Our Dream Date

Along with that night, Zero kept his promise and told everyone about Kim and some how got me in it. Before he could tell Robert, Kim talked to him the next day and explained everything to Robert. Robert was angry, but he decided only to be friends with Kim from here on out. Now, due to Zero's little action, Kim has been bullied by many girls. They have sent notes like "whore", "bitch", "slut" and many others along with writings on her locker. Kim laughed at it, but inside, I think she hated it.
Also, Zero got me by letting everyone think I am a heart breaker. Zero has been pretending to be upset because of Dakota and my relationship. We are not even dating! But, Jennifer and her friends have been bullying me worse than ever. I don't care though. They are just jealous.
Standing in front of my locker, I scavenged for my English book when I felt a hand cover my hands. The hand was warm and strong as my vision disappeared. "Guess who?" I heard the voice say as he pulled me in closer to his broad chiseled body.
A smiled shined on my face when I realized the boy's voice. "Dakota." I answered as he twirled me around in front of him. My brown eyes were locked into his green eyes while my cheeks began to shine red. Our faces were close together, and for some reason the teachers were not around. This school really does not care.
"Ding. Ding. We have a winner. Here is your prize." Dakota said as a pulled a car out of his pocket. The card was a normal wbite paper card with my name in the front.
Opening up the card, the sloppy hand writing said, "Hello, beautiful. Will you do me the honor of going out on a date with me? I would like the rest of my day to be amazing, and with you it will be complete."
I smiled at him and nodded yes. I could feel my cheeks shining bright red. Dakota is so sweet. With a smile covering his face, he commented, "Great. I'll pick you up at 6." Grabbing my hand, he placed a soft kiss on my knuckles and walked to his next class. I never even my wildest dreams knew of guys being so sweet.
Shutting my locker, I held the note tight in my hand. As I walked through the hallway, I caught a glimpse of Zero. Just a little glimpse nothing really special. I honestly can not stand him any more. I used to have the biggest crush on him, but now I can not even stand the thought of him. Rolling my eyes, I walked past Zero with my head held high. I thought I knew Zero. Well, I was wrong.
After school was over, David and I walked home like we normally do. Even though we can not afford another car, I like us walking home unless it rains. Then, I hate it. Turning to David, I smilied and said, "So, who you going to Prom with?"
Raising up his right hand, he answered, "My right hand. She is amazing."
Slapping him on the shoulder, I ignored his dirty thoughts and roared, "That is gross! But, seriously who?"
"I was thinking about Bryce." David shrugged. Bryce was a red haired in math class. They always talked and flirted, so she was my first pick on who he would ask. Bryce is mainly known for being the pitcher for the fast pitch softball team.
"I knew you would pick her! I knew it." I started bouncing around. David grabbed my hair to try and make he stop. I guess I was embarrassing him.
"Calm down, little bit. Damn." David shook his head in disappointment as I noticed his cheeks were flustered. "I'm not even going to ask you."
"You already know don't you?" I smiled as did the whole school know. I just wish he would hurry up and ask. Maybe he will tonight. Arriving at the house, I hurried to my room and glared in my mirror. My light assortment of makeup still covered my face and looked good. My hair was still straight from this morning. All I really had to do was pick out an outfit. Looking in my closet, I found black shorts and a black tank top. Searching some more, I found a long sleeve over shirt to cover the tank top. Slipping my outfit on, I then found some black flats to complete the outfit. Glaring at the clock, I realized that I had two more hours till the date.
What do I do for two hours? Plugging my earphones into my IPod, I started going through my arrangement of Imagine Dragon's songs. Their music just relates to me so much. I really wish I could see them in concert one day, but that is just a dream.
Rolling to my side, I felt my eyes grow heavy and tired. Closing my eyes, I thoguht I would take a nap. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was fast asleep. Suddenly, I was surrounded in an assortment of candles and rose petals. Raising up from my bed, I searched around to find out who could of done this beautiful decor, but why is it in my room?
Jumping off of my bed, I searched around to find the mysterious person who did this. As I walked out of my room, I noticed the rose petals leading me to where I should go. As I followed them, I arrived in the kitchen where a steak dinner was sitting on the table with a rose in the middle. I was the only one in the room. No one else was in here. I wonder where the stranger is.
Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their muscular arms around me squeezing me into them. My pulse began to rise as I felt our bodies so close together. With the stranger's lips pressing against my ear, I heard him say, "Do you like it, Haven? I worked hard."
Turning me around, I saw Dakota smiling at me in a blue button up shirt. His hair was combed better than normally is. My face started burning red as I realized he had done all this work for our date. It was perfect. "I love it." I told him as our eyes stared into each other's.
"I'm glad." He said cupping my chin. I saw his eyes closing as our faces grew closer to get other. Watching his lips, I noticed how close they were getting to mine as I closed my eyes.
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!