The New Beginning

Winter came by with a blast of anger. Jack Frost must of been drinking coffee or something because every time I went outside, snow covered the ground. When Christmas came around, it signaled the last day of the first semester. One semester down from the terror of this school. Oh, that doesn't stop there.
During the year, both Zero and Dakota have been trying their hardest to get a date with me which I think is odd. Why Zero? Why Dakota? To end this semester off, I told them whichever one of them hits a home run first I will go on a date with them. Best idea I have thought of.
Now, it's time for the second semester. Baseball, prom, and so much stuff that will make this semester the best. Straightening my hair, I glared at the beautiful outfit I picked for the first day back. When I first found it, I thought I would never wear it until David talked me into it. Turning the straightener off, I grabbed the long sleeve white shirt, black flow skirt, white long socks, and a brown shirt with white fuzz on the arms, a black large fuzz going around the neck, a black bow connecting to the black fuzz, and two brown bows one the bottom. Putting on my black flats, a big smiled curved on my face. This is a pretty cute outfit. Almost forgetting, I grabbed the black ribbon for the outfit and wrapped it on my head.
"Are you ready yet, little bit? Zero is outside.." (David walking in the door)
"I'm ready! Y'all can wait for a minute." (Me walking out the door)
"Zero is gonna faint." (David following me chuckling)
"Shut up!" (Me walking outside)
"Oh lighten up a little bit." (David shutting the house door)
"What are you too arguing about now?" (Zero as I opened the truck door)
"We aren't arguing. We are having a conversation." (Me getting in the truck and shutting the door)
"Ha it sure sounds like.." (Zero looking at me) "Wow."
When Zero's blue eyes found me, I felt my heart begin to beat faster and faster. His words stopped as he stared at me. Zero hasn't seen me since first semester which was over two-three weeks ago. Maybe I had changed to him somehow.
"You look beautiful, Haven." (Zero trying to hide his blushing face)
"Well thank you." (Me giggling)
"Aww don't y'all look adorable!" (David getting inside laughing)
"Shut up!" (Me and Zero at the same time)
"Cute." (David)
Riding to school, we all talked about how great the baseball season was going to be. Since it was only a few weeks away, Coach wanted to start having the boys weight lift for the first two weeks. The cold winter air still seemed to linger around, so Coach didn't want the boys getting sick.
Arriving at school, a bright smile curved on my face. A new year began today. A fresh start. Getting out of the truck, Zero and David walked beside me into the school building. Zero wouldn't really look at me much, but I think it is cause he didn't want to blush. Walking inside the doors, they were waiting for us. For me. Jennifer, Hanna, and Lexey stood there in their skimpy uniforms smiling like devilish clowns.
"Look what the thrift shop bragged in. When was that cool? In 1990? Haha!" (Jennifer)
"Says the clown. Are you auditioning for the circus later?" (David)
"Oh beautiful David, the poor thing getting stuck with ugly trash like her." (Hanna)
"Could y'all be any more jealous of her? Get a life." (Zero holding my arm taking me away from the girls)
His tight grip felt powerful against my small arm. Zero. With his brown hair covering his blue eyes, I could still feel a side of caring coming from him. A real smile curved on my face at that moment. The first real smile a guy beside my brother made appear. Speaking of my brother, he walked beside us like a guard dog.
Jumping in front of me, Jennifer somehow pushed me down to the ground. Her eyes covered with jealously as she looked up at Zero and down at me.
"Look here, little tramp. You are not worth the bottom of my shoe. You are worthless, ugly, unimportant, and no one cares. Start learning your place instead of trying to be someone you aren't. Now scurry back to the trash where you..." (Jennifer)
"That's enough!! You are nothing but a bully. Trying to make a girl feel this way is shameful and horrible. Get a life. Stop being a jealous brat! Oh and by the way, ZERO CAN'T STAND YOU! If he liked you, he would be helping you instead of trying to save Haven from you." (David pulling me up)
"But..I..No. Just a angry brother in denial over the truth. You will see." (Jennifer said. Jennifer and Hanna walked away)
"Haven, I am sorry for everything Jennifer says." (Lexey walking away)
Being pulled up, David smiled at me with insurance that everything is going to be ok. However, everything wasn't. This year was going to be worse. I just knew it.
Walking into homeroom to receive our second semester classes, I spotted Robert and Kim. I guess they were together now since they never noticed me and still flirted with each other. Then, I spotted Dakota waving his hand to go sit by him. Looking up at David and Zero, I felt a go have fun look from my brother while Zero showed a don't go look. Faking a smile, I sat in a desk right beside Dakota. His green eyes rang with happiness as we began to talk.
"You are looking nice today." (Dakota)
"Thank you." (Me)
"How was your winter break?" (Dakota)
"It was pretty good. I love the winter time." (Me)
"Well that's great! I don't really like winter. I like summer time." (Dakota)
"Why? Winter is more comfy and relaxing. Summer is too hot." (Me)
"True, but summer is surfing and baseball." (Dakota)
"Baseball is spring." (Me)
"Oh well true." (Dakota)
"Ha silly." (Me)
After that, we received our classes for this semester. At first, I thought they would be easy, but then I discovered I had two classes with Zero along with Dakota being in one of those classes. How was this going to work? I know Zero is the jealous type, but could he get mad during class. When I talked to David about his classes, we discovered we had the same classes. I think the teachers do that on purpose. I like the idea of being around David more.
As the bell rang to go change classes, I went immediately to my locker without worrying about anything. Opening the locker, I found a black envelope addressed to me. Grabbing it, I wondered who was sending all these letters. Inside, I found a white letter.
"Secrets. Secrets. Secrets. Don't let them hurt you. It is your love triangle." (Anonymous)
What did this mean? Was Dakota and Zero hiding something? Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Zero smiling at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
"Are you ok?" (Zero)
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" (Me)
"I just wanted to asked. You seemed uneasy when Dakota and you were talking." (Zero walking to class)
"Wait, you were easdropping." (Me following)
"Got to watch over my competition and my prize." (Zero)
"So I am just a prize in the game?" (Me)
"Um no! Of course not!" (Zero blushing)
"Ha so cute." (Me giggling)
"Really?" (Zero smiling at me while we walk in class)
"Yeah, but Zero, are you hiding something from me?" (Me)
"What would make you think that?" (Zero searching for a seat)
"Just a hunch. Why don't you like Dakota?" (Me looking too)
"Long boring story." (Zero walking to a seat)
"Well I got plenty of time." (Me following)
"Determined. Fine. I know Dakota. He was rebelish. Breaking everything. Hurting people. Stealing guy's girlfriends. Breaking hearts. Bullying. Almost anything bad Dakota has done. The reason he is even here is cause he totaled the principal's car and crashed a bus." (Zero sitting down)
Standing there for a minute, I couldn't believe the words that came out of Zero's mouth. Dakota couldnt of been like that. I wouldn't believe what I just heard. Thinking about it, Dakota never has been mean to me. I had to get to the bottom of this.
Sitting down, I heard the teacher begin teaching until the jocks distracted her. Wondering how Zero knew all this, I wrote him a note saying, "Tell me how do you know?" Passing the note, I started to stare at Zero. With his brown eye brushed perfectly, his blue eyes gazed at the note with regret. With his blue hoodie hugging him tight, I gazed down to see his black jeans and blue Nike shoes loose on him. Such a confusing boy.
Finally, he passed the note back to me with concern and still regret in his eyes. Excitement took over as I opened the note. What I found was unbelievable. What? Was the only word I could say. Maybe I didn't know about Zero's life like I thought.
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!