The Truth Comes Out

When he returned, Dakota pulled the person inside and slowly shut the door. Finally getting a glimpse at the person, I realized the short black hair from anywhere. Kim stood in front of me biting her lip. My brown eyes widened as hatred spread through out my blood. Why was she here? Glaring at Dakota with my hateful eyes, I noticed him smirking to try and calm me down. "Listen, Haven, she might tell us the truth." Dakota mentioned walking over beside me holding me tight. Shaking my head, I glared up at my once best friend.
Holding her hands together, I noticed Kim closing her eyes as she spoke, "Haven, I am sorry! I never wanted this to happen! Zero found out something wrong, and I could not let him tell everyone." Tears started appearing in her eyes as she spoke.
"What horrible thing could it be to hurt one of your best friends!?" I almost yelled knowing Zero would hear me I kind of whispered and yelled.
I noticed a little amount of blood appear on her lip over the biting. "Something happened. He learned that my mother is a stripper and that I helped her out one time well was forced, too." Kim's eyes would not look at mine. No. There was something else. Something with Robert in it.
"That never happened. Your mother is a high paying nurse. You are lying! That you always have been! What is the truth?!" I stood in her face feeling as my face grew a dark shade of red. I was sick of being the girl who let everything slide down her back.
"But, how did you? Yes, I was lying. I am sorry! The truth is, a couple of weeks ago, Robert and I got into a fight. We did not break up, but my ex boyfriend, Junior, called. He came over and calmed me down, and Junior and I went a little too far. We slept together. Apparently, Junior told his friends about us that is how Zero knew. Zero told me if I listened to what he said, no one would know! I did not know this would happened!" She finished crying over her mistake. So, she finally admitted the truth. Kim.
Looking at her, I felt the new angry me growing strong as I said, "Kim, you idiot! Did you ever feel how Robert would feel? You betrayed him! How could you!? You made a deal with the devil and lost everything that meant something to you!"
"Haven, calm down a little." Dakota tried calming me down, but I felt betrayed. My best friend making me think she did not care about me. How could she does this!?
"No, Dakota, she is right..I messed up." Kim's eyes grew distance as if she was not at home. Did she really mean it? I could not make my arms wrap around her. My heart was in so much pain after losing someone important. As I stared at her, I heard the door creek open as Zero appeared in front of it shirtless in his smirked expression. Now, I was even more mad, and he will be who I release it on. No more miss innocent.
"Oh, baby, what do you think you are doing in here?" Zero tried walking in and grabbing Kim, but I stood between them. Kim may have betrayed me, but Zero went too far bring her in this.
"Cut the shit, Zero. She informed us of everything! How could you do something so hateful to something!? You do not have the right to control someone and make them play a stupid game of yours!" I yelled. Zero stared at me in a shocked expression.
"She hurt you, yet you defend her?" Zero added so confused and hurt.
"Yes! Unlike you, Kim protected me from pain! I have more forgiveness for her! Yes, I am mad at her, but that does not mean I will not defend her from a jerk like you!" I continued screaming at him. My anger slowly started disappearing.
"You confused the shit out of me. I do this all for you, and yet I am the bad guy." Zero said shrugging his shoulders and leaning against the wall.
"What the hell do you mean?" Dakota added staring at him with hate.
"I wanted her to feel pain like I did. I was in so much pain. I thought it would be enjoyable. I discovered Kim and wanted her to do it for me. I did this all for you, Haven. I wanted you to chose me." Zero tried luring me into him. I hated him even more that it sickened me to look at him. Walking up to Dakota, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and wrapped my hands around Kim's bare wrist. As I was holding onto her wrist, I felt marks I should not have been feeling.
Standing in front of the open door, I could not look at Zero as I said my final words to him, "You wanted that huh? I wanted a protector. You failed. Dakota lived up to my goals. He helped me heal. I care for him. Come near Kim or me again, and I will make sure you regret everything you have done to us. Remember these words Zero, I hate your guts."
Walking out of the house, I tried breathing out my anger but could not do it. I was so anger with everything going on. Why was this happening? What made Zero change into such an evil hateful man? For a quick second, I felt Kim freeze in her tracks. I was going to take her to my house and keep her until tomorrow for school, but she wanted something else. Sad green eyes stared at the ground while her body felt cold to the touch. What was she thinking?
"Kim, everything will be ok."
"I doubt it. I hurt too many people. I have ruined everything."
"No, you haven't. We will get through this together." I smiled trying to make her realize everything was ok.
"Together? Like me and you?" Kim slowly looked up at me and for a moment I felt the old Kim again.
"Yes. Like the good ole days." I grabbed both of her hands and smiled.
"Thank you, Haven." Maybe I was wrong, but the old Haven was back. Well, I hoped.
"That is what friends are for right?"
"Right. I guess I should tell Robert."
"Would be the best."
"Damn, he will hate me."
"Oh well. Better than him finding out from Zero."
"Maybe, you are right. I am just going to go home ok?"
"You sure, Kim? You can come to my place."
"No. My mom must be worried."
"Ok. Be careful. Text me when you get there."
"Ok. See you."
As I watched my best friend walked away, I could not place my finger on it, but something was wrong with her. I will find out later. Maybe she does not want to tell me face to face. I will text her about it. I am just so happy I have my best friend back.
Kim's Point Of View
She acts like nothing is wrong that we will be best friends again. I know she hates me. I know she does. Why did I have to screw up? Everyone hates me. I am truly alone in this world now. Maybe it is time. Walking to my house, I thought of what to do that would change my life forever. I am sorry everyone. Walking in the house, memories of Haven and me circled inside my head. We had always been together ever since first grade. I was always there when she needed me, or I needed her. How could this be happening?
Grabbing my phone, I noticed a text from Haven appear on the screen. Flipping the phone up, I started reading her text. "Hey, Kimmy. I am so glad everything turned out for the best. I would be lost without my best friend. I know you are still hurt about the situation, but Zero will never hurt you again! I promise you! I will help you fight through the pain! You are my best friend. You helped me through the bullies, so now let me help you through your pain. Kim, I felt the marks. I don't know what you felt, but I promise that way will only hurt everyone. Well, I hope you text me back! I love you!"
After reading that text, tears filled my eyes. Haven just saved me from doing something completely stupid. Responding back to the text, I said, "Thanks, Haven. I thought of killing myself tonight, but maybe I was wrong about thinking that. You are a great friend, and with your help, it won't be much longer before I am my old self again. I made it home ok. I was thinking of going to bed. Goodnight. See you at school."
Smiling, I crawled into my bed and for once slept peacefully with a smile on my face. Thank you, Haven.
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!