Camp Half-Blood

Camp Half-Blood

I don't know weather it was the was she talked to me or the look on her face that made me believe her. It seemed impossible, more than just unlikely, and it broke me down from the inside out, and made me stronger. How did I get into this situation? It's not my fault who my parents are! A normal life seemed just within my grasp, almost being one of the cool girls, not one of the children that weren't supposed to exist. One of the freaks in a messed up world, who still doesn't fit in. There has to be something I can do to prove my worth to the rest of them...

published on April 19, 2014completed

Chapter four: Artemis and Apollo

I am lost in the mass jumble of people when a boy that looks a little like Jaydon bumps in to me.  His blonde hair and blue eyes matching mine, but his are more blue because mine have a hint of green.  My own hair hangs down to only just touch my shoulders, and is perfectly straight, whereas his is wavy and short.
        "Sorry."  He says, "Oh, and I believe you about the Artemis thing.  She never seemed quite right to me.  Hey, since your new, want me to show you around?"  He's being bay to friendly, but I needed that.
        "Sure, why not."  I say willingly and follow him as he points to different land marks.  When he finishes, he holds out his hand to me to shake and says,
        "Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon."  I take his hand and respond,
        "Paige Woodlyn, daughter of Artemis."  He smiles and shakes my hand.  I give him my lopsided smile back.  We start walking to where he says we can find the camp leader.
        "So, is Jaydon your brother?"  He asks to make conversation, I assume.
        "Yeah.  And only a few hours ago were we told that we were twins and that Artemis was our mother.  I thought my Dad was going crazy."  I force a laugh which comes out more as a huff.
        "Cool."  He responds, "Like Artemis an Apollo."  He smirks and I notice his smile is slightly lopsided as well.
        "Yeah, I guess so."  I settle down, then realize what I forgot; it's always something.
        "My Dad said he contacted her and she said to meet us here."  I say quickly so I won't forget it.  He stops dead in his tracks.
        "You should go look for her then."  He says, "By yourself.  She might not show up if I'm here.  She and Poseidon aren't exactly best buddies."  I giggle and say,
        "Ok.  Later then."  And wave as he walks away.  When I turn around, there she is, and someone I can't quite see is behind her.  Her skin has a silver-gold  glow to it, her hair light brown and her eyes blue like mine.  I smile at her, suddenly feeling a little nervous.  She smiles back.
        Her form is that of a fifteen year old, but it doesn't seem to bother me.  I know she's not really that age.  The boy behind her steps up next to her with a smile and face identical to hers.  Apollo.
        "I can't believe I'm seeing you in person."  She breathes.  Apollo seems less excited.
        "No offence or anything, but you weren't supposed to exist."  Well, what a ray of sunshine he is.  Artemis hits him with her elbow in the rib cage.
        "It's not your fault, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."  She says, glaring at Apollo.  He puts his hands up as if to say 'what'd I do?!'.  
        "Nobody believed you, did they?"  Apollo asks after putting his hands down.  I shake my head.
        "Hey, that's okay.  I wouldn't believe you either."  She laughs, and so do I.  I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Jaydon walking up to us.  Artemis beckons him forwards when he looks nervous.  He settles into a spot next to me, lined up with Apollo.
        "Twins?"  Apollo asks.  Artemis nods.
        "Figures."  He huffs, "Archery too." He nods to my quiver and I'm suddenly aware that I have nowhere to put my stuff.  I feel more than a little embarrassed for reasons unknown.  Artemis seems more like my best friend than my mother.  I shiver at the word in my head.
        "Listen, usually at this camp, you're put into cabins depending on who your immortal parent is, and I'm pretty sure there's no Artemis cabin.  So you,"  She looks at Jaydon, "Will be sharing with the son os Poseidon.  And you,"  she looks at me, "Will be sharing with the daughter of Aphrodite.  Good luck with that.  I hope to see you again soon.  Goodbye."  And with that she and Apollo disappear an a burst of silver and gold light.
        I turn to Jay, who has a confused look on his face.
        "I think I'm her favorite."  I say.
        "Well of course you are.  We're twins and you're the girl.  She has a twin and she's the girl."  I elbow him in the rib cage.  Like mother like daughter.
        "The son of Poseidon gave me a tour.  His name is Percy and his cabin is over there."  I say, pointing to where he told me he stayed.
        "Well, what a coincidence because the daughter of Aphrodite gave me a tour and she said I was hot.  And that her cabin is over there.  Oh, and her name is Silena."  I giggle and follow his finger to a large pink cabin.  This is going to be a long stay.  We make our way to our respective roommates'.
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Comments (25)

That is so cool!:D
About Author
on March 18, 2018
This is amazing Artemis is my fav Love it this should be self published or something it's really good
Oh thank you so much that means a lot <3
I hadn't read the books at the time of writing this so I am so sorry for everything about it other than whatever you complimented.
(I have a fanfiction account with the same username)
you do!!!! ok let me look it up
About Author
on August 03, 2017
About Author
on August 01, 2017
About Author
on July 20, 2017
Do you realize that there is an Artemis cabin? It says so in the first book.
Yes I do now.
I just read that whole series now I'm on the Mark of Athena.
About Author
on June 17, 2014
I'm reading it now
About Author
on June 17, 2014
Im doing another story. You should check it out if you want?
About Author
on June 17, 2014
About Author
on June 17, 2014
About Author
on June 17, 2014
About Author
on June 17, 2014
This is really good.<3 it
About Author
on June 17, 2014
About Author
on June 16, 2014
Ok, I get you. <3 lol.
About Author
on April 25, 2014
Yeah it's fine :) I'm kind of an overprotective fan-girl for the books LOL
About Author
on April 25, 2014
Ok thnx I guess, I just have a friend that really likes the books, and I have never read them but I've seen both of the movies so she told me to write something. We good?
About Author
on April 25, 2014
If no one critiques it how can it get better? You are a talented writer though if it makes you feel any better. I'm sorry what I said came out as a complaint. The story is very good, I should have kept my complaints to myself and complimented you.
About Author
on April 25, 2014
Y u gotta hater MockinglayDistrict?! JUst be a good person dude... no critics on my story..

About Author
on April 25, 2014
Percy is not a blonde either. Seriously? Are you sure you read the books?
About Author
on April 25, 2014
And thnx Pratzie, Chapter 5 coming soon, look 4 it.
About Author
on April 25, 2014
WELL SORRY MockingjayDistrict, but they need to be in those cabnis for a later part of the story... so.
About Author
on April 25, 2014
Chapter 5??
Maybe... But I'm doing a new story now so you should check that out if you want more. Its called "If Percy said 'yes'".
About Author
on June 17, 2014
About Author
on April 21, 2014
Did u not read the books and see the movies or something? I'm pretty sure you didn't read the books since there IS an Artemis cabin. Honestly this is more like the movies than the books! :(
About Author
on April 20, 2014
Lol thnz so much. Its not done yet so expect more if you want to look for it.
About Author
on April 19, 2014
Ha they believe their birth mother is Artemis, a Greek goddess but they don't believe they could be twins XD
Good story :)
About Author
on April 19, 2014