Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)

You silently groaned. Izaya ran back behind the tree with you and watched the crowd with small brown eyes. "Can we do something I want for a change?" You asked, then shut up once he flicked out his switch blade, he didn't look at you. "Fine." You whispered, and watched the crowd with him. You watched as the crowd get into a huge fight. "What did you do?" You asked, he looked at you. "Nothing...I just put a hundred dollars on the ground." He said quietly and chuckled, you tried slapped his arm, but he blocked it easily. "WHAT T-" He slapped his hand over your mouth. You angerly pushed it away. 'Jeez, he doesn't do anything! All he does is watch people fight, and play a strange version of chess! And yet he never even glances at me!' You thought. You stood up and started to leave. He grabbed your arm and looked at you with his brown eyes. "Don't leave. please." He said, you looked at him dead in the eye and sighed. You sat down and looked at the ground. 'Damn, why is he so manipulative?' You thought.
(Two day time skip)
You walked outside and started walking around the town. You sighed and looked up at the greyish sky. It was going to rain. You smiled at the thought of Izaya holding you in the rain. Lightly placing kisses on your forehead, cheeks, and lips. You shook your head. No, stop that. You unknowingly walked past an ally way. Someone grabbed your arm and yanked you into the ally. You were just about to scream when a knife was put to your throat. "Shut up." A voice said..it can't be, can it? Nakura removed the knife from your neck and grabbed your hair. You yelped. "I want my money back." He said, you looked at him. "I..I...I don't know what your talking about." You said softly. You couldn't tell if he had the knife near you or not. "Oh, come on! I lost more money, your friends with Izaya, right?" He asked, you sighed. Yeah..friends, but if you said anything...he could be able to find Izaya, and hurt him..you can't let that happen!. "No, who is that?" You asked as confused as possible. Small rain drops fell from the sky. "Don't lie to me!" He growled. You jumped. "I sware! I don't know him!" You said holding up your hands. He has to let you go right? You said you don't know him, so maybe, he would let you go.
Nope, he groaned as the rain fell harder. He grew angry and randomly swung the knife, you jumped and tried to get away, only to get a knife in the side. You hisses and fell to the ground. You held your side and looked at the blood mixing with the rain. You curled into a ball. The pain was excruciating. You looked at him, he looked at you and dropped the knife and fled. Great.
Izaya's P.O.V
I looked around, shes not here. I opened the door and walked outside. Yep, shes out here, I can tell. Its raining, that's a big hint. I looked at the rain and started walking around. "Y/N, where are you?" I shouted, silence, the people were inside, so no noise but the sound of rain pounding on metal, and concrete. I took a deep breath, rain. The whole town smelled like wet dog. Well, that's nice. I walked by an alley way and heard a soft cry. I looked in the dark alley, and looked at the ground...red. I walked in the alley and flicked out my switch blade. "I...Iz..Izaya." A soft voice said, followed by a cry. I looked at the ground, more red. "Where are you? Keep on making noises, I'll find you." I said, more sobs and cry's I looked to the left to see a shine of a knife and a body. I ran over to the curled up body and gasped. "Y/N..?" I asked, she sobbed, I looked at her side. I couldn't form words. I picked her up and cringed at her sobs. "I..it hurts..." She said, I looked at her, than the knife. "Nakura." I said, she nodded and grew limp. "Y/N!?" I shouted, and felt her silent breaths, hospital..Now.
(Five day time skip)
Your P.O.V
You woke up and quickly realized your in a hospital. "Finally, I thought you would never wake up." Izaya said, you looked at him and sat up. Sharp and deep pain crossed through your body. "No, lay back down." He said and gently pushed you back down. You smiled at his touch. "Y/N, what did he say?" He asked, you explained it a simple as possible. He nodded and looked you in the eyes. "What?" You asked, he smiled. "You protected me?" He said, you turned slightly pink and turned away. "Is, it because....you love me?" He asked, you closed your eyes and stayed silent. He moved sides so he could face you, but you just turned your head to the other side, and he kept on moving. This went on for a while until he laughed. "Nice, Y/N, but I'm not kidding...do you love me?" He asked, you looked at him and sighed. "First off: Saying that I do, but I'm in a hospital bed is embarrassing. Second off: Maybe I do, maybe I don't." You said and smirked. He raised an eyebrow and looked at you. He shrugged. "Now, that's to bad." He said, you gave him a 'Why?' look. He smiled. "Cause, now I have to say I knew you loved me for a looooong time." He said, you sat up quickly and hissed, but you stayed up. "W//what?" You said, he smiled. "Yep, I knew you loved me." He said smugly. You set your jaw. "Well, this just got even more embarrassing!" You shouted, he looked at you. "Well, now I can do this." He said, and gently kissed you. You jumped, but slowly melted. He put both of his hands on your jaw line and caressed both of your cheeks with his thumbs. You maned up and softly kissed back. You felt him relax and smile. He scooched closer and gently rubbed your sides. You pulled back and gasped in pain, he jumped and looked at you. "I..I'm sorry." He said looking at your wounded side. You forced a smile. "Hey, it's not your fault!" You said laughing, as much as it hurt, it was worth it to see him smile again. He quickly pressed his lips on your again, you smiled and kissed back, until a nurse came in. "Hey, you shouldn't be up! And visiting hours are over!" She said, Izaya pulled away and looked at her. "No, I'll think I'll stay, she needs someone by her side to help her...pun NOT intended!" He said, you both laughed, she looked at both of you and shrugged it off and walked away. "I'll always be by your side now, still not intended, you know this right?" He asked, you nodded. "I wouldn't mind at all." He smiled again and kissed you again.
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N (Pokemon)
Rin Matsuoka
L See More
Humanoid!Bill Cipher
Metttaon EX (but not a romantic thing more just like friends hanging out n stuff)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Gray Fullbuster
Jellal Fernandes
not as much as people who have actually played Final Fantasy VII
But some stuff
Those are in no particular order by the way so yeah...
Can you tell me what anime Kiba from?
Depressed! L x reader
Chubby! Jeff x reader
the ! means that that is the reader :3
totally :3
Now, ya wanna Lime, Lemon, or just a one shot?
I haven't been typing these as much as i should,
so this post was awesome :3
and Finny is coming up after Ciel's Lemon ;)
If ya want another one just ask, I'll be glad to make one :3
*clears throat* um sorry, fangirl moment...yes :3
I need.
17 DAYS!!!!! :((
I'm sorry.
I have an unhealthy obsession with him.
If so I would like to ask for another character
cooulld you mayayybbeee
make mine one? X3
Could you do James from Team Rocket for me?
(sorry just saw this and yeah)
And if you do Asura, could you try to make it more Yandere than the others? It would fit him better.
Maybe Asura from SE?