The Myths

The Myths

A story that mixes greek gods with players of Wizard101! Epic right! Don't worry i am not some gamer geek. I am actually a Gamer Girly Girl! He he... Also sorry for any issues with spelling or unfinished words. Copy and Paste wasn't working right. THIS IS A WARNING! I WROTE THIS ABOUT A YEAR AGO SO SPELLING AND GRAMMAR WASN'T VERY GOOD!

published on April 28, 2014completed

A Magic Glow

“Aphrodite?”asks headmaster ambrose.

“Come in, Meral.” says Aphrodite almost crying.

Ambrose walks in the door.

“Are you okay?”

“yes, thank you for coming. That pegasus is the last thing I have left of my mother. I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.”, says Aphrodite clearing her eyes.

“What happened to your mother?”, asks Ambrose respectfully.

", she was sent to the underworld. She didn’t want to give me up to the king and queen of the life.”, says Aphrodite smiling.

“I am so sorry for you. Now would you like to go on the picnic?”, asks Ambrose smiling.

“I would have anyway.  I wouldn’t bake for nothing!”, says Aphrodite smiling.

~*~*~*~when they got there~*~*~*~

“Here I will tie up the mounts. you can set up.”, says Aphrodite dismounting.

“Right away.”, says Ambrose also dismounting.

“Meral, would you like a tart?”, asks Aphrodite sitting down.

“Of course I would. I would never turn down your baking.”, says the headmaster.

“Here you go. I hope you don’t mind I only made blueberry.”, says Aphrodite.

“Why I love blueberry tarts!”, exclaims Headmaster Ambrose.

“Oh good, because blueberry tarts are very high in antioxidants and I didn’t find anything else in your cupboard.”, explains Aphrodite smiling and handing the headmaster another tart.

“This is the amulet that will be in the crystal ball. The amulet will power the spell.”, says Headmaster Ambrose.

“What is the amulet made of?”, asks Aphrodite.

“Because this crystal is made of Jilaro, a solid gas so it is solid to the touch yet cloudy and swirly pattern on the inside.”, explains Headmaster Ambrose munching on his tart.

“Then why do we need the crystal ball?  Why not just do it on a table?”, Aphrodite asks.

“Because it looks cooler!”, says Ambrose.

“Oh, so thats why I am casting the spell on the crystal ball.”, says Aphrodite looking at the sky.

“Well we’d better be heading back now.”, says the headmaster.

“I agree, I will pick up you go get the mounts ready.”, says Aphrodite.

“Right away miss.”, says Ambrose.

So they went and saddled up.  As they took off they noticed something in the spot they had their picnic.  It was a baby chick that fell out of its nest and had broken it’s wing.

“Meral, can I go heal the poor bird?”, asks Aphrodite.

“Oh all right, but don’t get tired out.”, says Ambrose.

“I have done it a billion times! Don’t worry.”, says Aphrodite approaching the bird slowly.

“Armada andante.”, Aphrodite says while holding the bird.

"See, I did it.”, says Aphrodite confidently, only turning around to find that what she thought was a bird turned out to be Malistare.

“Malistare, why have you returned and fooled us, first threatening Aphrodite as new student, and now again"
“My henchmen will now defeat the young one now that they know her tactics.”, says Malistare sneering.

“Oh come on, you’d think you would come up with a better saying by now.”, says Aphrodite disappointed.

“Well then, prepare to suffer!!! how was that?”, says Malistare.

“Better.  Now what were you saying?”, asks Aphrodite.

“My henchmen are going to defeat you.”, says Malistare.

“Oh. Oh no!”, screams Aphrodite.

“Remember OSCORES. O is for other.  S is for spells.  C is for count.  O is for over.  R is for regular.  E is for Evil.  And, the 2nd S is for snowmen.”

“Okay other spells count over evil snowmen got it.”, says Aphrodite happily.

“Be quite old man.”, says Malistare.

“Don’t speak to him that way.”, says Aphrodite.

“Now choose, my darling, who do you wish to battle?”, asks Malistare grinning.

“I would like to battle you with the ponytail and the braids.”, says Aphrodite.
“Lets see ponytails and braids.”, says Malistare.

Ambrose holds up a mirror.

“You chose me? You want to battle me? You foolish girl.  I am the most powerful wizard in the world!!!”, says Malistare.

“Oh yes, I am more sure than ever after you said, and I quote, that, “I am the most powerful wizard in the world.”, because I want to prove you wrong.”, says Aphrodite confidently.

“Aphrodite are you going crazy?!  Choose the one with the smile.", says Ambrose.

“Meral, I know what I am doing.", says Aphrodite smiling mischiefly.

“Oh I get it, now!", says Ambrose.

“Yes, I will defeat him so he will never come back again. I will also ask for an unbreakable promise. Do you agree?”, asks Aphrodite looking at Malistare questioning him.

