Rosalia's first day.

I looked at the high school I was transferring to. It seemed like a normal high school. Why was I sent here again? I pressed a button on my watch and the screen showed the boss.
"I've arrived at Mobius High." He smiled.
"Good. You remember your mission, Agent Thorn?"
"Of course. I will report to you once the target is in sight. Agent Thorn, out." I pressed the button again and the watch screen returned to normal. I'd better go inside.
I entered the school and signed in. My paperwork was already done, so I didn't have to worry about any of that. Looking at my schedule, I walked into the classroom for my first class and took a seat at an empty desk. The teacher was a hedgehog with Pink quills and a red dress. My schedule said that she was 'Miss Amy Rose'.
I tuned in to the other students conversations. A Black bird wearing green was talking to a brown rabbit with orange hair.
"What extra classes are you taking this semester?" The bird asked. The rabbit replied,
"I signed up for Chao Care, I hear the teacher's pretty hot!"
"I'm taking engineering, and geology. Maybe something else as well."
The bell rang, and everyone stopped talking and faced the front. Suddenly, I heard fast footsteps. A black and white cat, no, a hedgehog....Wait, what?
Anyway, he ran into the classroom and sat at the desk next to mine.
"Sorry, I'm late!" He said. The teacher looked at him and sighed.
"Mark, no running in the halls, and you need to start arriving on time. That's the third time this week!" He looked more and more ashamed as she spoke, then said quietly,
"I'm sorry, Miss Rose, I'll try harder." A purple wolf with red hair snickered. So, this boy was named Mark.
Amy Rose cleared her throat.
"I'd like to introduce a new transfer student," She looked at me and I stood up.
"My name is Rosalia the Hedgehog. I look forward to working with you." The teacher nodded and I sat down. She began to explain things like slope and intersects on a line. I sort of zoned out because I already knew this and it was boring. I snapped back to reality when I heard someone whisper.
"Psst! Rosalia!" I turned my head to see Mark with a note in his hand. He held it out to me while Miss Rose's back was turned. I took it and opened it up.
'To: Roseallia
I'm Mark the Hedgecat. Welcome to Mobius High! You seem quite cool, will you be my friend?'
Oh, he wants to be friends. That also explains what he is, he's a halfbreed. Well, there are nicer ways of putting it.....
I wrote back:
'Sure. Thank you for the compliment. By the way, my name is spelled Rosalia.'
I passed it to him and waited for class to be over.
The bell rang and all of the students got up and left the classroom, including Mark. He seemed determined to not be late for his next class. I walked up to Miss Rose.
"Excuse me, but, where is Professor Sonic's classroom?"
"It's room 16, just walk down the hallway and make a left turn, it should be visible!"
"Thank you!" I exited to hear a girl's voice say "Halfbreed!" followed by some laughing. I turned to see Mark and three girls. One was the purple wolf from before, the other two were an orange echidna and a pink rabbit with blue hair. Mark was looking at the ground, his ears flatten against his head. Suddenly, a green hedgehog that I didn't even realise was there stepped between them.
"Leave my brother alone!" He demanded. The pink bunny rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah? Well, technicaly you're a halfbreed, too. You just don't show it!" The hedgehog growled and glared at the three girls. "What are you going to do about it?" He grunted and grabbed Mark's hand. I watched him walk away from them, purposely bumping into the wolf on his way. The girls smirked.
"You did it again, Alice!" The Echidna said. Alice looked at her phone.
"I just got this great new message!"
"forward it to us!"
"Alright!" The echidna pulled out her cellphone and laughed, but the purple wolf was searching her pockets.
"Where's my phone?" She started to sniff around and walk away with an angered expression. A little while after they left my view, the bell rang and I snapped out of it. It's a bad habit of mine, I'll start watching and listening and soon, I don't think of anything else but their conversation. I ran to the classroom and walked in. I wasn't late, luckily it was the warning bell. Mark wasn't in the classroom. He's going to be late again if he doesn't hurry....
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Jackie: KAWAIIIII!!!!!!!
I want to see another chapter in here!
We had a deal that you can't break!
I want to see another chapter in this story,
Besides, having a secret spy student in the school following someone different is sure to lead to a big event!
Ya heard it from me peeps, chapter 4's only a lead-up to a big event!
Nonstop: 'YOU NEED TO WRITE CHAPTER FOUR!' and 'Is chapter four done yet?' and things like that. -_-u
So Please do not pressure me to continue my stories. It just makes them See More turn out badly.
If you wanna find out about the battle, it's all in Mobius High - Hayley's Story in Chapter 5 - Wrath of Sheena
He needs to chill down like hell xD