Turtle Out Of Her Shell

"Whoever you are stop crying." (The person knocking)
"Go away." (Me)
"I am opening the door." (Person knocking)
When the person opened the door, I saw a brown haired blue eyed boy open the door. His blue eyes looked annoyed over what is happening as he brushed down his black jacket. With his long sleeve black jacket was his white button up undershirt, his red tie, his black pants, and black shoes. His pale skin darker because of the fluorescence lights. Zero Franklin was known best as the star baseball player on the Timber Hills team. When my brother was well, Zero would come over and play with David and tease me. Although he was nice looking, his personality was cold. We have been going to school together since first grade, but I have never seen him smile.
"Zero, get out you are not supposed to be here." (Me)
"Haven, stop crying." (Zero)
"But I I can't." (Me)
"What is wrong?" (Zero sighed)
Zero walked closer inside the girls' bathroom and laid on the wall beside me. Pushing away from Zero, I tried to stay as far away from Zero. My blonde hair laid in front of my brown red eyes. My heart began to beat faster as I realized I was close to a boy. I enjoyed hanging with Robert, but Zero was different. I had a crush on him when I was younger, but after he dated Jennifer, the crush went away. After I watched him ignore Jennifer bully me and not help, the crush disappeared.
"Why are you here?" (Zero)
"Why do you care?" (Me)
"Do not argue. Just tell me." (Zero)
"Hanna talked bad about my brother." (Me)
"You let them girls hurt you too much." (Zero)
"You would know wouldn't you? You dated the evil queen and watched her do it." (Me)
"I guess you can say that, but they only do it because they are jealous." (Zero)
"Sure. They are beautiful, have all the guys following them, are cheerleaders, and get anything they want. Why are they jealous of me?" (Me)
"They need make up to look beautiful. You do not. You are smart, loyal, kind, and there are more. Who cares what they think?" (Zero)
"But why do you care at all?" (Me)
"You are my best friend's sister. I told him I would watch after you. Now stop crying and ignore them." (Zero)
"Ok. I will try." (Me)
Even though I told Zero I would try, I knew in my heart I couldn't. Then, Zero placed his long fingered hand on my head and shook my blonde hair. Looking up at Zero, I smiled with a light grin, but Zero just looked down at me with encouraged eyes. Zero then stood up and began walking out of the girls' bathroom.
"Oh and Haven. Do not forget to keep smiling." (Zero)
I never knew Zero could be as nice as he was to me today. Did I do something for him, or was protecting me because of a promise that important? Standing up, I glared at my face in the mirror. My brown eyes were turning blood shot red. Turning the cold water on, I splashed it on my face, fixed my uniform and walked back to class. When I returned to class, Ms. Hodges was scolding Hanna and Jennifer about bullying. With my head held up high, I walked past to two fake bullies and sat beside Dakota and Kim.
"Are you ok, Haven? If you want, you can go home." (Ms. Hodges)
"I am fine." (Me)
"You two will have after school detention for three weeks." (Ms. Hodges)
"But what about my hair appointment?" (Jennifer)
"Too bad. Now before class ends, lets talk about the book we will be reading." (Ms. Hodges)
While Ms. Hodges started talking about The Book Thief, I saw a note fall on my desk. Picking it up, I read the note.
"Are you ok? You can show me around later if you still want." (Note from Dakota)
Looking at Dakota, I smiled half way and wrote, "I am fine. I can show you around." Slowly, I throw the note in front of Dakota's books. Looking up, Dakota smiled at me and believe it or not winked at me. My face began to go red as I looked away from Dakota. He was different than the other cute guys around here. Most were all into the popular girls or into sports. I did not know much about Dakota, but I was hoping this time with him would help me see who he was. After a long chat about the book, the bell finally rang for break. Gathering my books, I looked up at Jennifer who was giving me a hateful stare with her eyes squinting. Dakota walked closer to me, and I got closer to him to see Jennifer get more mad which she did.
