The Myths

The Myths

A story that mixes greek gods with players of Wizard101! Epic right! Don't worry i am not some gamer geek. I am actually a Gamer Girly Girl! He he... Also sorry for any issues with spelling or unfinished words. Copy and Paste wasn't working right. THIS IS A WARNING! I WROTE THIS ABOUT A YEAR AGO SO SPELLING AND GRAMMAR WASN'T VERY GOOD!

published on April 28, 2014completed

The Potion

Zeus went to the Shopping district and got all of the things that the Headmaster requested. He came back and saw Ambrose sitting in his chair playing with his staff.

“Did you get the things on the list?”, asked Headmaster Ambrose

“Did you get the pot ready?”, replied Zeus

“I asked you first!”

“Okay we say our answers at the same time. 1-2-3...”

“No", says Ambrose feeling quite embarrassed.

“Okay, I will get it ready.”, replied Headmaster Ambrose sadly.

With a flick of his staff Ambrose got the cauldron ready.

“Tell me the recipe”, ordered Ambrose looking for his crystal ball.

“Okay It says to float the 2 water lilies on the top of the water”

“Done”, says Ambrose waiting for the next direction

“Melt the 10 frost flowers with a sun bird spell”

“Okay, eyes closed everyone”, the headmaster says as he casts the spell on the frost flowers and then pours them in the pot.

“Now add the red mandrake and the mist wood.”

As Zeus read Headmaster Ambrose did. The mandrake went in with a sizzle and the mist wood went in with a pop.

“Add only 2 drops of ectoplasm.”

“Okay read the next direction.”

“Add only 57 pieces of Onyx.”

“55,56,57 pieces of Onyx”, the old wizard counted.

“Add 1 more drop of ectoplasm.”

“Done”, Ambrose says.

“Now add another 347 pieces of Onyx.”

“Are we done yet?”, said Ambrose impatiently.

“Almost.  Now put the cauldron over the fire.”

“Phew, this is hard work.”, says Headmaster Ambrose.

“We are almost done!”

“Now give me the crystal ball, and I will fill it up.”, Says Ambrose with joy.

“Now add the 96 pieces of Onyx to the crystal ball.”

“Done. What’s next?”, Ambrose says.

“Add the 2 drops of ectoplasm to the crystal ball. Now shake it well.”

“Yes! we finished”, the headmaster says.

“Hey guys, I think Elizabeth may even be the one to defeat Malistare. She defeated me in battle.”, says Aphrodite walking up to Zeus.

“Really, you think so?!”, asked Elizabeth excitedly.

“Yes, if you can defeat Aphrodite, you can defeat Malistare just like you did before. Now we need a Life Wizard to cast a spell on the crystal amulet.”, says Ambrose happily

“I can do it Headmaster.”, says Aphrodite smiling.

“Can I help Headmaster?”, says Elizabeth.

“No, I am afraid it is too dangerous for a student to do. It may even be too much for poor Aphrodite.”, says Headmaster Ambrose concerningly.

“I will set down some pillows for you to make you more comfortable.”, says Zeus climbing onto his Lion to go get some at the Bazar.

                                                                                              ~*~*~*~30 minutes later~*~*~*~

“I have returned and brought the pillows. Elik was out of the linen covered pillows, but he did have Krokotopian cotton so I bought them and then did a few quests to buy the linen covers in your favorite color, green.”, said Zeus.

“Come Zeus. Bring the pillows into my quarters.  I have a room for Aphrodite.”, said The Headmaster with a kind and gentle smile.

“Aphrodite, go to the life palace, and gather your things. You will be here awhile.”, said Zeus

“Okay, I will take my pegasus.”, says Aphrodite.

So Aphrodite mounted her pegasus, and flew into the sky.  When she returned, she had some candles with her.  Headmaster Ambrose was waiting for her, and so was the stable hand from pigswick. The stable hand took the majestic pegasus by the reigns as Aphrodite dismounted. The pegasus was led away. Aphrodite asked, “Where is my pegasus going?”

“Oh don’t worry.  He is going to a stable in pigswick for a little bit. I will show you your room.”, says Ambrose reassuringly.

“Is it okay if I put some of my candles in the room they help me relax?”

“Oh of course you can! Here is your room.”, says Ambrose calmly.

“Oh my, thank you, Headmaster!”

“You have known me long enough to call me Meral.”
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