The Myths

The Myths

A story that mixes greek gods with players of Wizard101! Epic right! Don't worry i am not some gamer geek. I am actually a Gamer Girly Girl! He he... Also sorry for any issues with spelling or unfinished words. Copy and Paste wasn't working right. THIS IS A WARNING! I WROTE THIS ABOUT A YEAR AGO SO SPELLING AND GRAMMAR WASN'T VERY GOOD!

published on April 28, 2014completed

The Great Battle

The battle began and already 50 wizards have been defeated.  Only 50 remained.  Of them 20 Life and Storm god and goddesses had been defeated which is good because, Storm always prevails.  Zeus was shouting like a crazy man, and Aphrodite was looking the worse for the wear.  She had passed out all night because of exhaustion.  Some of the Life Wizards have stayed behind to heal the Storm wizards, gods and goddesses.  In the end, Storm and Life won.  However, there was also a challenge.  Now the Life students, gods and goddesses must heal the Fire and Death realm gods and goddesses.  The next day, Aphrodite recovered from her illness.  She went back to Ravenwood to spread the news of the victory in the battle.

"So, have you decided to take me up on my offer?”, asked Ambrose.  “Yes”, she replied, “I will be a part-time Life School Instructor.”  “Good!  Classes start tomorrow!”, he responded.  “I will bring the students back with me tomorrow when I start work.”, she said.  "Splendid.  Come visit me in my office when you get a chance.  I have a gift for you.”, Ambrose said.  “And, what might that gift be?”, she asks.  “Oh, let’s say its a surprise.”, he said.  “Oh, Merle, you know I not good with surprises!”, she exclaimed.  “Well then, follow me.”, he replied, “One of my former Life teachers created it with me.”  Aphrodite opens the small box handed to her by Ambrose.  Inside she finds an egg.  “Oh my, Merle, it is so beautiful!  Who are its parents?”, she asked.  “The egg will hatch in 5 minutes, so you’ll see very soon.”, he said.  When the egg hatched, out came a pigglized dragon with a cross of imp.  “Meral, what were you thinking of when you were crossing these three creatures!”, she laughed.  “Well, let’s just say, it was hilarious”, he answered.  “I will never ask again what you were thinking!”, she replied.  “Well, I should head back to the victory party.  Are you coming?”, Aphrodite said with a laugh.  “I may join you, but my owl is in Wysteria at the moment.  I could come now, if your Pegasus can carry both of us.”, he replied.  “Your a wizard.  Just use a levitation spell, and she won’t even know you are there!”, she said.

Aphrodite whistled and her Pegasus came landing next to her, but she didn’t come alone.  She came with a new baby foal.  “Merle, I think I need to borrow a stall in your stable.  This foal needs a home on earth and not in the sky.”, she winked.  The headmaster wondered out loud, “Now who could be the father?”  “We will leave that question for another time.” she replied, “By the way, you wouldn’t happen to be looking for a new pet, now would you?”

“Let’s go before the party ends.”, Aphrodite says.  

Ambrose casts his levitation spell, and off they went.  When they got there all the cake was gone.  All that was left was a super fat piggle.  

“Pigglypie, what was did you do?”, asks Zeus.  

“Don’t worry there is plenty more cake in the kitchen!”, Zeus added,

“We knew you were coming.”    “

Well let’s eat!”, says Ambrose   

“Headmaster Merle Ambrose where are your manners.”, scolds Aphrodite.

"Sorry.", says Ambrose shamefully   

“May we please have a piece of cake?”, Aphrodite asks politely.   

“Of course you can.”, answers the servant.  

“Thank you.”, says Aphrodite.  

“You’re welcome.", says the servant.

“Well lets go back to Ravenwood.

"what do you think?”, asks Aphrodite    

“Okay.” answers Ambrose.

~*~THE END~*~
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