Chapter 0: Welcome to Briarwood

“Martin, Hurry up!” Leo Shouted, “We’re gonna be Late”.
“I’m trying, I’m not as fast as you!”, panted Martin,
“Well then you should have joined the scouts, They’ll build you up!”
“And take orders from you? I’m a man of my own order thank you.” Martin replied
“Oh yes, my apologies Mr. Uptight-High and Mighty, Lord of the Guards” Leo retorted, rolling his eyes.
They were on their way to a festival held once a year in their village, Briarwood, in which they will be competing in a competition to decide the ranks of the Knights, Guards and Scouts, The three different divisions of the village’s army. Leo Wallace, a 17-year-old boy with a slender build, green eyes, and rusty brown hair, is the current leader of the Scouts of his village. The scouts specialize in stealth and agility, and depend on quick and precise attacks. Martin Dunshire, an 18-year-old with a moderate build, black eyes, and somewhat-spiky black hair is the current leader of the guards, who specialize in heavy defense and hard attacks, their attacks are stronger than those of the scouts, but slower.
“They’re having the cross rank tag team again this year, right? Last year we tore it up” Leo asked.
“Yeah, but it’s the last event as to not drain the energy of the competitors before they can test their rank. Even though we have to use wooden weapons, they still take a toll.” Martin stated.
“Well, at least they’re letting me use both wooden katanas this year, that make blocking a lot easier” Leo said.
“Well I feel like a child using that wooden shield, but at least I could carve my Longsword to my preference.”
“Now you’re getting into the spirit, just hope that that shield doesn’t break this year, I had to handle your defense last year and we both know how that turned out.”
“Ha, yeah, how many teeth did you lose again?” Martin asked.
“Just the one! And they were able to put it back in, remember? Look and see for yourself!” Leo pulled down his lower lip and opened his mouth, showing that he still had his molar.
“Yeah, just shut your mouth, you’re gonna catch flies like that” Leo quickly closed his mouth and continued walking.
“Hey, I think I see it!” Leo said, pointing to a large sign that said “BRIARWOOD VILLAGE FESTIVAL”.
“What was your first clue?” Stated Martin.
“Heh, always the sarcastic one aren’t you? Let’s hurry.”
Leo started sprinting to the sign, Martin simply stated
“Ugh, this again…. LEO HOLD UP!”
Cheers and chatter of a crowd could be heard around inside the festival, People gathered around from all over the village to purchase merchandise and play games celebrating the Kendred culture, all which would boil down to the final event.
Two men in broad, plated armor were standing at the entrance, as well as a large, muscular man with short blonde hair. Leo and Martin Approached the entrance, and they heard the man speaking to the soldiers
“Ok, I’m going to make this brief. If you see a Shedan, order them back to their village unless they can prove they have business here. This village is currently under treaty, so do not engage.” He announced
“Understood sir, but what exactly is a “Shedan”?” One of the guards asked.
“Are you dim? Who do you think our war is with? The Shedan is the rival faction of the Kendred. I swear what did you all learn in boot camp?” Darren stated.
“We didn’t go to boot camp… this IS our learning.” A soldier replied. The man gritted his teeth.
“How will we know that they’re Shedan, and not a Kendred like us?” The other guard asked. The man sighed.
“Look for animal ears, tails, etc. Trust me, you’ll know those mutts when you see them.” Leo and Martin approached the ongoing conversation.
“Hey Darren.” Martin chimed in.
“And where have you two been? As captains you’re supposed to help guard the Festival” Darren went into a small fury, demanding answers. Martin retorted with a snooty tone.
“We were patrolling the outer path. And we got our orders directly from my father and Leos grandfather.” He finished. Darren put his hand on his face and sighed once more.
“I guess if it was ordered by Connor and Garret, it must’ve been important, what was the business?” Darren Asked. Leo looked up at him.
“Somebody reported a theft and a bit of fur was found near the site” Said Leo. “They think maybe a couple Shedan had something to do with it but they aren’t sure, they wanted our opinion”
“Alright then, I was misinformed, please continue on your way.” The two started walking, but then looked at the symbols on the soldier’s plated armor. Leo turned to Darren staring pointing to the recruits.
“Are these two new?” Asked Leo.
“Yep” said Darren “They just joined about a month ago, so they’re standing guard for some experience” Martin looked up at both of them.
