Dec. 7- Vedio Games

Today was quite a crazy day..
Nothing really happened at school so I'll skip that
(No really you really don't want to know about Sir Isaac Brock and more boring stuff like that... Ugh I hate history)
The most interesting part of my day was probably after school.
My sister was complaining that I did say who I liked in my diary.
"I didn't write it for a REASON" I said.
She pouted and said, "Well I think I have an idea who you might like!"
I my eyes got big as I said, "W-wait! Who do you think it is?"
She laughed as she said, "I'll only tell me if you say who you like!"
"There is no logic in that!" I screamed.
Seconds later the door bell rang.
Ding don- zz
Looks like the door bell is already broken with all the neighbours welcoming us to the neighbourhood.
"Who is that" I asked dully.
I didn't care who is was I just felt like I should of said something to not be rude.
"Oh! That's holly!" Said my sister.
I did knot who holly was nor cared so I went upstairs to my room.
While I was going up the stairs I kinda saw who she was.
I noticed behind her was.... DAVE?!
He has a little sister?
I stopped halfway through the stairs.
I felt my face get warm. Dave is at my house?!
It would of been rude if I just ignored him since he saw me so I went downstairs.
My sister and Holly ran upstairs.
So it was just me and Dave.
"Uh...., hi!" I said.
"Hey! Mind if I come inside?" He said.
I nodded and closed the door behind me.
"So uh... What brings you here?" I asked then quickly regretted it.
Maybe he thinks I don't want him to be here Noo!
"Well Holly wanted to go to her friends house and I got nothing better to so I decided to walk her there and I didn't realize it was your house haha!" He said smiling.
I smiled back and he.... Blushed? Wait what? Or was it just my imagination I mean it's pretty cold and all....
He must of noticed my concerned face and said, "Wait do you mind if I stay here?"
"No no no! I don't mind at all haha!" I said.
He sighed in relief.
"So... What do you want to do?" I said.
He shrugged, "Do you have a wii?"
My eyes got big, "YES! YOU AND ME VS MARIO KART NOW"
"I'M WARING YA I AM GOOD AT THIS GAME!" He said as he followed me quickly down the stairs to my basement which was the only neat room that didn't have a bunch of boxes in it.
It was petty cold in my basement so I put the fire place on and we started playing Mario Kart.
And man he is GOOD AT THAT GAME!
I got angry at him so I moved his controller to the side when he was winning.
"Hey!" He yelled moving mine away.
The characters on the screen fell off the track (cause it was rainbow road >:()
And we bursted out laughing.
Before we knew it, it was already time for Holly to go home and well as Dave.
"Come on guys lets go!" Yelled my sister.
We went up the stairs and Dave stopped in the middle of the stairs.
I looked up at him and tilted my head in wondering why did he stop.
He turned around and said ,"Let's do that another time."
I nodded and then he kissed me.
On the cheek!
I blushed so hard and looked down.
He just smiled and continued to walk up the stairs.
When he and his sister left my sister said to me, "I ship it!"
"What does that mean?" I said.
"HEHEHEHEHEHE nothing!!!"
I wondered what she meant by ship.
And that's all that happened!
BYE BYE! ^-^
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