A Mystery Continues With A Little Truth

Since Zero drove here, we all jumped in Zero's truck and made our way to the wonderful prison. Let's just say the way to school was a interesting conversation.
"Who you dressing up for, little bit?" (David)
"So when I dress up because I want to, that means I'm dressing up for someone?" (Me)
"Of course! Who is it?" (David)
"No one." (Me)
"Are you dressing up for Dakota?? Or is it for Zero??" (David)
"David!" (Me)
"Haven, he already knows you used to like him." (David)
"How about we all shut up and drive?" (Zero)
"Grouchy much." (David)
Making it to school, I quickly jumped out of the truck. Talk about a embarrassing conversation. Zero knew, but it was just the past nothing more. We all decided to walk with each other inside the building when of course of all people we would meet the clowns. Jennifer, Hanna, and Lexey all stood in front of the entrance. Jennifer's brown straighten hair blew with the wind as her neon green uniform fit tight onto her skin. Her blue eyes glared at me with hatred as I approached with the boys. Hanna's orange hair bounced off her shoulders with thick curls while her neon pink uniform also fit tight on her no curves body. Her brown eyes darted with lust at my brother the closer we approached. However, Lexey's blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail while her yellow uniform was not is tight on her. Her green eyes stared at the ground with pain reflecting out the corners.
"Looks like we have a clown among two hotties." (Hanna)
"Don't worry that job already belongs to y'all." (David)
"What did you say? At least we get boys with our looks! Haven couldn't get a fly even if she was made of trash." (Jennifer)
"Why don't you go find better comebacks then we can talk." (David)
"Oh please, this crybaby left the classroom on the first day of school. Couldn't help herself." (Hanna)
"Why don't y'all get a life?" (Zero)
"Oh Zero, remember that day we pranked her? You gave all of us the idea to glue her butt to the desk seat, watching as her skirt ripped and all you could see was her panties. Haha! The joy of watching her cry and run out of the classroom. Remember, baby?" (Jennifer)
"Wait, you gave her the idea. How could you?" (Me)
"I thought it would be funny done to a guy. I never said you. I never wanted that to happen to you, Haven." (Zero)
"Then, why didn't you stop them?" (Me)
"I didn't know till it happened." (Zero)
"Funny, how you think you know who your friends are, huh losers?" (Jennifer)
I couldn't take a minute more of hearing those two. Walking up the stairs, I pushed the girls out of the way and went inside the hallway. On the way to the locker, I let my mind travel everywhere. I felt my heart break into a tiny little pieces. Zero helped Jennifer plan one of the worst days of my life. I was called Heavenly slut for two years. Why didn't Zero tell me? I guess I couldn't trust someone like him. I felt stupid for letting my heart like him. My tears started to form as I finally made it to my locker. Why am I letting them get to me? Was I this pathetic? Opening my locker, I discovered a small black note sitting in my locker. Well the person must not be Zero since he is with David.
"Don't stop smiling. You never know who's falling in love with it." (Anonymous)
This little note somehow brought happiness into my broken heart. Yes, I am hurt and very upset, but at least I felt a little better. Grabbing my English 2 book, I carefully placed the note in the front of the locker. Before shutting the locker, I heard a male voice calling my name. Running in my direction was David. His white button up shirt was tucked in while his black jacket laid on his small chest, and black pants loose on his legs. With his blonde hair blowing back with his speed, I saw his brown eyes staring at me with concern.
"Haven, are you ok? I tried to shut them up." (David)
"I'm fine. Just going to go to class." (Me)
"Oh, well Haven, I am sorry I couldn't protect you like I should. I swear that won't happen again." (David)
"It's fine, bubba. I swear. Now go talk to the principal. I'll see you in class." (Me)
"Ok! See you in a bit, little bit." (David)
David flashed a bright white smile at me and darted off to the principal's office. For years, he always stuck up for me and protected me, but I don't think now will work. Entering the classroom, Kim, Robert, and Dakota were already seated in the same seats. Most of the seats but Jennifer's, Hanna's, and Lexey's were already occupied. After walking to my seat, I saw Kim's green eyes staring up at me with happiness. With her black short haired moused in curls, Kim's blue uniform laid loose on her fit body. Sitting done , I glanced over at Robert. His blue eyes were staring at Kim with his hair in a mess even his white button up shirt was messed up (all boys wore the same uniform as David). Normally, Robert was perfectly fixed up.
My brown eyes suddenly were fixed on Dakota. His brown hair was combed perfectly back while his school uniform was in perfect harmony with his muscular body. His green eyes were watching me with every step I took. Placing my books down, I pulled down my red uniform skirt and sit down. Now it is time to bring out the inner actress in me and fake the day away.
