
"You have been asleep for twenty four hours." (Father)
"Wow it was that long." (Me)
"Were you dreaming, Sabina?" (Luna)
"Yes, Luna." (Me) Staring away from Luna, I glared at Sebastian who was staring at me with angry eyes.
"You could of told us it was hurting. That poison could of done more damage. You could of died." (Sebastian)
"Well I would of said something, but two little kids were arguing." (Me)
"Ha she got you there, bro." (Lucas)
"Well at least you are ok." (Krista)
"I was able to get some herbs from your garden and get it out." (Reyes)
"We have a garden? When?" (Me)
"Sabina! I planted it twenty years ago." (Krista)
"One of the many things I do not normally see." (Me)
"Well besides that, how about I take you on a date, Sabina. Just the two of us for once." (Sebastian)
"But it is sunny outside." (Me)
"Aw is the big bad vampire going to turn to ash?" (Jasper)
"I show you big and bad with a foot up your butt, but I guess I will go." (Me)
"Can we do your hair and makeup and pick out your clothes, Sabina?" (Luna)
"For a date?" (Me)
"Yes! We can curl her hair. I see blue as a perfect outfit to go with it." (Kat)
"I will try my best to help." (Silvia)
"I want to help!" (Krista)
"Do not count me out!" (Aurora)
"Now hold on what if.." I did not have time to finish my sentence before I was being dragged off the bed and into the hall. Being pulling by my arms, I smiled at their determination to dress me up. I am not one to put on makeup or fix my hair, but it was enjoyable seeing them all happy. When we arrived at the room, the girls had already plugged two curling irons in and found a bunch of makeup. Krista and Aurora was searching in my closet looking for something to wear while Kat did my makeup.
"Sabina, why do you not wear some of these dresses? They are so pretty!" (Krista)
"She thinks she is too pretty for clothes like this." (Aurora)
"If you have not noticed, I enjoy kicking my opponent. I do not feel like blinding them with my panties." (Me)
"Stay still, Sabina." (Kat)
Kat was rubbing what she called foundation on my face. I have never used make up in my life, so hearing the names for everything was interesting. After the foundation, she put a little bit of pink blush on my cheeks. When she finished the blush, she put a light layer of brown on my eyelid and dark layer of brown a little above my eyelid. Then, she put black eyeliner on top of my eye and finished my eyes with mascara. Finally, she put red lipstick on my lips.
"Finally, the make up part is down. Can I leave?" (Me)
"NO, Sabina. We have to finish your hair." (Luna)
"I am interested in curling your hair, so you must stay." (Silvia)
Luna and Silvia then walked behind me and began twisting my hair in the curling irons. I felt the heat twisting my hair into it.
"What did you dream about, Sabina?" (Luna)
"I dreamed of all of us drinking the most delicious human blood in the world." (Me)
"Was it that good?" (Kat)
"From what I could tell it was." (Me)
"I am getting thirsty." (Silvia)
"Human blood is tempting." (Aurora)
"No. Go get animal blood out of the fridge." (Krista)
"But Krista you know you want some." (Aurora)
"We do not drink humans. You know the rules only on harvest moon." (Krista)
"Ugh stupid rule." (Me)
"Well besides the rule, we are done with you hair!" (Luna)
Walking towards the mirror, I saw I had never looked this beautiful. My red hair was curled on the bottom, which looked beautiful, my makeup was natural with a little color, and I was wearing a blue and white half way sleeved short dress. I had never been dressed up before in my life, so this was new to me. Looking at my sisters, they were smiling ear to ear.
"You look beautiful, Sabina!" (Luna)
"I can not believe how beautiful you look, and the girls are covered up for once!" (Aurora)
"Took me forever to find a shirt like that, but you look great. (Krista)
"You look perfect! Sebastian might not be able to keep his hands off." (Kat)
"You will have a good time." (Silvia)
"Thank y'all." (Me)
"Now go. Sebastian is waiting for you." (Silvia)
"Hold on! Kat! Aurora! Silvia! Come with me." (Luna)
The four girls ran out of the room while Krista and me stayed in my room. Krista and me never talk as much as we used to. When we were little, we used to be like peas in a pod. I was the ring leader, and she followed me. Walking to my bed, I sat right beside Krista. Her blue hair was put into a a back pony tail while she wore a tight T-shirt and blue jean pants. Although I did have large boobs, my sister was not so lucky. We would always pick on each others for it.
"We have sure been through a lot to get here." (Me)
"Yeah. I know. It has been very rough road, and from the sound of everything going on, it might be getting worse." (Krista)
"Do not worry. Everything will be ok." (Me)
"Who was the demon talking about? Who is her?" (Krista)
Before I could answer, someone was knocking on the door.
"Krista, will you come with me?" (Reyes)
"Yes. I am coming." (Krista)
Krista shot out of her spot on the bed and ran out the door. Standing up, I walked to the door and in front of the entrance was Sebastian. Sebastian had on a blue collar button up short sleeve shirt, black kind of tight jeans, and black classy shoes. From the looks of it, my sisters dressed him up like a Ken doll. Sebastian smiled brightly at me.
