Welcome to Qfeast fellow Potterhead/Demigod! Have you read any of my fan fics yet? If not you should! (I have 2 Percy Jackson, 1 Harry Potter, 12 Hunger Games, and 1 just a random story)

Thanks! And please leave a review
on June 06, 2014

I will defenitley check them out!
on June 06, 2014
on June 06, 2014

Thank you for following me!! :D Welcome to Qfeast! :D

on June 05, 2014

Oh, it's nothin' I've been on here before and I've roleplayed with you(Geek03). The site wouldn't let be get into my old account so I made a new on and followed all my old friends, or people I roleplayed with. I didn't make my user simmilar though, because now I'm into Percy Jackson and Greek Mythology, but I will never forget HArry Potter.
on June 05, 2014
on June 05, 2014