"Sorry I didn't text you back last night! Mom got drunk again. You know how she is." (Kim)
"Oh it's fine. It wasn't that important." (Me)
"Great! Hey did you hear about the cheer tryouts?" (Kim)
"No didn't really care." (Me)
"Of course she didn't care about it, Kimmy." (Robert)
"What's so important about it?" (Dakota)
"Nothing, but I heard the baseball team is looking for a manager. The team will vote today." (Kim)
"Who nominated?" (Robert)
"Well it's between Jennifer or Haven." (Dakota)
"Are you kidding me?" (Me)
"I think most of us are gonna vote for you though. I'd rather have a butterfly than a clown." (Dakota)
"Haha! I knew there was a reason why I liked you!" (Kim)
"Clowns are meant for the circus not a baseball field." (Robert)
"Have y'all finally agreed with me?" (Jennifer)
While we were talking, the clowns must have finally joined the rest of the class. One day, I am going to show them just how pathetic they are, but it wasn't all three of them. Yeah, Lexey could be mean, but I felt like something was hurting her.
"Jennifer, why don't you stay in your own conversations?" (Kim)
"Oh, I will once I graduate." (Jennifer)
"Hey, Dakota. We still on for tonight?" (Hanna)
"I'd rather have my legs ripped off my body and fed to a lion." (Dakota)
"Oh, well then. One day. At least you will vote for Jennifer today." (Hanna)
"My vote is to the beautiful Haven." (Dakota)
"Beautiful? You are kidding me right? She couldn't be any more uglier if you put a paper bag on top of her." (Jennifer)
"Is that why you use make up to hid that ugliness?" (Robert)
"Hey, Kim. Control your boyfriend before he gets into trouble with the football team." (Hanna)
The conversation continued to grow. Hanna and Jennifer would continue to diss me while my friends argued with them. I ignored them both my friends and the clowns. Let's say ignoring was starting to be fun. Dakota started to do that same thing, and he glanced at me smiling. His green eyes glaring with happiness. I felt my face began to blush as I felt his gaze. As class began, so did mine and Dakota's note passing.
Dakota and My Note
"Will you smile?" (Dakota)
"I am." (Me)
"No, a real one. Your faking it." (Dakota)
"Is my acting getting bad?" (Me)
"Naw. Just don't like seeing the girl I like sad." (Dakota)
"You like?" (Me)
"As a friend. Maybe more. I won't tell ;).'' (Dakota)
The rest of the day went by much quicker than I thought. David came in around second block, and go figures the principal would give David and me all the same classes. Besides that, the only thing important was the fall dance coming up. The dance was supposed to help the school earn more money, but the dance sounded horrible to me. However, when David found out, he announced we were for sure going to the dance even if he had to drag me by my feet.
On the case of Zero , I ignored him all day. Why would I care about that jerk? I mean yes I might be over reacting, but still that day was a nightmare in reality. We were just started finally becoming friends and now this! Ugh guys are confusing. However, every time I glanced at Zero down the hall I felt my heart hurting. One time, he tried calling my name, but I kept my distance.
Finally, the end of the day came, so I went to my locker and placed my books inside when I discovered a red note and a white rose taped to the wall inside my locker. A rose?
"Looking back on the things I've done, I was trying to be someone who I wasn't. I played the part, kept you in the dark. Now let me show you the shape of my heart." (Anonymous)
Zero. He was the one who did this. RIGHT? Shutting my locker, I saw it. My brother and Zero walking to the baseball field just now leaving class. Zero's brown hair from behind was placed on top of each other unlike my brother's blonde hair traveling everywhere. Each Boy had shorts on and a loose shirt with their cleats. Guess I was wrong. Again.
Walking down to the baseball field, I kept the white rose firmly in my hand. It was beautiful and fully bloomed. Beautiful. Then, the moment I got to the field I got more excited. Now, baseball is a main sport for us, so the boys practice till it gets too cold, but seeing David throwing the ball with Zero made my heart beat faster.
Walking down the hill, I could hear a boy screaming my name on the baseball field. Glancing up, I saw Dakota waving his hand for me to come to the field while screaming for me. His brown hair was bouncing up and down along with his black shorts and green shirt. What a goof. I swear I thought his partner, Miguel, was about to nail him in the head with a baseball. I would of.
Walking onto the field, I walked besides the coach. Now our coach wasn't the fittest coach in school. He had a large beer gut and was quite small. Most of his red but mostly white hair on his head was gone, and his clothes were loose on his body. With his pale skin blinding everyone, his green eyes stared at me with happiness. Coach Morgan might have a not hot body, but he was simply amazing. Each season he would let me sit in the dugout and record the games David couldn't make it too. We would sit on buckets and discuss how to improve the team. Like I said best coach ever.
"Hey girl. Heard the boys are talking about picking you a manager. Can you do it?" (Coach)
"Would you want me or princess?" (Me)
"I pray they pick you. I don't like talking about shoes." (Coach)
"Haha. Good thing I hate shoe shopping!" (Me)
"That's a beautiful rose." (Coach )
"Thank you. Someone put it in my locker." (Me)
"Sounds like you have a secret admirer. Alright right boys! Huddle up in the outfield and decide who you want as manager before we start! Y'all have thirty minutes." (Coach)
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!