“Well, I wish the best of luck to both of you” said Martin “we’ll be on our way”
“YESSIR” The soldiers shouted in unison. Darren’s face went red.
“Okay, you two DO NOT TAKE ORDERS FROM ANYWHERE BUT ME.” Darren ordered. The two soldiers started to sweat. Martin looked up at Darren.
“What about my father?” He said with a smug face.
“Yes, they have to take orders from Connor.” He said, his eyes closed with annoyance.
“And what about Garret?” Martin added. Darren looked at him.
“You two just go on your way, and let us do what we need.” He said.
“Alright then.” Martin said. The two past the front gate in the clearing of the forest. The walked a ways into the cluster of people walking through the paths. Leo looked at Martin.
“What do you think of those new recruits?” he Leo.
“What? Oh. I think I feel sorry for them.
“Just look, they’ve been stuck with Darren.” Martin explained.
“You have a point.” LE said, he hang his down just a little, but then looked back up brightly.
“Hey, look who it is!” Leo shouted
They made their way through the crowd to a small fountain spring in the middle of the festival. There was an Elderly looking man chatting with a man who appeared to be middle-aged.
“Yeah, Gina would’ve loved the festival Connor,” Said the Elderly man “She would’ve been proud of her son to see he’s the head scout now.”
“Yeah, poor kid. Lost his mother to fever, and his father just up and vanished like that. I could never do that to Martin”
“Hey Dad!” Martin shouted. The middle-aged man turned to look at the boy
“Speak of the devil” The elderly man said.
“Hello Connor.” Leo said, Connor just smiled and replied “Greetings Leo.” He looked at the elderly man.
“I think Garret wanted you to see something” Connor said.
Yes, I do” Said The elderly man.
“Yes?” Leo asked.
“Follow me”
“Alright.” Leo walked off with his grandpa, waving to Martin and Connor.
“Hey Martin” Connor said to his son
“I have something for you” He pulled a small amulet out of his pocket.
“Here take it” Martin grasped the small pendant dangling from his father’s hand.
“It’s a family heirloom, it came from your mother’s side, but now I’m giving it to you. She always said it would bring good luck when you really needed it. Please be careful with it”
“I will, I promise” Martin said “I miss her too.”
“I know you do” said Connor, he then looked at Martin puzzled, and noticed he was looking around.
“You looking for somebody?”
“Yeah, I thought Sarah would be here, not like her to miss a traditional thing like this”
“Well, your sister’s got her studies to tend to up at the academy, she wants to be a healer you know”
“Yeah I know” said Martin. “I’ve never had the same interest in magic she shows, I never understood all the different classifications and types.”
“Well, she takes after your mother, she always loved magic” an announcement was sounded from down the street from where they were standing.
“Hey! Looks like the guard tournament is coming up, you better get out there!”
“Right!” Martin put the pendant in his pocket and walked off to the arena to prepare.
“What did you want to show me grandpa?”
“You’ll find out when we get there”
They approached a large tent, and entered. A man was sitting at a small counter and immediately recognized Garret.
“You got it ready?” Garret asked.
“Yep, got it right here” The man pulled up a package from behind the counter, and handed it to Garret. “Alright Leo, I want you to take good care of this, I had it made specifically to your preferences” Leo unwrapped the package, and pulled out a sheathed blade.
“Thanks, Grandpa.” he said. His eyes studied the sheath.
“Go on.” Garret pointed to the sword.
Leo slowly pulled out the blade, and held it firm. It had a single blade along the side, and was jet-black.
“Grandpa, this mark…” He gestured to a mark near the hilt of the blade.
“Like I said, it was specifically made for you, it matches that mark on your wrist doesn’t it?”
“yeah, it does.” Leo put the blade back into its sheathe
“Hey, what’s the story of that mark?” The man at the counter asked.
“Oh sorry, not my business,” He quickly ended his previous statement. He turned and started to get something from behind him.
“However, there were two crystals your grandfather gave me for the hilt.” He said. Leo gave him a puzzled look.
“So I made a second.” He finished. He pulled up another package and unwrapped it. The blacksmith smiled.
“Thank you, sir, but I don’t know if I can pay for this. I don’t exactly get paid as a scout because of my age.” Leo explained.
“Don’t worry, it’s free of charge.” Scott said. Leo’s eye lit up.
“Thank you, sir.” He said.