"You little.." (Jennifer)
"Shut it, Jennifer. I will see you next period, Haven! Have fun!" (Kim)
"See you Haven." (Robert)
Watching Kim and Robert leave made me notice how close Robert was to her. I had a feeling that Robert secretly liked her, but I never realized how right I might be till this summer. This summer Robert was more attached to her than a popular with new trends. I did not know if Kim felt the same, but thinking about them together made me feel a little lonely inside. I have always felt this feeling; however, I realized if they got together, they would want to spend more time together than with me. While I was lost in my own little world, Dakota placed his tan long fingers on my head.
"Hey. Wake up! I need you to stay with me." (Dakota)
"Oh do not worry. Come on. Let me see your schedule." (Me)
Glaring at his schedule, I noticed we had almost every class together but last period. Dakota had baseball practice while I had a free period.
"You are playing baseball?" (Me)
"Yeah. I was hoping to try out. What do I not look jock enough?" (Dakota)
"Ha. No, just be careful with Jennifer. She loves the baseball players." (Me)
"You mean clown face? She wears more makeup than a clown at the circus." (Dakota)
"Hahaha! Anyways you have all the same classes as me, so just follow me till you get the hang of it." (Me)
"Ok then. Where is locker 56?" (Dakota)
"It is not that far from mine." (Me)
"So why were they saying that about your brother?" (Dakota)
"My twin brother has leukemia, and my family is running low on money for him. The school and churches try to help us out, but it does not do very much. So I work at any place that will hire me for a while. I wish he was still able to go to school. David and you would have a blast playing baseball." (Me)
"Can I meet him one day?" (Dakota)
"Maybe if you are good to his sister!" (Me)
"I will try my best." (Dakota)
"I am hoping he will come back before try outs really start." (Me)
"Yeah. It would be nice to meet him." (Dakota)
"Your locker is just right down there." (Me)
"Ok thanks." (Dakota)
Dakota then began to walk away as I opened my locker. When I opened my locker, a black note was sitting inside of my locker. Placing my books on the inside of the locker, I picked up the note.
"I am sorry you got hurt. Stay strong." (anonymous)
Who was this mysterious person placing notes in my locker? Why can they not just talk to me? Are they scared? Are they taken, or am I just too horrible to hang with? As I was thinking, some one placed their hand on top of my head and shook my blonde hair.
"Hey, cry baby." (Zero)
"Zero, that is not nice." (Me)
"Am I ever nice?" (Zero)
"Today you were." (Me)
"Whatever. Who is the new guy?" (Zero)
"You mean Dakota? He is the new kid. He is pretty cool." (Me)
"What school did he come from?" (Zero)
"I do not know. Why?" (Me)
"I think I know him, and if it is who I think it is, stay away. He isn't to be trusted." (Zero)
"Is someone jealous?" (Me)
"No. Just watching out for you. I did make a promise. You going to see David later?" (Zero)
"Yes. Why?" (Me)
"Can I come with you? You always stay during baseball practice to tell David everything that is going on, so I thought I might walk with you." (Zero)
"Um ok sure." (Me)
"See you then." (Zero)
Zero then walked off with his hand waving bye. Why was Zero being so nice to be lately? Ever since Jennifer and him broke up, I have seen a new side to Zero. He comes to see David more often now and makes David smile more than I have seen. Then, I heard a bell ring for next class. Dakota stared at me from his locker, and I smiled walking to the new boy who keeps me smiling and not shy, yet Zero tells me to stay away. Looking back, I saw Zero staring at us as we stood close together. I felt his grey eyes watching us with disapproval as we walked to Mrs. Berry's geometry class. Through out the day, I continued to think about who put that note in my locker. Who could be doing that? Why are they doing that? From the notes, I noticed someone has a crush on me, but who? The thoughts still continued as I walked onto the muddy baseball field.
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!