Jan 5-School

Today was the first day of school...
I spent all of the rest of my holiday just chilling in my room.
Family came over and that's all that happened.
Oliver was quite busy-he did say why though.
I haven't talked him ever since New Years so I hope he is ok...
And I meet Dave a couple times while walking around my neighbourhood.
He is actually pretty nice.
It was the morning and I had to wake up early since I lived further away from school.
Which waking up early is DEFINITELY something I'm not good at.
How does Oliver and Dave wake up early every day?
I dunno.
Anyways, I was waiting for Oliver at the bus stop.
I know, he is always waiting for me but I wanted to be early for once.
It was pretty cold since it snowed last night and I forgot to bring my mittens.
Which I regret so badly now...
Ugh... I noticed Dave walking to the same bus stop as I sat down on the little bench thingy.
"Hey!" I called out to him and he waved.
I patted the seat beside me so that he would sit there and he did.
He smiled at me and I noticed my face getting warm...
"Sucks that school has to start again doesn't it" I said trying to break the silence in between us.
He sighed and said, "Yeah. I'm not excited. Anyways what is your New Years resolutions?"
I giggled. Looked like he is not a fan of small talk.
"I made two actually..." I said.
One was a goal and the other one was well.. To watch 50 animes this year...
I can't tell him THAT though... Maybe he doesn't like anime... He won't understand how amazing it is...
He raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh really? Mind telling me what ones you did?"
"One is to improve my spelling and another one is to um...."
I looked down and said, "Try a swag way...."
His face beamed as he said, "I always wanted to try one as well!"
I smiled and asked "what was your New Years resolution?"
He put his finger on his chin and said, "You know what, I never actually made one my self. I always wanted to know what other people did you know? The swag way sounds cool... I'll go with that"
Before I could respond Oliver came and sat on the other side of me.
"Hey!" I said happily.
He glared at Dave and smiled at me, "Hi!"
There was an awkward silence between us so I said, "Hey Oliver what's your New Years resolution?"
He put his finger on his lips and said "Secret!"
I giggled. Then seconds later the bus came close to the stop.
"Let's go" Dave said grabbing my hand.
I took it and Oliver quickly took my other hand.
"Uh..." I said awkwardly.
We sat at the back of the bus. No one was on the bus our age.
There was just an old man playing solitaire on his I pad.
I sat in between of Oliver and Dave and turned to Dave.
"Hey, Dave? It's great that you could walk with us to school!"
He smiled back and said, "Of course!"
Oliver tapped my shoulder and said "K-Katie! I saw the anime that you where talking about the other day! It's so good!"
I felt my face hear up as I said, "Oh yeah? That's good! "
Dave put his hands in his pocket and looked out the window.
"The ending though!" Oliver said.
"Ikr! So good! Have you seen the one that's like this anime called-"
And we where talking about anime the whole ride
I felt bad that Dave wasn't in the conversation so I tried to include him but he always just faded away from the conversation.
Oliver noticed that I didn't have mittens to he held my hands with his mittens.
I blushed and looked into his eyes.
He looked away and started to blush.
Seconds later the bus went to an complete stop.
As we went to school I noticed since it started to snow again.
While I was in the hallway Oliver left to his class room.
It was just me and Dave.
"So...um" I said.
"I'll walk you to your classroom" he said smiling.
"Huh? S-sure but won't you be late for your class?" I asked.
He laughed and said, "Naw. I'm the class room council after all!"
I looked at him with big eyes. Class room council?!
They where known as the 'popular kids' at my school.
And he was talking to me? Even asking to walk me to my classroom?
I felt honoured. Which was pretty weird...
"Oh! I didn't know that..." I said dumbly.
I never payed attention to the popular kids to much so I didn't know most of them.
"It's ok! Now come on our else YOU will be late!" He said talking my hand.
I giggled and blushed.
As we where walking down the hallway way a couple of the more popular people where asking Dave a bunch of questions about his New Years but he didn't pay much attention to them.
Which was quite odd for a more popular kid.
As we went to my classroom he whispered to me, "See you after school darling~"
As lunch came by I was talking to all my friends.
"Is it true that you where talking with Dave? The like amazing guy?" Said Wendy.
"He even waked you to class! Awww~" exclaimed Cassie.
I punched her arm playfully.
"Well I'm scared to tell you this but... He walked with me this morning as well"
They all gasped.
