Welcome Home

While he was cooking, I decided to pull my blonde hair back into a pony tail. Normally, I hate wearing my hair up, but Zero had seen me worse. I did not really care what he thought about me, but I always secretly wonder what he did think.
Zero began reaching for bowls and loaded noodles into two bowls. Raman noodles made by Zero was like no other else! I'm not just saying that. Grabbing a fork, I impatiently waited for Zero the pass me the bowl. I jumped up and down siting on the stool watching as he approached me. As the noodles were place in front of me, I felt the steam and heat blast into my face, but that did not matter to me. I twisted my fork in the tan noodles and placed them into my mouth.
Yes, I did burn my tongue, BUT the right seasoning was added to allow a burst of taste inside my mouth. The taste was so good I devoured all the noodles in my bowl. Glancing up at Zero, I saw one of his brown eyebrows cocked up with his fork in his mouth. Then, noodles began to fly as Zero began chuckling.
"Haha! Were you that hungry?" (Zero)
"You cook really good! But hey you laughed it's been a while!" (Me)
"Shut up, piggy." (Zero)
"Mean. At least my food is in my stomach not on the bar." (Me)
Before Zero could answer back, the door opened. Looking out of the kitchen, I saw him. His white tee-shirt laying loosely on his small chest while his black pants laid loose on his legs, and his neon green Nike shoes stood out the most. With his blonde hair combed, his caring brown eyes were locked on me. David. His small arms opened wide at me with his white smile curved from ear to ear.
"I'm home, little bit." (David)
Seeing my brother, I ran to him. I wrapped my arms around his small physic while his arms wrapped around my head. The comfortable embrace of my brother made everything better. The sight of his weak body laying on a hospital bed disappeared with this one hug. I never wanted this to end. My brother was home, and I was not going to let him leave me again. We squeezed each other with tears running down my face. For a while, I had to stay in this lonely house when mother and father was at work. I was so alone, but now I have my brother back.
"I'm glad to be welcomed home." (David)
"You are always welcomed home, bubba." (Me)
"I love you, little bit." (David)
"I love you too, bubba." (Me)
Laying on his chest, I felt David raise his head up as I heard footsteps leaving the kitchen. Pulling away, I saw a little grin on Zero as he started walking to David. David walked over to Zero and wrapped his arms around Zero's head. I saw the two boys holding each other as I wiped away the tears running down my face. Those two boys have been friends forever, and I never thought I would see this much emotion coming from Zero. David on the other hand never hid how he felt about something. Like when we saw the Notebook, he cried more than I did. Pulling away, both the boys started staring at me.
"Did I interrupt something?" (David nudging his elbow into Zero's arm)
"Just made Miss, Piggy here some noodles." (Zero)
"That's so mean to say!" (Me)
"No. What is mean is I didn't get any! Zero, I thought we had a tighter bond than that!" (David)
"I swear it isn't hard to tell y'all are twins." (Zero)
"Nuh uh! We are nothing a like!" (Me and David)
"Whatever." (Zero)
"Oh, mom just dropped me off. She got called into work." (David)
"Ok. That normally happens now." (Me)
"So tell me, how is the team this year?" (David)
"Well no one can play first like you, but there is a new guy." (Zero)
"His name is Dakota. He ain't a bad third baseman." (Me)
"Yeah, he is alright. Needs work on hitting, but he's a great runner. I'll give him that." (Zero)
"Interesting. Is he better than Diego?" (David)
"Ten times better." (Zero)
While the boys were talking about baseball, I took my phone out of my pocket and saw one text message. Flipping the phone up, I saw a text from Dakota saying, "Glad I texted the right person! Lol! So did you think I was good?" I grinned at the text message realizing he sent me a text twenty minutes ago. I had to apologize. So I responded, "Sorry. David got home today, so I forgot about about my phone! But on the other hand, you did great! So much better than Diego." Closing my phone, I watched the two boy's discuss about baseball while I waited for a text.
I felt a buzz come from my hand, and Dakota and me started a conversation and quick texts back and forth.
"It's fine. I'm glad he's back. Thank you for saying that, but I don't think I will get the starting spot." (Dakota)
"Come on. Diego was awful last year, but we didn't have another player to play third." (Me)
"Well that is nice of you to say." (Dakota)
"What can I say? I can't lie." (Me)
"Then since you can't lie, what is going on between you and that Zero guy?" (Dakota)
"Nothing. Him and my brother are really good friends." (Me)
"I see. So, I have a chance." (Dakota)
"A chance?" (Me)
When I sent that text, I felt a chin press against my shoulder and brown eyes glaring at my phone.
"Who you texting, little bit? A boyfriend I haven't heard about." (David)
"No! It's just Dakota. We have most of the same classes." (Me)
"Aw! Is he your new crush?" (David)
"No!! We are just friends." (Me)
"Sure." (Zero)
"Ugh. I'm going to bed. It's getting late." (Me)
"Goodnight, little bit." (David)
"Goodnight, bubba." (Me)
Getting up, I walked out on the kitchen and began walking down the hallway. Before I made it away from the kitchen, I heard David say one more sentence.
"You are losing your chance, dude." (David)
Losing your chance? What does that mean? I mean yes I've had a crush on Zero before, but does he have one on me? I mean I always thought about the day Zero wouldn't come over for David but for me. However, Dakota is new. He has been talking to me and making me smile. Entering my room, I jumped on my bed and continued to text on my phone. With responding to Dakota, I also sent Kim a text.
Me and Kim conversation
"Hey. Can we talk?" (Me)
No response from Kim
Me and Dakota conversation
"Maybe a date." (Dakota)
"I'm not sure." (Me)
"Oh please, I would love to go with a beautiful girl." (Dakota)
"What about Hanna? She said y'all are going to go on a date." (Me)
"Who? You mean the sidekick clown?" (Dakota)
"Ha yeah her." (Me)
"I would rather go on a date with a real clown." (Dakota)
"Ha! That would be funny." (Me)
"Ha for real! Well wanna play twenty questions?" (Dakota)
"Yes. Me first. What's your favorite color?" (Me)
"Red. What's your favorite animal?" (Dakota)
"Wolf. What do you want to be when you get out of high school?" (Me)
"A coach. What about you?" (Dakota)
"A RN nurse." (Me)
While texting Dakota, I felt my eyelids growing heavy. Then, I was out like a light.
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!