Hater Diss

You'll probably think twice
Because I'm now on the edge of glory
Living a life that's quite nice.
My name is Stephanie
You haters better remember that
You can look for me in S.C.
Because that's where I'm at
You say I'm a fake
I'll show you what a fake is
Just listen to my lyrics carefully
Because this is a hater diss.
You told me I would fail in life
Yeah that was a joke
Because look at me now
I'm succeeding life you now know.
For all my girls out there who are going through the same thing
Hold you head up high
Don't let nobody tell you, you can't succeed
Because that's all a lie.
You are you
You are a one of a kind
You are special
Don't pay them haters no mind
You are beautiful in your own way
This I believe,
If your reading this, I hope you make something out of yourself
And one day, you will succeed.
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