"We walked actually" I heard Oliver walk up behind me.
Lily gave me 'oh snap' look.
"Yeah..." I said sheepishly.
"Katie, can I talk for you for a moment?" Oliver said.
All of my friends gave me the 'oh boy' look.
I went with Oliver as we went out of the cafeteria.
He looked down at his feet and said, "Katie I have a bad feeling about Dave..."
I looked at him suspiciously. "What do you mean by that?"
He sighed and said, "He.... He is just.... I dunno, odd. Something about him doesn't seem right. It could be just me."
"You don't know him that well Oliver." I said.
"But I don't like it when he can't be in a group conversation. Like he always just wants to talk to you not me. And I feel the third wheel." He said.
Wait... Is he JEALOUS?
"Are you... Jealous?" I asked raising my eye brown.
"What- NO! It's just..." He said trailing off.
"Well Dave doesn't seem odd to me." I began saying.
"His nice, funny and... Cute..."
Oliver looked at me with big eyes. "W-what?'
"Hum? Nothing!" I said. Gah I can't believe I said that.
"Okay... You don't think I'm cute?" He said.
I began to blush and say, "Yea... Wait um"
He laughs. A cute laugh.
"I'm just teasing you! Heh!" He manages to say.
I blush and look at the floor.
We walk back to the cafeteria, holding hands.
Wendy does a heart with her hands as we walk by her to sit down.
I blush and sit down.
"Well..." I say.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Yelled Cassie.
"No!!' Said Wendy. "You can't make me play that dumb game!"
"Pweeze?" Said Cassie with puppy eyes.
Wendy nodded slightly.
"Ok! I'll go first! Katie, who do you think is cuter? Oliver or Dave?" Said Cassie.
I blush and look at the floor.
CASSIE! Why you have to ask this question!
Oliver also blushes and looks away with his hand in his hair brushing it away.
I whisper in Cassie's ear, "Oliver"
"OH HOHOHO!!" She said after I went back to my seat.
"Hey! That an't fair! I wanna know!" Said Lilly pouting.
While holding back her giggled Cassie managed to say, "Sorry not telling! Unless you give me all of the stash of Candy at your house Lilly!"
Her face gets angry, "No deal then. My candy is too precious for a monster like you to eat it"
Cassie laughs a sarcastic laugh.
"Okay my turn..." I said.
"Oliver, do you like someone?"
Mwha ha ha! Time for me to ask a hard question!
He blushes and nods.
"Okay! Next question!" He said talking fast.
"Wendy do you like huskies?" He asked.
And that's how our lunch went. There where no more 'love' questions.
Once the final bell rang to school Oliver texted me that he had to go to a last minute appointment and that he can't walk.
That was okay with me cause Dave would be there anyways.
While walking down the hall to go outside I headed a "boo!" From behind.
I let out a little "eep!" And turned around.
It was Dave. He was smiling and said, "Wow your so cute when your scared!"
I began to blush a little and said quickly, "Let's go!"
He smiled and held my hand.
Once we got to the bus there was a lot of people on it.
Total opposite of this morning.
There was only one free seat and we both stared at it.
Standing the whole time would be sure tiring.
"You take the seat I'll stand" he said before I got to say anything.
"Y-you sure?" I said.
He looked and grabbed a near by bar to hold on to.
Once the bus started moving again he said, "Hey Katie?"
"Yeah?" I replied.
"You like anyone?" He said.
I began to blush. "W-what kind of question is that? "
He shrugged and said, "So do you?"
I nodded. I'm even to embarrass to say who I like in my diary.
Dave opened his mouth to say something but then closed it like he changed his mind what to say.
"So..." I said breaking the silence. "What music do you listen to?"
He looked at me and smiled. It was s cute smile.
His blonde hair swayed as he bus way moving.
"I'll like anything really."
Before I got to say anything the bus went to an complete spot and Dave lost his balance and fell on me.
"U-um!" I said nervously.
"Sorry! It's just I..."
He got up and said, "Sorry.. I'll be more carful next time.
All I could do is nod.
Once the bus went to a full stop at our stop we got out.
"Pretty ladies first." He said motioning his hand to the door.
"Thanks!" I said.
He is so gentle menly like.
As we separated said he said to me, "See you my darling!"
I smiled and blushed.
That's all the happened today!
Ah my hand hurts from all this writing...
And wait it's 1:30!
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