A Date To Never Forget

"Shall we go on our date?" Dakota said grinning from ear to ear. He is so cute.
"Yes! Let us hurry up and go!" I said bouncing up and down. With his hand entangled with mine, we walked out of the school and down the road. "By the way, thanks for helping me. I just do not understand."
"Zero is a jerk. He wants to hurt you. Make you pay for hurting him." Dakota mentioned smiling at me.
"But, why would he do such a thing? Kim and Robert were so happy." I glared at the ground lost in my own thoughts over what happened just a minute ago. Where has Robert been and has it been true?
"Haven, listen. Zero only wants to make you feel that way, so you will want to come running back to him. He thinks he can still win you over." I felt Dakota's hand tighten on mine with the thought of Zero.
"Hey come on don't be sad! It is ok! So, what do you want to sing?" I mentioned trying to get Dakota to smile. A smile curved on his face finally.
"I was thinking of singing a rap song." Dakota winking at me with his tongue sticking out teasing me.
"No you won't. I see you singing a love song or something fun." I commented swinging my hands from side to side while walking through the city.
"We will see, darling. But, the place is right up here." Dakota mentioned pointing towards a tall building with neon signs Karaoke.
"Looks like this place could be a lot of fun, Kota!" I held his hand tighter and ran into the building. When we entered, there was a desk in the front of the room where people paid for their karaoke sessions.
"Go find a room that you like, and I will pay for two to three hours of singing?" Dakota smiled at me and pointed down the hallway with all sorts of rooms. Nodding my head, I started opening the rooms that were unoccupied. Finally, I found a room that was covered in blue paint with a giant screen and microphones. A large circled purple couch gave the perfect atmosphere to watch the other person sing. Standing outside the door, I waited for Dakota to come to me. When I saw him coming, I started pointing to the door in here.
"Come on! I really like this room." Opening the door, I showed him the great blue atmosphere around us.
"Not a bad room. I thought you would pick a pink room." Dakota said walking inside and shutting the door behind me.
"Well, lets see this computer shows all the songs we can sing. Oh, I like this song! I want to do first!" I said picking the song "Angel With A Shotgun" by The Cab. With each lyric, I felt myself growing more and more confident about myself. Anytime it talked about keeping the person I cared about safe I would jump in front of him dancing and smiling. This song kind of reflected what was going on. A war was going on. Everyone is against him and me. The demons coming after me to bring me down, but instead I had to become the angel to protect what I cared about. Still, this song made me feel great.
When the song was over, Dakota and I started laughing over my hilarious dance moves and attitude towards the song. "That was perfect, darling! My turn to give it a try." He walked up to the computer and smiled at the song "Good Girls Bad Guys" by Falling In Reverse. As he glared at me with the song playing, I realized just how much it symbolized our relationship. Well, in some parts it did. I was a good girl who starting doing bad things. Well, not that bad yet. When the guitar solo came around, he grew close to me. Our faces almost touched until he pulled away and finished the song. "Was that the pop song you were looking forward to?"
"NO! U-m, it's my turn!" After I said that, I ran up to the computer and found the song "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry, and I let it all out. I wanted it to be directed to him when it came to how I felt about him. I did not want him thinking it was a one time thing. If I was to love him, I wanted him to love me like he was supposed to. I did not want him to play with my heart. I am planning on giving him every thing. I could not sing the rap part, so I waited for it to pass through. That moment Dakota stood in front of me, and I sang the rest of the song in front of him. "Once your mine, there's no going back." I finished the song as he pulled me closer to him.
"Oh, really now. I guess I better be yours huh?" Our faces were so close together, and I could feel the heat radiating of him. Our lips were so close. My first kiss could be with Dakota. I saw him growing closer to my face as I closed my eyes. Then, he pulled away quickly and smiled at me. "Sorry, darling. Not yet." Dakota just teased me!
"But, Kota, that was so mean!" I said acting like I was pouting. For the next few hours, we were singing and acting like a real couple. This was the best date ever! With the night creeping by, our three hours of fun disappeared as we went to Burger King to end the night with food. After reaching our food, we sat down and started talking about everything.
"So, let me get this straight. You can sing and dance, but don't believe you can. Are you normal? I mean you looked.." Dakota did not finish his sentence but instead threw a burger in his mouth.
"I am normal! The boy who did what he did to his last school should not be talking about normal." I giggled taking a drink of my sweet tea.
"Ok you got me." Dakota said finishing his burger. "So, how did you enjoy this date?"
"Well, since it was the first date I have ever been on, it was great." I smiled as I felt his hand wrap around with mine.
"I was looking for that. But, Haven, just know I will not hurt you ok? This is not a one time thing. Next day off, lets do another date!" Dakota promised with the most determined look on his face.
"I will hold you up on that." I smiled as I saw him bring my hand to his face and kiss my hand. He was the bad boy everyone saw at school. Sometimes, he was the bad boy me, and then he was the gentleman. Dakota was the guy I needed.
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pwease and cheese
but it went straight at Zero's head.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!