
Waiting patiently, I began to wonder how the person delivering the notes knew about the secrets the boys were hiding. Could they be close to the boys? What if Dakota or Zero is the ones writing the notes? Still in my detective mind, I felt Zero nudging on my shoulder to get the note. Taking a deep breath, I opened the note.
"I know this seems weird, but yes he is my step brother. My parents divorced over a two years ago. No one knows not even David. Dakota came along with his mother about four months after the divorce. My father then married his mother. David and me don't get along and don't want anyone knowing we are step-brothers." (Zero's note)
Looking at Zero, I smiled to reassure him I would not tell anyone about this. A smile curved on that cold face of his. Over the last couple of times I have seen him, his cold look disappears every time I see him.
After arguing with the jocks, the teacher finally started teaching. However, I could not pay much attention. My mind circled around the thought of going to talk to Dakota. I got Zero's point of view on the topic. Now I want to know Dakota's view. Hearing that bell ring, I smiled at Zero and hurried off to find Dakota. Throwing my books in my locker, I noticed a crimson red note taped on the wall. Grabbed it, I completely became shocked.
"Do you really think you are with the right guys? How about you try something different, beautiful Haven?" (Note)
What is going on? First, tell me to find the secret. Now, this note about trying something different! Who is this person? Ripping up the note, I threw it away in the trash can and did not look back. I have harder things to do than mess with some strange note.
Walking to Dakota's locker, I saw his brown hair brushed back with his black jacket holding on him along with his blue jeans and boots. His green eyes noticed me.
"Hey, Haven! What are you doing?" Dakota opening his locker.
"Hey. I just want to talk to you about something." (Me)
"About our soon to be date?" Dakota shutting the locker.
"You wish!" I laughed.
"Oh, I do! Prom is close!" Dakota mentioned
"I know, but I have um heard some stuff about you." I was interrupted.
"Who uttered these rumors?" Dakota asked in a cold expression.
"Well, Zero was.." Dakota interrupted me before I could finish.
"Zero? Of course. He couldn't let me be happy without bringing the past up. Claiming his trophy before I can. I see." Dakota walking away.
"Wait! Dakota." I yelled.
"I'll see you at practice." Dakota said not even looking back at me.
Dakota. Did I do something wrong? The rest of the day, I day dreamed in class wondering if Dakota was ok. I thought I should confront him instead of assuming. Did I make the wrong choice? Dakota just walked away not even looking back.
David tried shaking me out of my day dream state, but I didn't want anything to do with school. I was focused on how this year had went. Two boys cared about me, but who did I care about the most? Zero and I have a past both good and bad, but Dakota is so caring, and I have this feeling Dakota will never hurt.
Why can't I go back to being the loser that no one cared about? I mean it would not be that hard. I could stop being the manager and leave Zero and Dakota alone. My friends don't even care. I guess that is what happens when friends get in a relationship. They just don't care anymore.
The final bell for school rang as I started walking towards the field. David went ahead since he had to get changed and warm up. Fine with me. I like being alone. Jennifer and Hanna stood at the fence staring at the players as they warmed up. They tried talking to me, but I was too lost in thoughts to pay attention.
Walking into the dugout, I glared at the boys. Zero had caught a glimpse of me before he threw the ball to David. With a quick grin towards me, Zero continued throwing the ball.
Beside David, I noticed Dakota throwing the ball with a freshman. Still learning the new ones names. Dakota did not look at the dugout until he threw the ball at his partner, and instead of throwing it to his partner, it went straight for Zero's head
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!