Choosing a Club

The bell rang Alice "Violette can I sit with you and Angel again?" "...Sure.." Melody joins in "Can I sit with you guys too?" Alice looks at Violette and she nods, Melody smiles and grabs her lunch then the three of them proceed to the courtyard. Angel is already sitting their "Oh wow...another new person..." "Angel this is Melody, Melody this is Angel" "Nice to meet you Angel" Melody greets "...Nice to meet you too Melody" she smiles. "So now shall we devour our lunches?" Alice asks they nod and proceed to eat their lunches. Alice, Angel, and Violette had the same lunches they had yester day Melody had Salad with Italian Dressing and Spaghetti. They all finished their lunches with ten minutes before the bell this time Angel "Join any clubs yet Alice?" "Clubs?" "Yah theirs Gardening, Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Drama, Art, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Band, Math, Science, and Dance...Any you want to join?" "Actually Drama sounds fun!" Angel smiles "well I'll see you three later" she starts walking to her class Melody "Well club sign up is in the office...We should get going to class."
The three of them start walking back to class when one of Ambers lackeys goes up to them she has black hair and is Chinese "Oh looks like we meet again low class...Oh it looks like you have a new buddy! Well who shall I pick on? The short haired brunettes Ambers prey...I'll go for the timid purpled hair one!" as the girl was about to huff out a cloud of insults Alice intervenes "No one picks on my friends its fine if it's me but not these two they did nothing to you. Your just someone who does not get enough attention from her parents so she takes her anger and frustration out on others..." The girl lowers her head and bunches her hands in a fist "...YOUR A LOW CLASS! YOU CAN'T TALK BACK TO ME YOUR SUPPERIOR...I...I'M GREATER THAN YOU, YOU SHOULD BE KISSING MY FEET ATTENDING MY EVERY NEED!" the girl than hits Alice. A voice from down the hall calls "Li I thought I told she's my prey?" it was Amber. Li goes over to Amber and what looks like apologize and the two of them walk off.
Melody "You ok Alice?" Violette "This is my fault...Are you ok Alice...I should've been the one to get hit..." "No Violette then me standing up to her would've been for nothing. Don't worry about it lets just get to class." The three of them walk back to class in total silence when they got to the class they still had two minutes before they started the lesson. They finally broke the silence when Alice spoke up "melody you might need to lend Violette your notes she's been doodling" "Violette! Again your barley passing this class" Violette blushes and nods Alice "And do you guys want to see a movie this weekend?" Violette and Melody's eyes brighten they both nod their heads so the three of them exchange numbers. The other three students rush in almost late as the bell rings. Mr.Faraize comes in "I have a announcement...instead of doing some more Equations and reading of Romeo and Juliette you'll be going to a assembly so please proceed to the gymnasium."
The whole class gets up and goes to the gym then takes seats. Mrs.Shermansky "Today I'd like to announce we have a new teacher! His name is Mr.Satomi!" A man with long brown hair brown eyes that looked kind of red walked out onto a stage "Hello...Th-I'm the new teacher for the highest class white and purple pleased to acquaint you all." "Oh and another announcement we had a student join our school yesterday! Please come on down Ms.Molea I'd like the whole school to greet you with open arms!" Alice is blushing as she walks down to the stage to stand in front of the whole school which is pretty small and bows before them "I'm in the care of this school..." Alice stood up straight she took a peak at the new teacher and realized he was watching Curiosity? Interest? Amazement? Before Alice could figure out Mrs.Shermansky asked her "Which club do you plan on joining" in front of the whole school "D-Drama..." she smirked "Well to conclude our assembly and let you all go home a hour early exams are going to be in three weeks! Well have a great day everyone" everyone rushed out of the gym even her friends abandoned her at the thought of leaving early.
"So Ms.Molea th-your going home now?" "...yes..." Alice sees he has that same look in his eyes...what was the look he had in his eyes Alice wondered "you better get going it's very dangerous to walk home alone later so you should go now." Alice takes one more look at Mr.Satomi as she nods and thinks he looks familiar...her dream popped in her head. To hide her shock she started to walk home and half way she stopped at a dollar store and talk to the owner about getting a job their and getting a thank you gift for Lysander for about two hours.
As she walked out the store she realized it was sunset and had the feeling she was being watched but she shrugged it off since it didn't matter since she was almost home. A green gloved hand covered her mouth and nose "Shhhhhh." Alice thought it sounded like Nathaniel? And the green gloved man laughed an insane laugh when everything was about to go black a bat with a man who had long brown hair came around the corner looking distressed. Than everything went black except for the dream of the man with long brown hair and red eyes hugging her afraid she might disappear.
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Raven: agreed.