Leo grasped the second blade and attached the sheathes to his belt. “you said you wanted to know the story behind the mark?” Leo said to the man at the counter.
“It’s none of my business.”
“It’s alright.” Leo replied “It doesn’t really mean much I don’t think, it something that ran in my dad’s side of the family. It’s really just a birthmark”
“So your dad had that mark too?”
“Yeah, on his left wrist, just like I do.”
“What about your grandfather”
“No, afraid not” Garret chimed in.
“Well, you two better get going, they’ve already started the guard’s tournament, don’t want to miss your classes ranking” The man said.
“Thanks Scott, we’ll be on our way” Said Garret. “Thank you” Said Leo. Leo and Garret waved back as they left the tent.
Leo and his grandfather walked around the streets for a while, talking about how things had been going in the village. Things had changed after all. A war between the Shedan and Kendred clans had finally ended. All seemed to be at peace.
“It’s nice to have the festival out of the village this year” Garret stated. “It feels nice to be out in the forest, and not surrounded by the village walls.”
“Yeah. Especially since everyone has been so paranoid lately. I think the heat is getting to everyone” Leo agreed.
“Well, if anything happens, I’m positive you and Martin can handle it. Look at you, kiddo, the youngest scout captain Briarwood has ever seen. Your mother would be proud.”
“Yeah.” Leo sighed
His grandfather brought up the generosity of the blacksmith, quickly trying to change the subject.
“Grandpa, I’m not sure if I can use the second one” Said Leo. “I mean, I like to use two weapons, but it’s usually my Saber and my dagger.”
“It’s alright, you can use it if yours breaks, or you can practice with two swords.” Replied garret. Leo moved the first katana onto the back of his shoulder-strap.
“Why are you moving that there?” Garret asked, out of curiosity.
“Because the baldric part of this uniform is supposed to hold my primary weapon to my back. I can sheath it a little easier now, and I’m not smacking things as I turn.” Leo replied. They were approaching the arena
“AND THE WINNER IS” they heard the announcer shouting “MARTIN DUNSHIRE!”
“I’m not surprised.” Garret stated “That boys got talent, his blocks are flawless, and he’s got good reaction time. Kind of like you, you have incredible speed and strong counters. You two could really teach each other a thing or two.”
“The only thing he’s taught me is how to use my teeth as a shield.” Leo replied sarcastically. “But he is definitely strong, I’ll give him that. He held of those three wolves that slipped in through the hole in the outer wall Single handed, and he didn’t even break a sweat. It was almost inhuman.”
“Well you might have been in on the action if you hadn’t misplaced that saber of yours.” Garret chuckled.
Leo and Garret were walking down the street as Martin approached them from the arena. “There you two are. Looks like you’re next Leo.” Leo noticed Martin was holding his shoulder as if he had been wounded.
“Yeah, did you take a big hit to the shoulder or something?”
“Yeah, the last fight. He bashed me with a shield and knocked me back, and proceeded to attack me.”
“Ouch, how’d you get out of that?”
“He knocked me to the ground when I was hit in the shoulder, and because. I was on the ground I swept his feet, jumped up, and held my blade to his throat.”
“and they called it there?”
“Yeah., hey, don’t mind me, but I’m gonna go sit down over here by the infirmary. I’m not bleeding but some ice won’t hurt.” Martin turned and headed to a large white tent.
“Good luck.” He said as he walked off.
“Well Leo, I think it’s time you head up.” said Garret. Leo nodded and started his walk up to the arena. “OUR FIRST MATCH IN THE SCOUTS TOURNEY WILL BE KAITLYN RONES VS. LAWRENCE BARKER”
“Gah, that’s cold.” whined Martin as a nurse put ice on his shoulder.
“I know, but you need to put some ice on that wound sir, or its going to get worse” said the nurse.
“I know, thanks. I think I can take it from here.” He took the chunk of ice wrapped in rags from the nurse. “Ok, is there anything else I can do for you, sir?”
“No, that will be all, thank you” The nurse gathered her supplies and left the infirmary. It wasn’t much, mainly a white tent with a couple tables and beds, and a back area where the doctors and nurses kept their supplies, and treated serious injuries. It was located directly beside the arena, so cheers could be heard from the crowd outside.
“it’s ok, well get you fixed up” Martin heard someone outside say, and he saw a young girl helping a boy with a broken bleeding nose into the Infirmary.
