The situation from different point of views.

*Cy's P.O.V.* I heard about what happened to Rebecca from Mr. Tasty. At least she's with Elizabeth now. Kate's acting worse then ever, and now she seems to chew on coconut shells to relieve the pain or something.....I don't actually know why she does that, but it's become a daily routine. I really want to comfort her, but she'll probably just snap at me again, and I get a little nervous around her anyway. To change the subject a little, I still can't figure out what's wrong with her eye. The red color doesn't fade at all, but I saw her on the ship. I know it wasn't there before.
*Tom's P.O.V.* All these people are really nice, but the only one I truly felt comfortable around is now gone. Rebecca was kind and made me feel safe.....Kate's still as creepy as ever, if anything she's gotten worse. Roger looks gloomy, Cy appears worried, and the twins.....Well, the twins look like nothing happened...... Mackenzie is being a little extra skittish though.....I want to go home. Why did we go on this trip anyway?
*Mackenzie's P.O.V.* How can Fiona be so cheerful? She's always been like that, but now isn't a good time! Mrs. Sawyer died, Kate's gone mad.....or has she...? I don't even know anymore! Whatever's going on, something's wrong with Kate, and I don't like it.... Can't Fiona smell the danger in the air? We need to get away from this place! Before something REALLY bad happens! Wait, something really bad already happened......Ok, before we all DIE!
*Fiona's P.O.V.* This sense of danger in the's making me really pumped! This is so exciting! Sure, we probably won't be able to see Mommy or Daddy again.....but this is great! I'm ready to face anything as long as I have Mackie by my side! Kate's really sad for some reason. she really needs to lighten up! Enjoy it! It isn't everyday that you get to spend time on an island like this! There's so much to explore! Mrs. Sawyer is gone though.........You know what, maybe this isn't the best idea.......NAH! :D
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