Dec. 29- Moving?!

You will not believe that happened today!
Well you might sort of since the title spoils it all but still.
And I know I know, I was suppose to move in a couple of months but we got a really good deal or something so we needed to move right away.
I didn't know the details and I didn't really care but my parents say I am going to be still in the same school!
WOO HOO! And I also moved closer to Mia so that's a plus.
Going to school might take a while but my parents said I have to take a bus!
A bus! To school!
I feel so professional! I don't know why.
And it's not like a school bus it's like a city bus!
Though I don't live in the city...
There is also a park and a candy store near by so I guess that's bye bye to my saving since
I will spend all my money on CANDY!
I was chilling in the car excited to see the house.
It had a pool (a really small one) so that was hype.
When I was listening to some EDM and VOCALOID
I noticed that there is a boy walking a husky outside!
It was so cute and fluffy I couldn't take my mind off of it.
My car stopped in front of my house finally but I lost interest in the house
But it was now on a husky.
I ran out of my car and went to pet it.
With 'Far away by Braken and Tristam' playing in my headphones.
(Anyone who knows what that song is your da BEST! And if you don't, your still AWESOME!)
Little did I know the owner of this husky was someone I knew...
"Um... Wait Katie is that you?!"
I took my attention away from the FUFFY DOG and saw that it was...
"Uh... Hi!" I said awkwardly.
He must of noticed my car with a moving truck near by and said, "Katie! Are you moving here?!'
I nodded and then he hugged me.
The sent of the gym he was chewing filled me as I awkwardly hugged back.
"I live over there!" He said pointing to a house across from mine.
Wait but didn't he walk with me?
Before I could ask he explained that he took the bus first then went to walk with me.
Wow it was very sweet of him to go all the trouble to walk with me!
Then I noticed another man around my age as well that had a dog which was a beagle stop by us
"Katie! I saw you where moving here! Here is a gift for a wellcome gift. After all, all pretty ladies deserve a gift when they move in don't they?"
I blushed and took the gift which was chocolate.
He kissed my hand and smiled. "Well I will see you later my love!"
He dog barked cutely and I blushed.
Oliver looked irritated and pushed his hand through his black hair.
"Well want to go for a walk to the park?' He says pointing the opposite way from where Dave went.
"Away from that guy..." I heard him mumble.
I nodded still not processing what just happened.
We talked a bit then I left.
I was happy to be taking the bus with Oliver!
Maybe Dave will be in the same bus time as us...?
Why do I care so much? I don't know.
Anyways that's all the happed. See ya everyone! ^-^
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