Episode 2

Peter: That's not your job!
Remus: I know, but they're still fighting...
Peter: *hits Number1Arianator*
Number1Arianator: Ouch!
Peter: It's starting!
Number1Arianator: Oh! OK!
Remus: I already introduced it.
Number1Arianator: Thanks! It's lucky we have one clever person here!
James: Hey!
Number1Arianator: Sorry, I thought you already knew. Anyway, our first dare is -
Remus: We have one from last time. For Padfoot. You have to change into your dog form and chase Minnie around Hogwarts.
Sirius: *changes into his dog form and chases Minnie around Hogwarts*
Number1Arianator: This will probably take a while, so Remus, another dare, please?
Remus: It's from I.Love.Lord.Voldemort again. She calls Prongs a cheater and dares him to repeat his last dare but he must go into the common room this time.
Number1Arianator: What was the dare?
Peter: James had to change into a stag and paint his nose red so he looks like Rudolph! It was funny.
James: *changes into stag with his nose red* *enters common room*
Number1Arianator: YOU HAVE TO STAY OUT THERE FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES!! So, the next dare is for Remus, and it is - oh, I like this one - I mean - *covers mouth* Uh, Sirius, will you read it?
Sirius: Yeah, OK. This one comes in from Frozen_number_1_fan. She dares Moony to kiss Number1Arianator. *starts laughing*
Remus: *kisses Number1Arianator*
Number1Arianator: *blushes*
Peter: *lets James in*
James: What did I miss?
Number1Arianator: ...
Sirius: Moony kissed Number1Arianator!!
James: Really? And I missed it?
Number1Arianator: Yes. Now, the next dare is from I.Love.Lord.Voldemort. No surprise there. She dares Peter to - oh. I'll whisper it to you. *whispers to Peter, "You have to tell Lily you love her in front of James."* LILY!
Lily: *enters* Hi!
Sirius: Moony kissed Number1Arianator!
Number1Arianator: SHUT UP! OK, Peter, say it.
Peter: I love you, Lily.
James: *drops wand and attacks Peter*
Number1Arianator: James! It was a dare! He didn't mean it!
Peter: *blushes*
Number1Arianator: At least, I hope he didn't..Lily, you should go.
Lily: *leaves*
Number1Arianator: *rolls eyes* Anyway, this is the last one for now. Remus, you've been really quiet. Are you OK?
Remus: ...
Number1Arianator: Remus? Sirius, read this.
Sirius: It's for Moony.
Number1Arianator: Oh. We should probably end this episode then. I need to find out what's up with Remus.
Remus: Oh! *blinks* Uh, I'm fine.
Number1Arianator: Are you sure?
Remus: Yes, thank you.
Sirius: Your dare is to say something you hate about the other Marauders.
Remus: Is it from I.Love.Lord.Voldemort?
Sirius: Exactly.
Remus: *sighs* Of course if is. This is awful. OK. James, I hate how you bully people. Peter, I hate how you can't do anything alone. Sirius, I hate how... *quietly* ..how you argued with Number1Arianator.
James, Peter, Sirius: *insulted*
Number1Arianator: We better end this. Thanks for reading! Please comment your truths and dares! And also - please comment if you think Peter DOES like Lily, and what you think happened to Remus. AND...PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE IN AN UPCOMING EPISODE!!! Bye!
Remus: Bye..
James, Peter, Sirius: *still insulted*
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Dare: Jade: Tell snape that you love him and when her reacts, whack him in the face with moony's book. Sirius: I dare you to admit eho you have a crush on and why. James: Punch Peter in the face, twice.
Also, what could I do to make it better?
Dare: Remus, don't drink your potion on the next full moon >:D
Dares: Moony kiss Snowflake or remus kiss Jade (whatever you want to call yourselves) upside down like spiderman :) (look up spiderman kiss to see what I mean)
Truth: (for everyone) If you could change your patronus what would you change it to and why? (random)
Group truth:Do you guys hate Amanda?
Remus: If Amanda left what would you 2
Sirius: Do you feel sorry for Amanda
Peter: Do you accept Amanda as a mean girl? See More
Jade:Do you like Amanda any more
I don't want to be that rude:((i want to be normal and not blush and Like people.And act like i am going to leave but then they all say sorry and I forgive them and i turn nicer but not too nice and not to mean i do not like being Mean!
Moony: I dare you to running around singing in a weird voice: Snowy loves me! Snowy loves me! We're getting married! Snowy loves me!
Prongs: Cheater.... If you couldn't marry Stripes, Lily, or Snowy, or Snowy's imaginary sister that you made up, who would it be?
Stripes: See More I dare you to go on a date with Prongs.
Snowy: Could you giv ethis to Sirius(Don't mention who it's from...)? I want him to feel better about finding out he isn't your favorit marauder. And Pluto is my nickname, because my animagus form is a husky.
Dear Padfoot,
Eventhough you aren't Snowy's favorite marauder, you are mine!
You're funny, kind, and loyal. You always make me smile!
If I'm lucky enough, I might be able to com join you guys.
If I have the chance, I'm kind of busy with Herbology and Quidditch Practice and detention.
Hope to see you soon!
And I dare you to video tape Stripe's and Prong's date!
Remus: Truth: If you had to move to another planet and could take one thibg, who/what would it be? Dare:I dare you to smack Snape with a book.
James: Truth: If See More you had to Marry some one and it couldn't Lily or Number1Arianator, who would it be? Dare: I dare you to punch Peter.
Sirius: Truth: I'm running out of truths, so you get a free question, one of the othe marauders has to ask it. Dare: I dare you to be quiet throughout the whole thingy.
Number1Arianator: Truth: Who's your favorite marauder?
Side question: Me too? Pleeeeaaassseee????