Gin Ichimaru (Bleach)

You huffed and groaned loudly. "Y/N...would you please....SHUT UP!" Rangiku shouted, you laughed and poked your sister on her forehead. "Make me." You whispered, she looked at you and frowned. "Uhg...just..just get me a glass of wine." She said, you nodded and went into the kitchen to get her her 'precious' glass of wine. You looked at the wine glasses and cursed. "I'm not that freakin tall!" You shouted as you reached up and grabbed the glass with your finger tips. You turned around quickly and jumped. "HOLY SHIT!" You shouted as you fell back. The glass shattered in your palm, causing blood to spill everywhere. "Oh, now that's to bad." Gin said looking down at you. You looked at your hand and clenched your fist. Don't..cry..not in front of him. "'s nothing!" You said standing up and grabbing another glass. You quickly filled it with wine, his head followed your every move. You went to your sister and gave her the glass, she took it without noticing the blood.
You sighed, and walked outside. The cold winter air was like a slap in the face. You shivered and shoved your hand in the fresh snow. You shivered again and went inside. Rangiku was already getting a refill on wine. You sighed and went upstairs.
(One day time skip)
"No, Rangiku, that's the trash." You said, as you held in a laugh at your hungover sister. She looked at you, then the trash can. "No..its the..the...the." She kept on slurring words together. 'Well, this will be a FUN day.' You thought as you watched your sister walk into a wall. "H..hey, that...wasn't there before!' she slurred, you laughed and rested your head on you cut hand. You hissed and quickly retreated your hand. "Ya might wanna get that healed." Gin said, making you jump and fall off the chair. "Damn it Gin." You said rubbing you back. He chuckled and extended a hand. You slowly took it. His hand was cold, and slim. You shivered slightly.
Gin's P.O.V
I smiled more when she shivered. "Cold?" I asked, she looked at me, her face turning pink. "" She said, I chuckled and let got of her hand. I could tell she was disappointed. "Well, see ya later, ya seem busy with your sister." I said, and looked at Rangiku digging in the trash. "W..wheres the shoes!?" She cried out, Y/N sighed and turned around. "ITS A FUCKKING TRASHCAN!" She shouted, I flash stepped up stairs and into my room. I exhaled deeply. What is it about Maybe...I jsut might work!
(One week time skip)
Your P.O.V
You pulled your F/C shirt down. Last week, Ichigo declared a party, for a random reason you didn't really care about. You walked through the door to get a pan in the face. "DAMN IT!" Grimmjow shouted and stomped away. Wait, Grimmjow...why is he here? "You didn't listen...did you?" Ichigo said helping you up, you shrugged."I have better things to do in life than listen to your reasons for a shitty party." You said, he whispered. "We all made up, there's no more war..and by the way...Gin's here...I don't think you think its a bad party now?" He asked, you slapped him, getting a loud 'Ohhhh' from the guys in the house.
(Two hour time skip!)
"We are going to play a game, called Seven Minutes In Heaven!" Orihime shouted in a playful voice. You groaned as all the guys put a item in the hat. "Hmm-" Orihime said tapping her index finger on her bottom lip, and smiled widely. "AH! My first victim!" She shouted and ran over to you. "DAMN IT!" You shouted, she shoved the hat in your face. "Fine, fine fine fine..but! I will most likely NOT go in that closet!" You said loudly, so everyone could hear you. You gently slid you hand in the hat and danced your fingers over the items. 'Hm, whats this?' You wondered and pulled out a dried persimmon. "That's...interesting." You said looking at it a little bit more. "Now, who's is this?" You asked loudly, you knew you wouldn't get...Gin?! He stood up and strolled over to you, he bent down and picked the dried persimmon out of you light grasp. "Thank ya!, Now, shall we?" He asked, you nodded and walked inside the closet. The door slammed shut, leaving you two in compete blackness.
"So, Y/N...why do you date so many people?" Gin asked, you jumped and turned around. " reason." You said, he chuckled. "Is it...a way to hide something?" He asked. "Stop." You said, turning pink. "Is it a way-" He stepped closer."- to say something to someone?" He asked, you pressed your back against the door. Thoughts flew across your mind. "S..stop." You said, he stepped closer. "Is it a someone, that you love them?" He said, you looked up at him. "I said stop." You said, he couldn't know. He likes your sister. "Is it a way-" You couldn't help it, you ripped open the door and fled to your house. Hand covering your face, you ran inside and into your room. "DAMN!" You kept on shouting cures words until you couldn't shout anymore.
(Three day time skip)
You silently undressed and stepped into the warm shower, you washed away thoughts, and started to sing.
"I cannot hide what's on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what's mine
Let us start living for today
Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time
So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song."
You screamed when cold arms wrapped around your bare waist. "Your voice, it's so enchanting." Gin said in your ear. You jumped and turned around. "G..Gin what...what are you doin in here!?" You asked/shouted, he chuckled. The water droplets stuck to his hair and some slid down his face. "Y/N..your red." He said, you narrowed your eyes. "S..shut up!" You said, and gasped as his grip tightened. "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't say that to someone who can change the water temp!" He said, you playfully slapped his arm, he chuckled again. "But really...what are you doing in here?" You asked, and squeaked as he slammed you against the shower wall. "Oh, I don't know...why would a guy, sneak into a shower with a girl?" He said, his smile getting wider. "Oh, I don't know..RAPE!!!" You shouted and huffed. He laughed and gently moved your H/C (when wet) out of your face. " about this?" He said, and gently placed his cold lips on yours. You gasped at how cold he was. Taking the chance, he slowly slithered his tongue in your mouth. You jumped, but gradually kissed back. You felt him smile. After a while, you both jumped out, the water was freezing! You grabbed a towel and wrapped it around your frail body, but felt him wrap his arms around your waist again. He brought his lips so close to you ear, you could feel the how cold they were. "Oh, come on now.....ya don't need that." Gin whispered.
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N (Pokemon)
Rin Matsuoka
L See More
Humanoid!Bill Cipher
Metttaon EX (but not a romantic thing more just like friends hanging out n stuff)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Gray Fullbuster
Jellal Fernandes
not as much as people who have actually played Final Fantasy VII
But some stuff
Those are in no particular order by the way so yeah...
Can you tell me what anime Kiba from?
Depressed! L x reader
Chubby! Jeff x reader
the ! means that that is the reader :3
totally :3
Now, ya wanna Lime, Lemon, or just a one shot?
I haven't been typing these as much as i should,
so this post was awesome :3
and Finny is coming up after Ciel's Lemon ;)
If ya want another one just ask, I'll be glad to make one :3
*clears throat* um sorry, fangirl moment...yes :3
I need.
17 DAYS!!!!! :((
I'm sorry.
I have an unhealthy obsession with him.
If so I would like to ask for another character
cooulld you mayayybbeee
make mine one? X3
Could you do James from Team Rocket for me?
(sorry just saw this and yeah)
And if you do Asura, could you try to make it more Yandere than the others? It would fit him better.
Maybe Asura from SE?