The Myths

The Myths

A story that mixes greek gods with players of Wizard101! Epic right! Don't worry i am not some gamer geek. I am actually a Gamer Girly Girl! He he... Also sorry for any issues with spelling or unfinished words. Copy and Paste wasn't working right. THIS IS A WARNING! I WROTE THIS ABOUT A YEAR AGO SO SPELLING AND GRAMMAR WASN'T VERY GOOD!

published on April 28, 2014completed

The Game of a Lifetime

“Yes, I have a wizard on speed-dial.  I bet you don’t.”, says Zeus smirking.  The wizard cast the spell and the deal was a deal.  The two gods played, and played, for many hours.  Eventually Aphrodite sent another note.

                                                                                                          Dear Zeus,
                                                                              Move your king to D-7 and you will win.  Trust me.
                                                                                                 Your loving friend,

Zeus did as he was told, and moved his king to D-7, saying, “checkmate”.  Prometheus looked at the board, and laughed, saying, “Okay Zeus you win I will never light a fire on the beaches but that doesn’t mean I can’t set you on fire!”  He called upon his Sun bird to come and burn Zeus. Finally the Sun bird came and almost did the god in. Aphrodite screamed as the king almost died. Soon that hour Aphrodite was released. She ran up and hugged Zeus.

“I have never seen a chess battle before. What you did was heroic and unexpected I thank you.” says Aphrodite with a worried look in her eye.

“What’s wrong?”, asked Zeus also with a concerned face.

“I am terrified.”


“Pluto warned me that a great battle was to come.”

“Okay, I understand now. That is quite serious.  We must tell the great headmaster at once!”

                                                                                                 ~*~*~30 minutes later~*~*~

“Headmaster Ambrose!  Headmaster Ambrose!  We need your help. Pluto says that there is to be a great battle. Can you help us?”, cried Aphrodite gasping for air.

“Hmm, I don’t know things in Ravenwood haven’t been very good lately with Malistare around.  But I may be able to brew up a potion that will answer your questions.  Let’s see I think the recipe is somewhere in my office. Oh, have you met our latest student Elizabeth Firecaster? She is a life student just like you were. I still remember the first day you stepped into my office like it was just yesterday. The same battle with Malistare. Hey maybe you can help Elizabeth get started on her studies.", says ambrose searching for the recipe.

“Okay I can definitely help Elizabeth with her studies. I think she will make a very strong Life wizard some day.”, said Aphrodite, smiling and leading Elizabeth to the training arena.

“Wow, I didn’t know that Aphrodite came to Ravenwood;  especially that she was a wizard!”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about her.”, says Ambrose finding the recipe under a stack of forms.

“You found the recipe!", says Zeus excitedly.

“Now let me see.

   -2 water lilies
                           -10 Frost Flowers
                           -3 pieces of mist wood
                              -10 pieces of red mandrake (DO NOT USE BLUE EXPLOSIONS MAY OCCUR)
                          -5 drops of ectoplasm
  -500 pieces of Onyx

“Zeus, do you mind taking this list out to the shopping district and getting some things for me?  I will stay here, and get the pot ready.”, says Ambrose

“You can count on me!”, says Zeus getting his satchel ready.

Zeus read the list, and was surprised of what he read:

Shopping List:

The wand shop~Runed wand
Dry cleaning~order for Merle Ambrose
Reagent Shop~Onyx
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