"Well I have never seen you like this." (Sebastian)
"Cause you have only seen me two times." (Me)
"True, but you have to admit you have loved it." (Sebastian)
"I will once you tell me how it feels to wear my father's clothes." (Me)
"I am wearing his clothes. Let me take them off right now then." (Sebastian)
Laughing, I said, "Keep your clothes on, and lets go on our date."
Walking out of the house, he held his hands out wide and said, " Ta da! What you think?" Standing in front of us was a red F-150. I do not normally use vehicles to get around. What am I talking about? I have never rode in a truck. Normally, I run to where I want to go. I mean come on. With the speed I have, who needs these trucks? Laughing, I walked to the side without the steering wheel aka the passenger's seat. Sebastian jumped into the driver's seat and cranked up the truck. The seats were fuzzy and rubbing my legs. The sun was shining bright today with no clouds anywhere. Humans think vampires do not like the sun, but that is a myth. Since we enjoy sleeping during the day and hunt during the night, humans started the myth.
"So why does Luna cling onto her like she does? Hale never does that with us." (Sebastian)
"Well ever since I killed her mom at four, I am the only motherly figure she has ever had. I have no interest in changing who she is." (Me)
"What if it kills her? I mean something is after y'all." (Sebastian)
"I will make sure it doesn't. But my turn to ask a question. Father told me you killed your mother. Did you?" (Me)
"Yes..she was a horrible woman. She would get drunk when father was not home. If we did anything wrong, she would scream at us or hit us. Most of the time she would hit us. When she hit Hale as a baby, I got mad. That was the first she ever hit any of us as babies, so I tied her to a pole and burned her." (Sebastian)
"I am sorry. I didn't know." (Me)
"It is ok. That was the past. This is the future. Now let me tell what we are doing today. I was thinking about walking around the city and just finding anything to do." (Sebastian)
"How do you plan on paying for this date?" (Me)
"Having a father in politics is wonderful, but if you go over five hundred dollars, then we might have a problem." (Sebastian)
As we talked, I stared at Sebastian's sharp appearance. He had his left hand on the steering wheel while the other was laying on the console. His strong lay back figure kind of raised the way I felt about this date. I felt relaxed with Sebastian by my side. Finally, we made it into the city. Lights shining brightly as humans walked down the busy side walk. Traffic lights were all around us while skyscrapers towered over us with flashing televisions on the front. Driving in traffic for a little while we finally found a parking lot. "Hold on a minute." Sebastian said walking out of the truck and shutting the door. He went around the front of the truck and opened my door.
"My lady." (Sebastian holding out his hand)
"Ha wow a gentleman on my hands." (Me holding his hand)
"Reyes told me to try it." (Sebastian)
Laughing, we shut the door and began our walk down the busy sidewalk. People rushed by people hurrying while others were couples or families holding hand, but Sebastian and I did not hold hands. We just walked beside each other until some random guy whistled at me. Then, he held my hand tightly.
"Did you get jealous?" (Me)
"NO guy needs to look at my fiance." (Sebastian)
"Ha could be worse. The girls could be falling out." (Me)
Pulling me closer to him, Sebastian said, "Uh no. Then, I would have to fight guys off of you. Changing the subject! How about we get some ice cream?"
"Some what?" (Me)
"You do not know what ice cream is!" (Sebastian)
After saying that, Sebastian pulling me to the ice cream vendor. He had a cart with tubs of different color ice creams inside. The vendor stood behind the cart where the ice cream was. On the front of the cart was a sheet of poster with types of ice cream on it. There was strawberry, mint, chocolate, cookies and cream, vanilla, and even a coffee ice cream.
"How can I help the lovely couple today?" (Vendor)
"Two mint ice cream cones." (Sebastian)
"Five dollars." (Vendor)
The vendor grabbed a scoop and placed ice cream on top of the cones. Then, they exchanged items, and Sebastian handed me the ice cream. Looking at it for a minute, I took a little lick off the today. The mint flavored overwhelmed my mouth. With its cold minty taste, I started biting into it and taking big mouth fulls out.
"Be careful you might get brain freeze." (Sebastian slowly licking his ice cream)
"Too late." (Me holding my head)
As Sebastian laughed at my pain, I realized just how much fun I was having with Sebastian. I have never hung out with many guys, so this date was fun for my first time. Glaring at Sebastian who was slowly licking his ice cream, I noticed he had a mess on his face.
"You got a little something right here." (Me)
I turned around facing Sebastian. Standing up on my tip toes, I used my free hand to wipe the green ice cream off the side of his lip. With his free hand, Sebastian placed it on the lower part of my back and pulled me close to him. We were so close together that I could feel his breathe. While I was in the moment of staring at his grey eyes, I felt a vibrant. Pushing away, I saw Sebastian grab a phone out of his pocket. I was a little curious why he had a phone with him. He answered the call.
"Hello. What is going on, Reyes? Slow down what? Ok. Ok. Be there as soon as I can." (Sebastian)
"What was that about?" (Me)
"Sabina, there were humans that attacked the house. Krista and Luna got hurt and not responsive." (Sebastian)
My heart began to break after Sebastian said that. Forgetting about Sebastian, I ran home as fast as I could to find my sisters.
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