Two Guys; One Sport

Coach Miller got all the boys on the field and began hitting the ball to the boys. I loved watching the boys practice. It made me more happy to see David playing, but sadly, he can not right now. As I watched the practice, I heard a voice from behind begin to giggle. Turning around, I saw Jennifer, Hanna, and Lexey. Hanna's orange hair was laying loose in curls on her shoulder while her blue uniform was too high and the top too low. Jennifer had her brown hair pulled in a pony tail while her pink uniform was the same as Hanna's. Lexey on the other hand had her blonde hair straighten, and her orange uniform was not showing much. Her green eyes looked a little sad, but I ignored them as Jennifer smiled like the evil witch of the west.
"What do you think you are doing here?" (Jennifer)
"I am always here." (Me)
"Shouldn't you be at home? Cutting your wrist like you normally do?" (Jennifer)
"I do not do that." (Me)
"Stop lying. I saw Zero wave at you. Do you really think he cares about you?" (Jennifer)
"We are just going to see David after practice." (Me)
"Aw your so cute. Honey, he doesn't care about you. He is only doing it cause he feels sorry for you." (Jennifer)
"And if you think Dakota likes you, think again. He is going on a date with me." (Hanna)
"Lying looks bad on you." (Me)
"Not as much as how bad everything looks on you." (Lexey)
"Why are you even here?" (Jennifer)
"I mean come on. Your parents have so much to worry about. They do not need to worry about you how about you just..." (Hanna)
Before Hanna could finish her sentence, I heard a voice come up behind me. Leaning up against the fence was Zero. He was sweaty, but his face showed a sign of concern and anger.
"Why don't you girls beat it? Haven, Coach wanted you to come in the dugout with us." (Zero)
"Oh baby, don't worry about this loser. Instead of hanging with her, why don't you come over to my place?" (Jennifer winking)
"I would rather chock on a cactus." (Zero)
Getting buffed up, Jennifer and her minions left the baseball field. Entering the field, I stood beside Zero. He smelled of sweat and dirt,but I didn't care. I was happy Zero saved me. I knew what Hanna was going to say. Sometimes, I do agree with her that maybe I should die. What if I did?
"Are you there, cry baby?" (Zero)
"Oh um yeah. Sorry was thinking." (Me)
"What did I tell you?" (Zero)
"Don't listen to those girls." (Me)
"Good girl." (Zero)
Placing his hand on my blonde hair, he shook my hair and ran off to finish practice. Heading to the dugout, I sat quietly on the bench. Reaching in my bag, I grabbed my phone and began texting people on it. I guess my friends were too busy to text me back. Those boys out there playing look like that are having fun. My eyes were caught on Zero.
A crush like I had on Zero still stayed with me, but seeing him run after pop ups and throw with such force allowed me to see how amazing he was. His brown hair blowing in the wind as sweat rolled down his muscular structure. I must say this was a beautiful sight. Admiring Zero, I did not pay any attention to my phone ringing.
Looking away, I saw the front razor screen light up. Flipping the phone, I answered my mother's call.
"Hello?" (Me)
"Haven, David is coming home today! Doctors said he beat it!" (Mom)
"When will he be home!?" (Me)
"In a little while, I am going to get him and do paper work now." (Mom)
Hanging up the phone, I began jumping around in excitement. David was coming home! Brother was coming back to me! Finally. Tears almost felt like coming down my face, but I did not let them. Looking at the field, the players began to walk to the dugout. Smiling uncontrollably, I waited to tell Zero the good news, but Dakota got in front of me first. With his brown hair covered in sweat, he smiled at me with flirting green eyes.
"So I lost my number. Can I have yours?" (Dakota)
"Worst. Pickup. Line. Ever." (Me)
"Hey! It wasn't that bad!" (Dakota)
"Sure. Think that." (Me)
"Well can I please have it?" (Dakota)
"Sure." (Me)
Dakota handed me his iPhone 4. After typing my number in, I handed him back the phone. Smiling, he ran off to his car promising to text me tonight.
Turning to the exit, I saw Zero waiting patiently for me. His brown hair was dripping sweat just like his clothes. His cleats were coated in mudd. Glaring at me with his blue eyes, I thought I noticed a hint of jealously lurking in them.
"You done flirting so we can go?" (Zero)
"I wasn't flirting!" (Me)
"Giving a stranger your number isn't flirting?" (Zero)
"Not a stranger. Classmate. Guess what though?" (Me)
"Zombie apocalypse?" (Zero)
"No! David is out of the hospital! He is coming home!" (Me)
"Even better. Well mind if I come to your place?" (Zero)
"Um sure." (Me)
"You mind if I drive you there?" (Zero)
"Oh um no. I don't mind." (Me)
Walking with Zero, I walked along side him to his F-150 black truck. I tried my hardest not to bump into Zero or touch him. Shoot. I tried my hardest not to look at him, but it was very hard. Making our way to the truck, I jumped in on the passenger's side while Zero threw his equipment in the back seat and jumped into the driver's side. Then, we were off.
Silence covered the truck. Since Zero and David were good friends, Zero knew where I lived. So, we did not talk about directions or anything really until my phone buzzed. Picking it up, it was a text from a unknown number. Opening the razor up, the text said, "Hey!! It is Dakota!" I smiled and replied to the text saying, "Hi. It's Haven." I guess Zero noticed the smile on my face and started talking.
"What is with you and Dakota?" (Zero)
"We are just friends? Why?" (Me texting Dakota) (text from Dakota 'What are you doing?')
(Reply to Dakota's text 'riding with Zero wbu?')
"I don't trust him. I think he is a player. Stop texting! I'm trying to talk to u." (Zero)
"Fine, but don't say that about someone. Everyone might think you have jungle rot from Jennifer." (Me)
"And I wonder why I promised your brother that now." (Zero)
"No need to be so mean." (Me)
"Be nicer then." (Zero)
When Zero acted like this, I debated if I truly had a crush on him. Zero could be a real jerk at times, but I knew he was nice. Somewhere. Deep down. Way. Way. Down.
Glancing at my uniform, I began to adjust the top of my shirt. Accidently pulling it down a little, my boobs hung out some. I noticed Zero glance quickly and look away. Adjusting my top to normal, I saw Zero's face red and began to giggle.
"What's up, lobster?" (Me)
"Shut up." (Zero)
"Can't keep your eyes on the road." (Me)
"Sometimes I don't like you." (Zero)
"You know you like me!" (Me)
"I guess you remind me of David." (Zero)
"Well we are twins." (Me)
"Smartbutt." (Zero)
"Ouch. That hurt." (Me)
Finally making it home, I jumped out of the truck and ran into the small house. The house was average inside with just three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room and attic. David would not be home for a while, so I jumped on the couch and stretched out. Thoughts circled around on what happened today. Was this school year not going to be different?
After walking in the door, Zero stared at me with his blue eyes looking oddly alone. I felt something odd was going on with him. Jumping off the couch, I went up to Zero. Even though I have a crush on him, I still wanted to see him smile for once. Grabbing the rim of his mouth with my finger, I pulled it outwards.
"Come on, little Zero! Smile!" (Me)
"Stop it. Haven, stop." (Zero)
"I will stop if you smile." (Me)
"I am not the joker. Now stop." (Zero)
The grin on his face was much better than a frown. While I was laughing at Zero's pain, my stomach began to grumble. I was too upset to eat lunch at school today, so I haven't are since breakfast. Dang was I hungry.
"Want me to fix noodles?" (Zero)
"Pwease!" (Me)
"Such a kid." (Zero)
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!