Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)

"Hurry up!" Grell shouted as he gently hit the door, you groaned. "YOU ALMOST MADE ME MESS UP MY MAKE UP! And hold you horses! I have to look good, you don't want an ugly animal walking around with do you?" You asked, silence. "Your right you know..alright but hurry up OK!" He said, after a few minutes you opened the door to get a punch in the face. "OW YOU ASS!" You said, he smiled and laughed."Sorry!" He said, you couldn't help but laugh. You couldn't help loved him. But he loved Sebastian, not you. But what does it hurt to have dreams and day dreams about it right? You looked in the mirror and smiled, nothings ruined. "Come on then! Let's get our jobs done so I can see my Sebby sooner!" He said pulling on your arm, you nodded and followed him to the human world.
After you reaped your last soul, you found Grell holding a poster. "OH Whats that?" You asked snatching the poster from him. Huh, a new movie....sweet! "Hey! Wanna go with me?" You asked happily, he groaned. "But I wanna see Sebby! I haven't seen him in ages!" He complained, you narrowed you eyes. "You.Saw.Him.Yesterday.Morning."You said, he looked at you with his gold eyes. "You, me, movie NOW!" You said, he reluctantly nodded and was silent as you two walked to the movies. Once you got there you hugged him. "HEY HEY! No hugging! I don't want my Sebby to get the wrong idea." He said glumly and slightly annoyed, you sighed and let go of him. You two watched the movie, but you were the only ones so you two could talk. He kept on talking about how much he misses his 'Sebby' and how he misses him. You clenched your fists. 'I can't hold it anymore!' you thought. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" You shouted and stood up. "Hey! What's your problem?" He asked. "It's only about Sebastian isn't it! I hate you you idiot!" You shouted and stomped out of the movie theater.
"William! Have you seen Y/N? I haven't seen her in a few days." Grell said, almost sadly. "Is it maybe she has been avoiding you?" He said, Grell huffed. "Avoiding ME? We have been friends for forever! She would never." He said, William pushed up his glasses and looked at him. "She might be, go look somewhere else." William said, Grell sighed and left. "He's gone now Y/N." William said, you took a deep breath (you held it because you didn't want Grell to hear you) and crawled out from Williams desk. "Thank you, William." You said, he nodded.
3ed person P.O.V
Grell jumped through your window and looked around. "How dare she hide from me while I've been looking for her!" Grell shouted and blinked when a flash of metal hit his eyes. "Now, whats this?" Grell asked as he fully went into Y/N's room and picked up the gold edged leather book. "My, oh my, her journal." Grell said and read through it.
'That asshole! Grell finally went to the damn movies with me! I was so happy because I thought he could finally love me like I love him...but NOOO it was always Sebastian this Sebastian that!.....why can't Grell just fuckking love me?'
Grell's green eye's went wide as he closed the book. Y/N barged into her room and gasped. "What the hell are you doing!?" Y/N shouted, Grell jumped and dropped the book. Y/N quickly grabbed it and held it close to her chest. "Why have you never told me?" Grell asked, Y/N E/C eyes went wide and teared up.
Your P.O.V
You felt your eye's water. "Get..the...fuckk...out." You said pushing him out of your room. "YOU FUCKKING ASSHOLE!" You shouted and slammed the door. You fell on your bed and cried.
(The next week)
You woke up from a hand gently caressing your face. "Why am I so could I never see that your the one." Grell said sadly. You slightly moved, causing him to stop moving. After he thought you were still asleep he kept on caressing your face. "You little ass." you said softly, he stopped moving. "Y..your awake?!" He said jumping up. "You asshole, lay down." You muttered, he didn't move until you slammed a pillow on the bed. "You.Lay.Next.To.Me." You said, he laid down next to you. You smiled and turned around, nuzzling your face in his chest. He gently started to caress your back. "Hey, your to tired to kill anyone right?" He asked, you nodded. "Great! Then I can do this!" He said tilting your face up to his and slammed his lips on yours. Your eyes widened. A few seconds later, he separated and looked at you through his red glasses. "Y/N.....I love you."
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N (Pokemon)
Rin Matsuoka
L See More
Humanoid!Bill Cipher
Metttaon EX (but not a romantic thing more just like friends hanging out n stuff)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Gray Fullbuster
Jellal Fernandes
not as much as people who have actually played Final Fantasy VII
But some stuff
Those are in no particular order by the way so yeah...
Can you tell me what anime Kiba from?
Depressed! L x reader
Chubby! Jeff x reader
the ! means that that is the reader :3
totally :3
Now, ya wanna Lime, Lemon, or just a one shot?
I haven't been typing these as much as i should,
so this post was awesome :3
and Finny is coming up after Ciel's Lemon ;)
If ya want another one just ask, I'll be glad to make one :3
*clears throat* um sorry, fangirl moment...yes :3
I need.
17 DAYS!!!!! :((
I'm sorry.
I have an unhealthy obsession with him.
If so I would like to ask for another character
cooulld you mayayybbeee
make mine one? X3
Could you do James from Team Rocket for me?
(sorry just saw this and yeah)
And if you do Asura, could you try to make it more Yandere than the others? It would fit him better.
Maybe Asura from SE?