“I agree. Ambrose can you cast the spell?”, asks Aphrodite.

“Would you like astrell or treasure?”, asks Ambrose.

“Astrell treasure, I have one and I am very confident with myself.”, answers Aphrodite smiling at the headmaster.

“Are you sure those are almost irreversible!", says Ambrose.

“Yes, I am sure.", says Aphrodite taking a deep breath.

“Ok”, says Ambrose.  He casts the spell.  Malistare and Aphrodite have made a promise.

“Ok, let’s get on with the battle”, says Aphrodite.

“We can do it at the battle arena in Dragonspyre”, says Malistare.

The two teleport to Dragonspyre to have the battle.  “Each opponent has 1 henchman”, says Ambrose.  

“Good luck, you’re going to need it.”, says Malistare.

“No, I think you’re going to need it more.” replied Aphrodite.

“Well, let’s get on with the battle you promised.”, says Malistare.

“I have invited Elizabeth to come and be your henchman, Aphrodite.  She really wanted to be here.”

Malistare stated, “My henchmen will be my dragonians.”

“You will have one hour to complete the battle”,  states Ambrose.  

The henchmen finally arrive and join their teams.  “Ready, set, begin”, says Ambrose as he started the magical clock in the stadium.

Aphrodite’s first spell was a centaur.  Malistare blocked the creature with his shields.  He countered with a Poison spell, and the battle was on!  The two decide to start building up PIPs to cast even stronger spells.  The henchmen battled each other for fun.

Aphrodite cast a vampire spell.  Malistare cast the same spell back.  Neither spell had a strong enough effect to defeat the opponent.

“Ten Minutes!”, calls out Ambrose, watching the clock.

“Nice spell, Malistare.  Where did ya get it?”, asked Aphrodite.

“My unicorn cast that one, oops.”, he replied.

“Well, my Jade Oni casts the Jade Oni spell.”, says Aphrodite.  

“Would you like a Pomegranate?” asks Malistare.  

“Oh, sure, thanks!  Wait a second.  Did you just offer me a Pomegranate?”, says Aphrodite.

"So, you don’t want it?”, repeats Malistare.

“Not if its been poisoned with a potion, or something.”, replied Aphrodite cleverly.

The last spell of the battle was a Stormzilla from Aphrodite.  The spell struck home and knocked Malistare head over heels, knocking him out cold.

“Aphrodite, you won!”, shouts Ambrose.  “It is almost the end of the day, and you need to rest so that you can attempt the spell tomorrow.”, he added.

“Well, we had better go, or the mounts won’t be able to find the way back.”, says Aphrodite as she mounts her Pegasus.

“I agree”, replies Ambrose, mounting his owl.

When they got home, they got ready and went to bed.  

The next day, they ate a delicious breakfast of pancakes with maple syrup and a cup of coffee.

Ambrose asks, “Do you think you will be strong enough to cast the spell today?”

“Yes, as long as I cast it soon.”, she replied.

“Well, we are both done with breakfast.  Let’s do it right now.”, says Ambrose.  He leaves to prepare the room.  Aphrodite follows him.

“Ok, have a seat and we can get started. This is the spell that you will cast.”, says Ambrose as he hands her a piece of parchment.  He drops the amulet into the crystal ball and shakes it up to activate the ingredients.  “Are you ready?”, he asks.

“I think so.”, replies Aphrodite taking a deep breath.

“Focus on the crystal ball.  If your power is strong enough, you will feel a mild tingling in your fingers.  It is nothing to worry about.”, Ambrose instructs.

Aphrodite casts the spell and her power fits perfectly to the spell and the future is told.

“Oh my, I can’t believe it, We are going to have a battle. I must warn our people. Meral can you send 100 of your strongest wizards to mount Olympus to go to battle, and thank you for all you have done for my people.", says Aphrodite thankfully.

“Oh it was the least I could do my Precious.", says Ambrose.

“Well I must be going now.  I have to prepare the realms for the battle.", says Aphrodite sadly.

“After the battle can you come back and be the life teacher?”, asks the headmaster, “and maybe you can fill my shoes as headmistress someday.”

“That would be nice. I must hurry. I am so sorry.”, explains Aphrodite mounting her pegasus.

Aphrodite flew up into the clouds.

“Zeus get the army ready we are going to war.  I have sent for 100 wizards to come help us.", says Aphrodite about to pass out from exhaustion.

"Sound the alarm.  We are going to war with the fire and death nations! Can someone help poor Aphrodite?", screams Zeus.

“Yesssss master.", says a snake slithering toward him

“WHO LET THE SNAKE IN!!!!!!!!", screams Zeus

“I will take care of the creeper and miss Aphrodite.", says A maiden waiting for the creeper to stop hissing.
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