“Here have a seat here, I’ll be right back” the girl turned around and saw Martin. Martins face filled with disbelief. “Sarah?” he asked. She didn’t even give any time to react. His sister pounced on him and gave him a hug.
“Martin!” she cried. “I missed you so much”
“I missed you too, could you not hug so hard? My shoulders in bad shape.”
“Oh, sorry, I’ll be right back out here to fix you up, I have to go get my things.” His sister ran into the back room.
“I thought she was at the academy?” he thought
The boy sitting on the bed across from him looked up and exclaimed “Captain Martin! Sir it’s an honor!” His voice was a bit muffled.
“Oh, hi. That looks like it hurt, what happened?” Martin gestured to the boy’s nose
“I just got my nose bashed in by Captain Leo, sir. He felt so bad about it I felt sorry for him, and I was the one that got hit!”
“Yeah, that’s what he’s like, he could sneak into your home and murder your family, and you’d still give him the shirt off your back, and please, you don’t have to call me sir, I’m not giving orders or anything” Martin gave a friendly grin to the boy.
They sat down and chatted about the fights in the tournament.
“So how many people qualified for the Scout tourney?” Martin asked.
“Only, eight” He replied. “First I fought Kaitlyn, then I fought Joey, but they were nothing compared to captain Leo. I knew he would be tough though, he’s the youngest captain the Kendred have seen!”
“Heh, yeah,” Martin shrugged, and then a look of realization crossed his face.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Martin said to the boy. “I never asked you your name.”
“Lawrence Barker, sir.”
“What round did you face Leo in, may I ask?” Martin asked Lawrence.
“The third round, Semi-finals.” He replied
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he didn’t look as intimidating as you thought, and you dropped your guard?”
“Yes sir.”
“You really don’t have to call me sir, just call me Martin.”
“Oh, I’m sorry sir… uh, I mean Martin”
“Ok you two, I’m on my way!” Sarah shouted from the back, she came out from the back room, wearing her blonde hair down and had an excited grin. She walked over to Lawrence.
“Ok, is it just your nose or did you get hit anywhere else?”
“just my nose, thank you.” Lawrence replied
“Ok, now hold still” She raised her hands over his nose, and mumbled inaudible words. Her hands glowed with a golden light. She lowered them to reveal Lawrence’s nose fully repaired.
“Wow.” he exclaimed. “Where’d you learn to do that?”
“The academy?” Martin budded in.
“Yeah, but I can tell that you Don’t really care much about that, do you?” She explained.
“Nope.” Martin grinned. “It’s nice to have you back here little sis.” Martin thought about what he had just said.
“Hey, I thought Dad said you wouldn’t be home this year?”
“I know; I haven’t really seen Dad anywhere. There was a group of trolls that decided to make their home underneath the school, so they sent all the students home until they could deal with the threat.” Martin nodded in agreement.
“Though I do have to say it’s nice to be back in Alma, let alone Briarwood… Oh, right!” she looked over at Lawrence. “You can go, just be more careful”
“Yes, thank you.” He got up and left the tent.
“Oh Martin, Terrance is such a wonderful place, I hope you get to go there someday.”
“Yeah, but I like Alma’s forests a bit better than Terrance’s plains and mountains.” Martin shrugged.
“Ha. Alright, which shoulder did you say was hurt?” Sarah remembered what she was doing.
“My left one.” Sarah Pulled down the shoulder of his shirt and began to heal it.
“So how have things been down here since I left?” Sarah asked.
“Well, in the past couple years, not much has happened, Leo and I became captains, a couple of bandit raids, a wolf attack or two. Oh, and the Shedan Village near here signed a peace treaty, so that’s taken care of for now.”
“Well, that last part doesn’t sound like it’s not much…. Aaannd there, your shoulder should be good as new” Martin leaned forward and twisted arm about.
“Wow! Thanks Sis!”
“No problem, just don’t do anything rough with it.”
“Will do. Hey, that’s impressive spell work you have there, so what all can you do with it?”
“Right now I can cast lesser healing spells and wards, but that’s about it. As far as healing goes…. I can only heal minor wounds; it would take a more powerful mage or multiple healers to cure a more serious wound.”
“Oh, nifty.” Martin responded.
“Hey,” Sarah said. “You haven’t noticed anything strange going on have you?”
“No, not really. Well, except the Shedan have been less active around here, but that’s probably because we have a treaty.”
