Where am I? : A new friend

Suddenly, I heard something. A black and red hedgehog came out from behind some trees. He didn't seem to notice me at first. He looked my way and I freaked out. I made some bushes quickly grow where I was so they hid me. Too late! He was looking right at where I was. He had obviously seen me.
The hedgehog walked up to me and kneeled down, peering into the bushes. He moved the bushes aside and lifted me to my feet, making me blush a little.
"W-who are y-y-you?" I managed to stammer out. He just looked at me for a moment. His red eyes seemed to burn into my mind.
"I'm Shadow the Hedgehog." 'Oh, his name is Shadow. It really suits him, I guess....' I thought.
"I-I'm Tana," I said, then, summoning all of my courage, I asked, "Do you know where Sweterf is?"
"I don't know of anything called Sweterf." 'Wait, What!?' Now I was really confused! There's no Sweterf? 'Or, maybe the Mobians around here are just bad at geography...?'
Shadow turned around and made a motion for me to follow him, then began walking away. I quickly began to follow, but tripped over my own feet and fell down. the other hedgehog just watched as a got back up, blushing harder then ever. I caught up to him and grabbed his arm as to not get lost. At first, I was scared he wouldn't be very happy about it, but he didn't actually seem to notice.
We walked in silence, and I got a better look at him. Honestly, words can't begin to describe this guy! He seems to be the strong and silent kind of person, and his appearance is just...WOW! that is the only way I can describe it. Well, I wonder where he's taking me....To Sweterf maybe? Does he know where it is after all?
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