
The Marauders: Hi!
Number1Arianator: So, usually, we'd start - but we have no comments! :( Can you please comment either truths or dares for us? :)
The Marauders: Please?
Number1Arianator: How do you guys talk in sync? It's a bit creepy..
Sirius: Well, Wormtail is out of sync.
Number1Arianator: As usual. Oh, by the way, everyone, you can give group truth or dares - and you can give me Sind to do with the Marauders too! :) So, goodbye, and PLEASE COMMENT!!! :D
Remus: WORMTAIL!!!
Peter: What?
Remus: You ate my chocolate!!
Peter: ...I didn't.
James: Then why is there chocolate all over your face?
Peter: ...there isn't.
Remus: There is!!!
Number1Arianator: Remus, calm down! *gives him chocolate*
Remus: Thank you.
Number1Arianator: Any time! :) OK, this IS goodbye!! :P
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Dare: Jade: Tell snape that you love him and when her reacts, whack him in the face with moony's book. Sirius: I dare you to admit eho you have a crush on and why. James: Punch Peter in the face, twice.
Also, what could I do to make it better?
Dare: Remus, don't drink your potion on the next full moon >:D
Dares: Moony kiss Snowflake or remus kiss Jade (whatever you want to call yourselves) upside down like spiderman :) (look up spiderman kiss to see what I mean)
Truth: (for everyone) If you could change your patronus what would you change it to and why? (random)
Group truth:Do you guys hate Amanda?
Remus: If Amanda left what would you 2
Sirius: Do you feel sorry for Amanda
Peter: Do you accept Amanda as a mean girl? See More
Jade:Do you like Amanda any more
I don't want to be that rude:((i want to be normal and not blush and Like people.And act like i am going to leave but then they all say sorry and I forgive them and i turn nicer but not too nice and not to mean i do not like being Mean!
Moony: I dare you to running around singing in a weird voice: Snowy loves me! Snowy loves me! We're getting married! Snowy loves me!
Prongs: Cheater.... If you couldn't marry Stripes, Lily, or Snowy, or Snowy's imaginary sister that you made up, who would it be?
Stripes: See More I dare you to go on a date with Prongs.
Snowy: Could you giv ethis to Sirius(Don't mention who it's from...)? I want him to feel better about finding out he isn't your favorit marauder. And Pluto is my nickname, because my animagus form is a husky.
Dear Padfoot,
Eventhough you aren't Snowy's favorite marauder, you are mine!
You're funny, kind, and loyal. You always make me smile!
If I'm lucky enough, I might be able to com join you guys.
If I have the chance, I'm kind of busy with Herbology and Quidditch Practice and detention.
Hope to see you soon!
And I dare you to video tape Stripe's and Prong's date!
Remus: Truth: If you had to move to another planet and could take one thibg, who/what would it be? Dare:I dare you to smack Snape with a book.
James: Truth: If See More you had to Marry some one and it couldn't Lily or Number1Arianator, who would it be? Dare: I dare you to punch Peter.
Sirius: Truth: I'm running out of truths, so you get a free question, one of the othe marauders has to ask it. Dare: I dare you to be quiet throughout the whole thingy.
Number1Arianator: Truth: Who's your favorite marauder?
Side question: Me too? Pleeeeaaassseee????