Jean Kirstein (Attack On Titan)

Your P.O.V
"I hate you." You muttered under your breath as you scrubbed the horse stables. "Fuckiing Levi..." You huffed as you ran a hand threw your (h/c) hair and sat back. You grabbed your shoulder and moved it around. A light brown muzzle moved in front of your face. "Ah, hello there." You said as you reached up and lightly patted the horses snout. You made a disgusted noise as the horse snorted and snot got all over your clothes. "Gross!" You held your arms up and out as you looked at your uniform. "Ah....well....I guess I had worse." You laughed, but slowly stopped as you remembered that one day.
{Flash back brought to you by Levi standing on his toes to seem taller}
"GET AWAY!" You shouted to your team mate, your last team mate. You quickly used your 3D maneuver gear and whipped out your weapons. "I SAID GET AWAY I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS ONE!" You shouted, trying to save her. She looked at you and nodded before she shot away. You slightly smiled. You knew that this one was stronger then any other Titan you've fought before. It already killed your team mates. "At least I can die knowing I saved one of them...I'm a disgrace for not saving them all." You wiped the blood from your mouth and smiled. "Well dipshit, today's your lucky ass day!" You shouted as you looked up at the ten meter brown haired Titan.
It let out a loud rumble sound and dove for you, you jumped in the air and used the hooks to hook onto its back. It's arm swung up to the right, you swayed your body to the left, and smirked as you dove down to hit its neck.
A sharp pain ran trough your body before you made it. Your eyes narrowed and filled with tears. "" You looked up at the Titan. " did you catch me...SO QUICKLY! I AM (f/n) (m/n) (l/n)! I AM THE GOD OF SURVIVING THE MOST DANGEROUS SITUATIONS! I'VE SURVIVED THINGS THAT SHOULD HAVE KILLED ME!" You shouted as you slammed your fists on the Titans hand. "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME SO SIMPLY!.....d..damn...I NEVER EVEN GOT TO TELL HIM!" You cried as you went limp. It was rested your head on its hand and sniffled. You never got to tell him how you felt...You felt the Titan move you to its mouth, the smell of wet dog and death hit your noise, slightly making you cringe.
It dropped you in its mouth, you gasped as you heard a voice. "What the hell!?" You reached out, clawing to get out, but its mouth was too wet. You heard the sound of 3D maneuver gear, and the sound of the back on the Titans neck being sliced open. The Titan made a loud noise, which made you almost stop clawing to escape, but you know that if you did, you would slip down its throat. The Titan fell down and started to waste away. "(y/n)!?" The voice shouted as you crawled out of its mouth. You flopped on the ground, breathing heavily and soaked to the bone with slobber. "(y/n) Answer me!" The voice shouted, you slightly looked to the side. "J...Jean."
{Back to the present time brought to you by Armin being adorable}
"Are you OK?" You snapped your head up to see Jean looking down on you. He crouched down and wiped away your tears. 'I was crying?' You thought as you lightly touched your cheek. "Yeah I'm fine." You said as you continued scrubbing the floor. Jean scoffled. "Yeah right, are you thinking about that day?" He asked, you stopped and slightly looked up. "" You went back to scrubbing, Jean made a noise and placed his hand on top of yours. "Listen, it wasn't your fault OK? So just relax." He said, you sighed and looked up at him. "Ahahaha very funny Horse Face." You said as you stood up and brushed off your lap. "I was just trying to help you out!" He shouted as he stood up with you.
"Anyways, did ya come here to say hello to your family?" You asked as you patted the light brown horse. Jean narrowed his eyes, but slightly softened his look as you laughed. "I actually came here to tell you something." He said, you stopped laughing and leaned against the horse. "Go on then." His cheeks were dusted a light pink as he looked away. "Well...after what happened,..with the Titan.." He said, you blinked. "Yeah...and.." You lightly smiled. 'God you better confess or else I'll shove a potato so far up your ass you'll be crying mashed potatoes for a week.' You thought as you smiled more.
After a small silence you rolled your eyes. "Fucck this." You grabbed his collar and slammed your lips on his. Not two seconds later, you heard a few wolf whistles. You pulled away and looked to the side. "WHAT THE HELL!?" You shouted as you grabbed the dirty bucket and threw it at them. "Horse Face finally got a chick!" Connie laughed, but ended up with the bucket on his head.
"Too bad you were too much of a wimp to confess. She apparently is more of a man then you." Eren shouted, Jean flushed red and grabbed your arms. You opened your mouth to shout again but he slammed his lips back on yours. You rolled your eyes and lightly kissed back. "Oi what's going on?" You looked back to the others and widened your eyes. "SHIT EVERYONE RUN!" Connie shouted as he started running with everyone else. Levi looked at you and crossed his arms. "Tsk, weren't you supposed to be cleaning?" He asked, you looked at Jean, he smirked and picked you up and started running. You heard Levi cursing in the background over everyone laughing.
"Hey (f/n)?" Jean said, you looked at him. "Yeah?"
"If I'm a horse, you can ride me anytime."
(Reader-chan, is it possible to have a nosebleed that bad?)
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N (Pokemon)
Rin Matsuoka
L See More
Humanoid!Bill Cipher
Metttaon EX (but not a romantic thing more just like friends hanging out n stuff)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Gray Fullbuster
Jellal Fernandes
not as much as people who have actually played Final Fantasy VII
But some stuff
Those are in no particular order by the way so yeah...
Can you tell me what anime Kiba from?
Depressed! L x reader
Chubby! Jeff x reader
the ! means that that is the reader :3
totally :3
Now, ya wanna Lime, Lemon, or just a one shot?
I haven't been typing these as much as i should,
so this post was awesome :3
and Finny is coming up after Ciel's Lemon ;)
If ya want another one just ask, I'll be glad to make one :3
*clears throat* um sorry, fangirl moment...yes :3
I need.
17 DAYS!!!!! :((
I'm sorry.
I have an unhealthy obsession with him.
If so I would like to ask for another character
cooulld you mayayybbeee
make mine one? X3
Could you do James from Team Rocket for me?
(sorry just saw this and yeah)
And if you do Asura, could you try to make it more Yandere than the others? It would fit him better.
Maybe Asura from SE?