Foxface was a tribute from district 5. She was sly and sneaky. This is her story
Thehostpublished on February 02, 2013not completed
She and Steve entered the train. Steve was a burly man aged 15 the same as her. He had jet black hair cut short. Their mentor came in looking very drunk. He had dark brown eyes and closely cropped hair.She knew him and knew he was no help so she left the room before anyone could object. In the room she found 2 draws of PJs. She put on some Pink fluffy PJS and sat to watch the recap of the reaping. There was a tall male and pretty girl from 1. A big strong boy and small girl from 2. District 8 had a girl with beautiful hair. District 11 had a very small timide girl and a huge boy. From 12 there was a volunteer Katniss everdeen. When the capitol seal marked the end she crawled under the warm covers and drifted off to sleep. The next morning they chatted lightly and watched previous hunger games. One year it was nothing but rubble and most of them died of cold. Since then wood and shelter has been easier to find. The 50th was a quarter quell where there was double the amount of tributes. It was an amazing arena so beautiful. Unfortunately nearly everything was poisonous. Water was only drinkable as rain and from the cornucopia, there were fluffy squrils which would kill you and even some of the plants to coldly sniffed could cause death. Haymitch from district 12 won that year. One year there was a boy who ate the tributes but he got taken out by a averlantch.
Foxface loved the food. Everything was perfect except for the fact that everyone once in the arena would want to kill her. When they arrived Capitol members where screaming to look at you.
Actor/ boy
Actress/ girl