“Yeah, about the treaty, what resolved that? You said you were a captain now, so you must know”
Asked Sarah anxiously.”
“It wasn’t anything big, but promise me you won’t spread it around?”
“I promise” His sister ensured, she looked into his eyes to signal he could trust her.
“Ok, so it was a couple weeks ago when the drou-” Martin was interrupted by a sudden burst into the tent.
“MARTIN, COME QUICK, ITS AN EMERGENCY!” Leo ran in panting and screaming.
“Leo what’s going o-”
Martin ran out of the tent and made his way to the blacksmiths, he shoved his way through panicking crowds.
“Scott!” Martin shouted, as he ran into the forge.
“Captain, sir it’s an ho-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I need my sword and shield ASAP.”
“YESSIR!” Said Scott, he rushed into the tents back compartment and came out with a silver sword and shield, both engraved with the Kendred symbol for “Guard”
“These are the best I can give you right now.”
“Thank you.” Martin exclaimed. He took the sword and shield and ran out the doorway of the tent.
“yes sir, alright, sir.” Scott returned to his work.
Martin fought his way through the screaming crowd. He saw the faces of people crying in sheer terror. People were hiding and trying to shield their children as they ran for safety.
“Good god, what happened?” He thought to himself. There was one lady who had fallen and was being trampled by the crowds. Martin quickly ran to her.
“Take my hand, you need to get out of here!” She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up, and without a second thought, fled. Martin looked off into the distance to see Leo, who was lying limp and lifeless on the edge of the forest. “Oh God, Leo!?” He shouted, there was no reaction. He started making his way to Leo. He was about ten feet from him when he was hit in the back with something sharp.
“Hah! Gotcha!” He heard someone say. Martin was knocked to the ground.
“Hello there. You’re Martin Dunshire, Captain of the Briarwood Guards, right? Not so High-and-Mighty now, are you?” he heard someone say. He looked up to see a boy with wolf ears and yellow eyes looking down upon him. “So what do you say Kendred, are you ready to die?” The boy raised his blade. And begun to bring it down.
The movement was swift. He couldn’t think, and there was no time to react. He saw his life flash before his eyes.
The sharp sound of metal clashing made Martin’s ears ring, followed by a moment of piercing silence.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL DOING DOWN THERE, MARTIN? GET UP AND HELP ME WITH THIS!” As Martin looked up, he was amazed to see Leo standing above him.
“What the hell?” The Shedan boy exclaimed. “I thought I finished you!”
“Rule number one, Don’t ever assume in combat!” Leo Broke the block and jabbed at the boy with his katana
“Rule number two, never underestimate the enemy!” Leo sliced at the boy. and unsheathed a dagger strapped to his shin.
“Rule number three, never assault a captain!” Leo pulled back his katana and threw the dagger, striking the boy in the chest. The Shedan fell back, unmoving.
“Welcome to Briarwood, mutt.” Leo said.
“Damn you” The Boy said with his final breath. Leo sheathed his katana, fire burned brightly in his eyes, but at the same time, he appeared to regret his actions.
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or something
I await for a new chapter of Impure to be uploaded, as many others do. I may need to re-read the story again in order to be able to fluently traverse to the next chapter, like a person traveling from one town to the next...the same but different at the same time, and must be re-read See More in order to be able to transfer from one place to the next...I suppose maybe more like following what we Americans call the Louis and Clarke trail if you were to traverse that same trail first made by them...I may have gotten a tad bit off topic....and rambled...though I cannot wait until the next chapter arrives....speaking of chapters...I should continue my story as well some time...
I may have just shut my door to my room due to my parents....watching youtube videos with more than the usual amount of swearing in them....and now I worry whether that may have been rude or that door separates the two bedrooms...
That may also be the only one of its Tyler's hands...
I'll probably redraw Linda
Is there a reference picture?
I originally meant to do it digitally, but due to an incident I have to do it on paper
Where do I upload the picture?
There are grammatical errors that are bothering me, and it's a little difficult to see who's talking but the plot is great so far! Keep writing ^_^
I guess I know what I'll be reading for the rest of this day! Well done, hope to see more later!
Chapter One = Kind of confusing, and has some grammar errors that are kind of bothering me, but overall really good!
2. It will be easier to understand AND look smoother (and be grammatically correct) if you start a new line/paragraph every time someone speaks.
Mostly just those two things.