
I really hate Makayla and Courtney. When ever Courtney passes me she says “ Ew it’s Petra!” Courtney is an obnoxious girl who believes in fashion and colours her hair with pink sharpie. She annoying, stupid and dresses like a barbie.
Kaila’s sick today so I’m siting in the sun with Eiraté while writing this, she’s just thinking. We’ve decided that for the talent show next we’ll do a song from the Peter Pan musical called i’ve gotta crow! 30 minutes till lunch and someone came to tell my class a story. She said we get to make our own names for it so I came up with the silliest I could think of, Oh My God, Look at that Gold Nugget!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weird huh? Anyway the story goes like this… Mr. Kim had a stump in his back yard that had been there longer than him. He really wanted to know what type of tree it was so everyday he watered it and gave it fertilizer till he had a big persimmon tree. It bore so much fruit that he gave it some fruit freely to his neighbours even Mr. Pak. One day Mr. Kim found a gigantic fruit the size of a watermelon. Soon he traveled to the king for only he deserved a persimmon that size. Since it was a nice king that he gave it too the king gave him something back, a gold nugget the size of a watermelon. When he got back home word got around about this gold nugget. Well Mr.Pak got angry. He wanted a gold nugget too. So he sold everything he owned for the best ox in the world. (Don’t worry, he didn’t sell ALL of his clothes.) he gave the ox to the king and in return he got a persimmon the size of a watermelon.
20 minutes…15 minutes…10 minutes…5 minutes…RING!!! Like always I’m eating alone. Well, there’s other people at my table but they tend to ignore me. Today Ernie and group #3 is at my table. group #3 consists of Olive, Frances, Lillian and Lili. I think one of the reasons i like to eat alone is that i’m a vegetarian and hate the stench of meat.
You might want to know whats in my lunch, well here it is.
1 carrot
Apple and pear slices
Rice and lentils
1 granola bar
10 crackers
I’d recommend listening to I’ve gotta crow!
I can’t find Eiraté! She’s weird so I’m looking for weird stuff. If you count eating chocolate cookies dipped in chocolate pudding and people hugging everyone, even people they don’t know weird enough then I’ve got some good finds! Oh there she is, talking to Keira, a grade 2er who used to play with us last year. Eiraté’s talking to her-Keira’s friends just ditched her- about all the times SHES been ditched. We keep on being interrupted by Noah’s little sister Ayden who’s just plain CRAZY. Keira’s just sitting there sadly while Eiraté tells her that she's special and her friend’s minds are just closed with mist. Her other friends are playing in the mud near here and not letting her in. Eiraté sent Kiera over to join them gradually but they just ignore her! Her friends just came up as us three walk away and said “We’re not allowed play in the mud” “I gotta take these boots of” ‘ Wanna play tag?” and off they went as ma and Eiraté silently walked away.
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