Chapter 1

As she walked down to the lake where she could usually get some catmint she noticed Scorchpool and Ivypaw looking around the lake too, probably stocking up on herbs. "Hi Scorchpool, hi Ivypaw" Dawnpaw greeted them at the edge of Shadow clan's lake border, she saw Ivypaw flatten her ears. "Ah, Dawnpaw out for herbs?" Scorchpool was much more friendly than Ivypaw, who had stalked at few tail lengths away. "Yes I am, want some catmint for some chickweed?" Dawnpaw offered looking at their huge chickweed and measly pile of catmint, she knew she could find chickweed anywhere Thunder clan but she wanted to help Scorchpool. "Are you sure Dawnpaw?" Scorchpool looked embarrassed, "we can find some in our territory". Ivypaw walked up to Dawnpaw scowling as she opened her mouth, "we don't need stupid Thunder clan's help, Shadow clan helps itself". "Ivypaw... we need this, unless you want to look during meal time" Scorchpool hesitated but regained his strength, "we'll take the offer".
Dawnpaw made the trade while thinking her most common thought, 'why is Ivypaw even a medicine cat? She acted like a warrior and never seemed have any prophetic dreams'. She had tried to ask Stonewatcher about it, but he had hushed her with a lecture about jumping to conclusions and doubting a cats loyalty to their role. Dawnpaw didn't mean to sound rude but Ivypaw was the opposite of medicine cat.
When Dawnpaw arrived back at camp she felt as if she hadn't left at all for the apprentices were still gaggling lazily, the elders were rolling happily in the sun, her parents seemed interested in eavesdropping on the latest patrol report, and Stonewatcher was sorting herbs piles outside.
"Stonewatcher, I got some chickweed and catmint" Dawnpaw placed the fresh herbs at her mentor's paws hoping dearly that he wouldn't smell Shadow clan's strong smell, but from the way Stonewatcher wrinkled his nose at them she knew that her hope had been helpless. "Trading with Shadow clan, again?" Stonewatcher sighed tired of this repeated conversion. Dawnpaw squirmed under his locked eyes, "they needed it". "Did they really need it? Dawnpaw we can't keep giving Shadow clan herbs though we're medicine cats we still have to remain loyal to our clan, and chickweed. Chickweed, Dawnpaw we already have plenty of chickweed" Stonewatcher shook his head and removed his gaze, "no heading out of the camp for three days". "But!" Dawnpaw gasped, "please Stonewatcher!". Stonewatcher ignored her and started to pack up his sorted herbs, "you can finish these tomorrow and Stubtail has some bad cramps, also some cat needs to check the elders for ticks". Dawnpaw huffed frustrated at her mentor and thought, 'ugh he's so mousebrained! No mousebrained is a strong word and your just angry'.
At first Dawnpaw understood Stonewatcher's decision, but then she realized that tonight was the gathering. "Wait I get to go to the gathering, right?" Dawnpaw asked weakly but she already knew her mentor's answer. "No" Stonewatcher meowed coolly, "You know what you did, Dawnpaw you did this in leaf bare too when we needed herbs most and I didn't punish you cause I needed help in camp".
With that Stonewatcher flicked his tail in goodbye to eat early, he needed to because cats picked for the gathering had to leave early, Dawnpaw laid down scattering the herbs scraps everywhere. Like a snowstorm, a small snowstorm that held much more power then it was showing. As she was decoding the useless snowstorm of scraps she saw a star fly over her landing at her snowstorm, Dawnpaw peaked outside Stonewatcher hadn't seemed to notice.
Dawnpaw watched longingly at the Thunder clan cats filing out of camp. She envied the feel of the old log under her paws, she longed for the sound of talking clans, and she wanted to see all the cats under truce. But Dawnpaw had put this on herself and she decided to end her misery by going to sleep, plus she'd been hoping Star clan would clear up what Dawnpaw had seen. Luckily sleep was easy to come and soon Dawnpaw had been dragged into sleep.
"Dawnpaw" a glowing figure approached Dawnpaw, the glowing figure was a tall spotted she-cat. "Dapplethorn!" Dawnpaw ran toward the cat nuzzling the she-cat's transparent fur in greeting. "Dawnpaw I'm sure you have your questions about the omen we sent you today. But I need you to always under any circumstance follow the warrior code and medicine cat code, no matter what" Dapplethorn's eyes clouded as if she knew more than she was telling, "always make decisions that will be approved by us". Dawnpaw narrowed her eyes at Dapplethorn, "are you sure that's all?". Dapplethorn flicked her ears silently and started to pad away, Dawnpaw raced after her but like good old Star clan does Dapplethorn faded into mist.
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