Seeing Things

Alice gets to school just as Mr.Satomi was opening the gate "Hi Mr.Satomi..." he looks at Alice and waves at her. Alice notices Mr.Satomi has a worried expression she wonders why? then Alice's mind flashes back to yesterday the green gloved man, the bat, and the long haired guy, almost exactly like Mr.Satomi's hair. She shakes her again thinking no that couldn't have been real "Alice art-are you alright?' "Yah...did you just say art? As in Art you alright the 1850's way of talking?" "I did...I...Loved English an thought that way of speaking was more elegant..." Alice observes that he's shifting from foot to foot nervously. "Alright...Well I am going to explore more of the school..." "Be careful..." he whispers which Alice barley hears.
As Alice wonders around the school more she sees a door leading to a basement. Just about when Alice's curiosity was at it's peak the door opened an two guys walked out. One was Lysander and the other was a red haired and grey eyed. "Alice. I see we meet again." "Hi Lysander. Oh! And I have a gift for helping me two days ago" Alice hands him a book, on the Victorian age, "Thanks...It's a beautiful gift" "Glad you like it...Hi...Person..." "Castiel. Just so you know my name isn't person." "Sorry..." Alice sees a devils tail behind Castiel. Alice then decides this is the best time to go somewhere else. That's not anywhere near Castiel.
Just when Alice thought her day will turn out ok she sees Amber enter the main doors "oh shit..." Alice looks left and right and dives into the closest room. Which was Mr.Satomi's classroom. Mr.Satomi was the only person in their Alice breathes sigh of relief "Can I stay here, till I have five minutes to leave?" "Yah..." She takes a seat at a random desk "So...How many kids are in your class?" "One." Alice gasp "One?!" "Yah...And she is not here yet..." "So basically...You have this classroom to yourself?" "Basically." Alice is wondering who could be in this class. "R-Alice...How is your teacher Mr.Faraize?" "He's a good teacher...But his pink eyes are weird..." Mr.Satomi's eyes widen "Did you say his eyes are pink?" "Yah...and Nathaniel's are gold...And Castiel's are grey." He starts whispering to himself "Are you ok?" "What color are my eyes?" "Brown...Why?" He sigh's in relief. "Just to...Make sure your not making it up...You should go, classes start in six minutes bye." "Bye" Alice than leaves the room an goes to her classroom.
The first half of class was normal except she slowly saw Mr.Faraize grow ears and a tail. Then the bell rang for lunch an she rushed out of their still confused. She sits with Angel, Violette, and Melody an she sees that Angel has black wings. "Alice? Are you ok?" Melody says "Yah you seem out of it...Your not doing drugs right?" Angel ask suspiciously "No...No I'm just tired I've been having nightmares lately..." "...I hope they go away..." Violette says quietly. "You haven't even touched your food." Melody says "Are your night terrors that bad?" "Yah..Angel...Can we talk after school you can come over my house." Angel says "Sure." Than the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
The rest of the school day was a bit of a daze to Alice as she slowly started to see the people in the hall change into...monsters. The bell rang for the end of the day Alice gathers her things rather quickly and rushed out of the door to run into Amber but she looked different, more like a scarecrow. "Ah. Theirs our little 'friend'" Alice starts trembling "What's wrong? Are you going to finally bow to me and kiss my feet?" "You-Your a...Scarecrow?" Alice whispered the last part. Amber was taken back "WHAT? HOW? WHEN WHY?!?!?" She than grabs Alice and drags her off to the girls bathroom. Amber throws Alice on the floor "Tell me how you can see my true form? only really high up monsters can see and your HUMAN!" Alice starts shaking again "I...I...I don't know..." Amber than goes to pick Alice up again but the bathroom door opens and Angel enters "Leave her alone and I heard what you are. Get!" She stares at Amber and Amber ends up leaving. "Let's go to my house you can explain their."
They get into Angels room and surprisingly Angel lives in the same apartment complex. "So tell me what do you see on me?" "...Black bird wings?" "Ok since you can see this kind of of stuff I'll tell you. I'm a fallen angel." Alice felt dizzy and a loss for words "Wait a real fallen angel?" She nods "But why are the people but the teacher in my class normal looking?" "Their human...And I thought you where a human..." "I thought I am a human too." "hmmmmm...Where going to have to talk to one of the teachers...but which one?" "Mr.Satomi" Alice didn't even need to think. "...But we don't even know him..." "I feel I know him..." "Alright...Tomorrow morning and you better get home or your parents might get mad." "They're never home they only care about my older sisters an brother that's it." "...Oh...Well...Bye?" "Yah see you tomorrow..." "okay.." Alice than proceeds to her apartment.
As Alice enters theirs a ginger women with gold eyes, a brunette man with brown eyes, two girls with brunette hair that are different length's and brown eyes that looked exactly the same, and a guy with ginger hair and gold eyes where standing their waiting for her "Hello. Mother. Father. Caroline. Catherine. Nick. Why are you here?" The ginger lady answered first "We heard that you got the highest score on your test but your in the lowest class why?" "I don't know mother..." the brunette man speaks up "You don't know?! You know your the disappointment of the family. I'm embarrassed that you even carry the family name." "Sorry father I'll...I'll do better!" the ginger haired boy snickers "As if" Alice's mother than answers Nick "You might be right." The long haired twin "He is right." Nick "See even Caroline backs me up." The short haired twin looked mad "SHUT UP! YOU NEED TO STOP BULLYING HER AND YOU KNOW SHE HAS BETTER GRADES THAN YOU NICK SHE COULD'VE GONE TO OUR SCHOOL BUT YOU AND CAROLINE HAD TO THROW A PISSY FIT!" "Catherine don't you'll get in trouble." "ALICE!...You need to stop putting up with all the anger of the family. SO I DECIED IM QUITTING COLLEGE! TO WATCH OVER HER LIKE A MOTHER UNLIKE YOU GUYS"
Two hours later Alice's 'family' but Catherine left. "So are you really going to stay?" "Of course! Ugh their just jerks ok?" Alice nods "Anyways isn't time for bed?" "Yah! Anyways night Catherine!" Alice goes to her room. Everyone in my family but Catherine hates me Alice thought but why? "I've never did anything they didn't want me to do" Alice whispers to herself and plops down onto her bed and a few seconds later she's asleep. The man with long brown hair and red eyes was kissing her and was saying things Alice couldn't hear. All she could do is see his lips moving but no noise.
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Raven: agreed.