."
"Wonderful.." Samekichi finished as he silently arouse from sitting down. However, his devilish smile never left his face.
Walking towards us, Adrienne said, "Let's go. We have to find the others."
Reaching her hand out, Adrienne pulled me up with her small muscles and then pulled Aleasha up. Running on fear, I stood behind Adrienne while Samekichi stood beside her and Aleasha stayed behind me. Opening the door, we began our journey through the mansion.
Fear took over my body as the burst of death slammed into our faces. How could people do this? Blood appeared to have dried up on the walls of the house. Glaring beside Adrienne, I wondered why Samekichi was so determined to be around her. His grey eyes noticed me staring as I quickly averted my gaze. Yeah. I am a scary cat, but nothing scared me more than the empty things I saw in the first room Adrienne opened. That moment I noticed the real situation we were in. This game is real.
Danni's Point Of View
Rubbing the back of my head, I felt the throbbing pain increasing. No blood seemed to be coming from the wound, but that doesn't excuse how we got in here. The wood on the walls slowly fell off their bloody holders. Looking around, nothing but walls appeared to be in this room. Also, I saw Karuka, Lilliuth, and Mary raising up, but where was Markus? Could something have happened to him? Walking towards Karuka, I held her small pale hand and picked her small body off the ground.
Holding my hand tightly, Karuka quickly asked, "Adrienne, is that you? What happened? Where are we? What is that smell?"
"Karuka, it is me, Danni. I don't know where the others are nor do I know where we are." I answered carefully positioning her up. I feel bad Adrienne wasn't her for her. Where was Adrienne?
"Danni, have you looked at the door?" Mary stated in a terrified voice.
Staring at the door, I confusingly stated, "What in the world?"
Glaring at the door, bright red blood oozed on it creating a arrangement of letters. The smell we continuously smell must have been originating from who ever's blood that previously was. Reading the sentence, I soon began to become the coward that hid inside of me.
"Welcome To The Game Of Death. Will you make it out with your friends before us, the host, find you? What does that mean? Are they going to kill us?" Lilliuth stated pointing towards the door like it was going to give her an answer.
Reaching around terrified, Karuka held on to me tighter saying,"Kill us?? What did we do?"
"I don't know. Let's get out of here." I answered pulling her up.
"Where are the others?" Mary wondered brushing her black hair with her fingers. Her appearance seemed to be so calm like mine, but I bet she was just as terrified as me on the inside.
Trying to think of something to sound hopeful, I added, "We will find them. Let's go."
Why did we have to follow those stupid boys? This would of never happened if we just continued to have fun without them. Now, we are in a creepy mansion playing a creepy game. Walking out the door, we creeped through the small hallway carefully. The walls appeared to have large amounts of dried blood covered on each wall.
Suddenly, we heard footsteps stomping a large distance in front of us. Looking around, we found two closets on the opposite sides of the walls. Grabbing Karuka, I pulled her into one closet while Mary and Lilliuth ran into the other one. Whispering into Karuka's ear, I told her to be quiet and not move at all.
Emerging out from the corner, a pale skin girl with her long black hair sitting on her shoulders wearing a tight leather sleeveless jacket, black leather skinny jeans, long black boots, and black leather gloves walked in front of the door with two people. The girl appeared to have a cold hearted nature to her.
Staring at the other girl with stormy grey eyes, another pale girl walked around by her. The other girl had dark medium length purple hair with a black tee shirt, black pants, and blue sneakers. When she looked at the wall, her grey eyes seemed to have never had any life in them. Along side of the lifeless girl was no other than Markus.
Stopping in between the two closets, the cold hearted girl glared at Markus asking, "Are you sure they are in there?"
Markus never looked up at the girl once she asked the question. From the way he acted I guessed he was terrified of her. His only response to her question was, " Yes, Sister Mme. I made sure they are in there." I couldn't believe what I just heard. My body began to be the coward I truly was.
With the smaller girl laying against our closet door, I held Karuka tight while placing my hand over hers. The girl then added on by saying, "I hope they have started moving around. I like a good chase."
"Oh, Bloodie. It would be more fun if the others saw their friends' dead." The one Markus called Mme said. However, my mind still circled around the thought of that being his sister. He was so nice to us, but she is so cold. With a dark smile curving on that pale face, I never noticed the scar on Mme's arms until now. Those scars did not hid away from the incredible beauty she had. Still, I wondered what had she been through to get in this position.
The one she called Bloodie raised from the door and responded, "I know it would be, but I don't see it fair Samekichi called dibs on the red head. She appeared like she could put up a fight."
After that, Markus raised his head up and stated, "Yes, Bloodie, but Samekichi called her. He plans to kill the Karuka girl to make her angry. Then, he will fight her ,or she will possibly join us. Samekichi said he felt like she was hiding something." Karuka's body begin to shake as I held her extremely tight. Why would Samekichi want to do this?
A jolt of laughter exploded out of Mme's mouth at that moment. What funny thing did Markus say? Still laughing, Mme yelled, "We will slowly kill her friends off one by one. Does he really think she would join us?"
After that, the conversation continued to walk on down the hallway. I knew Mary and Lilliuth were just as terrified as us. Holding Karuka, I waited till I knew they were far off before getting out; however, we did not leave any time soon after a large scream radiated through the hallways saying, "Yes! Let the Game Of Death begin!"
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!