Chapter 2

Bluepaw walked through the thorny entrance of the stone hollow, silently observing Stonewatcher hurrying out after them alone. Bluepaw had just come back from a uneventful border patrol and had caught a few pieces of prey, including a blackbird which she took for herself, she headed toward a far corner of camp. Bluepaw ate half of her meal and watched coolly as her sister Featherpaw attempted at flirting with Oakfire, Oakfire was every she-cat apprentices' crush making him a main victim for Featherpaw who obsessed with him.
Though Bluepaw couldn't care less about him and thought he was as bad as Shadow clan and badgers wrapped up all together. She was about to finish her blackbird and go find Stonewatcher when Dawnpaw padded up with a vole, "Hi Bluepaw, what happened on patrol?". Dawnpaw had always been to cheery and talkative for Bluepaw's cold presence and Bluepaw usually tried to eat early to avoid her, for some reason Dawnpaw just loved talking to her. "Nothing, it was boring. Now I think I left something back on the patrol so I really don't have time for you" Bluepaw started to stand up. "But you haven't finished your blackbird, you can always tell another cat to fetch it" Dawnpaw flicked her tail down eyes shining. Bluepaw glared at her, "Leave me alone already, and if you're so hungry eat my food". With that she sped away toward the entrance but once again she was stopped.
"C'mon Bluepaw we're are going to do some battle training" Brookstripe greeted her apprentice with a small nod, "and don't you give me any excuses, you're coming". Bluepaw clawed at the ground angrily, "I need to talk to Stonewatcher". "Save it for later" Brookstripe nudged her forward and Bluepaw reluncently padded to the training grounds.
Bluepaw stared at Amberpaw who was facing eagerly in front her, their mentors thought it would be fun if they fought against some cat more advanced. She had droned off Brookstripe talking about rules and not to be discouraged if she was beaten, 'who is she kidding? I could beat Amberpaw any day but Adderpaw would be a more interesting opponent'. "Start" was all Bluepaw heard and she lunged swiftly underneath Amberpaw while lunching him up. Amberpaw gasped in surprise as he realized he was in air, with a high jump Bluepaw slammed him on the ground.
"Bluepaw!" Brookstripe ran over with anger making it raised, "you could have really hurt Amberpaw, again". Bluepaw stared blankly at her mentor, "it's battle training, isn't it?". Brookstripe's anger was coming off in hot waves washing off her but Bluepaw barely seemed to notice, "Adderpaw, may I fight you?". Adderpaw didn't respond his mouth was firmly shut and he was looking at Mudstorm crouching over his brother, but he turned his gaze in question toward his mentor Bouldertuft. "I don't think it's wise for Bluepaw to do any more training today, it seems she isn't quite ready for such advanced training" Bouldertuft talked in a cold voice but the gentleness in his meow was easy to pick out. "Bluepaw, you told me you wanted to talk to Stonewatcher? You may go see him" Brookstripe's mew was broke and cracked with sorrow but Bluepaw saw her eyes brighten when Amberpaw got to his paws, "Amberpaw how are you feeling?".
Bluepaw curled up gingerly in her moss bedding watching carefully for thorns, she seemed to catch thorns every time she was out on a patrol, Bluepaw looked worriedly at the stars hoping for good sleep.
And like every tiring night she found herself in the Dark Forest.
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