I Will Always Protect You

Opening my eyes, I saw Dakota panting in front of the entrance furious over what was going on. He was so mad I thought steam was exploding from his head. The light green eyes stared at me with this new emotion. Anger. Dakota walked up to Zero and me and tore Zero off of me. Looking down at my hair, the spot where Zero was holding me was bright red. Looking up at Dakota, a smile of relaxation covered my face. Dakota saved me. Wrapping his arms around me, Dakota held onto me tight like I was going to disappear from him.
"How did you know I was coming here?" Zero hissed angrily as his icy blue gazed locked on us. I buried my face into Dakota's face not even wanting to look at Zero any more. Even though he did not touch me in certain places, I felt my body violated.
"You idiot! Your girlfriend or whatever she is stopped by and warned me of your intense to hurt Haven. When she told me you were going to do it today, I remembered Haven and David going dress shopping, so I ran down here as quickly as I could." Dakota mentioned holding onto me tight. I felt so safe with his touch.
"Damn, girl. This is not over." Zero coldly expressed walking away from Dakota and me. I could not let him walk away. I had to say something.
"Zero, I am sorry for hurting you." I commented not looking at Zero. "I saw you after I finished singing that night. I wanted to hurt you. Make you feel how I felt. I'm sorry." After I said that, the atmosphere around us grew quiet. Then, a hysterical laughter covered around the room from Zero.
"I never thought I would hear an apologize from you, Haven. I guess you have lost interest. Oh, well does not mean I will stop my plan." Zero waved off away from us. His plan? What did Zero mean?
"Are you ok? I just saw Zero leave.." David came running in with a piece of paper in his hand. When he caught a glimpse at Dakota, the worried atmosphere he first had had calmed down with a sly smile curving on his face. "Looks like everything is ok! Hey, lets do what you thought right now!" Nodding my head, I pulled away and went to go change. Even though Zero scared me, I still felt sort of sad for him. Still, could he be using Kim? I had to figure out what. Then, an evil plan roared through my head. I had to go to Zero's house and find out myself.
Walking out of the room, I saw smiles all over David's face. I did not know why, but I had a feeling I would discover soon. "Rain check! The pretty girl in my math class asked if I would grab a bite with her. I can take your dress home if you want." David mentioned with a giant smile on his face. David loved hanging out with people especially girls he had a thing for.
"Sounds good to me. Here. Have fun! Not too much fun!" I handed David the dress and watched as he ran out to the car so excited to go on his little date. Looking up at Dakota, he smirked at me like he had a plan.
"So, I was thinking we go to the park." Dakota said walking out of the dress store. He was like the only guy here in a dress store.
"How about we go to your place? I am exhausted from today." I tried to get him to fall for it by wrapping my arm around his.
"Um, sure. I will make sure Zero does not get around you." Dakota said pulling me out of the door and down the road. I had to be careful with how I approached my mission. If I messed up, it could result in losing Dakota forever. Walking down the street, we talked about how I would not let him see the dress. More than likely he thought I was just teasing him, which I was.
Finally arriving the Dakota's place, we entered the house and hurried down to his room. I heard the metal banging music exploding from what I figured was Zero's room. When we entered his room, video games were every where. "YOU HAVE BLACK OPS!" I screamed running towards the play station and grabbing the controller. I was mentioning I wanted to play and that he needed to hurry up. Dakota laughed and put the game in as we started playing. Cuss words and laughter surrounded the room with such amazing things. While we were waiting for more people to join our team, I was curious if he knew why Kim was acting weird. "Did Kim really come over here?"
Dakota smirked and glared at me with his green eyes. "No. I had never seen her here before." Dakota added on trying to get my mind off of it.
"Why would she lied to me like that?" I shrugged my shoulders trying to understand what was going on.
"I think I know, but I am not positive. I think Zero has found some dirt on her. Due to Robert and her relationship, Zero must of had Kim dump Robert and work with him. Still, Robert has not been a school to prove this point, so I don't know." Dakota finished. What Dakota was saying made sense.
"How did you get so smart?" I giggled.
"I have always been smart." Dakota pushed my arm and laughed.
"What ever you say, Kota."
"I do say! I just do not what you getting hurt by horrible people."
"I know. I am so glad I have someone like you as a friend."
"I think I am more than a friend."
"Well you are. You might be a special person to me." I winked at Dakota smiling.
"Hey now! Do not go acting all cute right now!" Dakota said blushing like a idiot.
"I thought you were the bad boy!"
"Shut up!"
"I would rather not."
"Ok, well I say I get a present for protecting you."
"You are supposed to do that regardless!"
"You got me. But, you will love it, too."
Dakota crawled closer to me and hovered his face over mine. Our lips were almost touchable to each other. My heart continued beating faster and faster. I felt my face turning red with blush as I stared into his green caring eyes. Closing my eyes, I realized just how much I was going to enjoy this. I felt so happy to be this close to Dakota. I was so happy to have Dakota beside me. I wanted our lips to touch so bad.
UNTIL, we heard rocks banging on his window. Who the heck is trying to ruin our first kiss?
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!