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I’m inside now and my teacher, Mrs. Bringtom, told us what groups for math we’d be in. Me and Frances are together, I’m happy ‘cause she’s nice and also got an A in math on her last report card. Everyone else is in groups of three. We’re working on decimals but since I’m in french immersion, you probably wont understand. Anyway, it’s best to stop right now, my teacher yelling. Oops!
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Well hello again, I just realized all the wonderful words you can write on a calculator. I won’t tell you all but heres my favourites!:
4509: GOSh
5931: lEGS
345: ShE
It’s lunch and I’m alone again. There’s only two other people that eat alone. Noah, an annoying, short and know it all boy. The other’s Ernie, the obnoxious, gross and at school nose picker boy that you’d obviously dealt with before. Noah sits in a corner or at a small empty table, were as Ernie sits right across from me, but he is not someone I’d talk to. people sit inn groups too. I even name them, kinda. #1 is a group of three girls, Emma, Leanna, and Zara. They’re funny and creative. #2 is a group that ranks about random stuff, anyone cane join, but I prefer not to. #3 Is a group that is made of 4 girls. They’re the smart, sporty and artistic girls. #4 is the group of boys, theres only 2 groups with boy, #2 and #4. #4 is the sporty boys. #5 is the crushes group. It mostly consists of 4 girls, Gretel, Mika, Violet and Elise. In my class they’re the popular girls, rivals of the popular crowd which consists of both genders. The leader of that group is my archenemy, Makayla.
Seeing Kaila walk out the door reminded me how Makayla and Kaila are totally different. Kaila is the leader of that tag game I told you about. The group is nice, lets anyone in and LOVES the hunger games. I call it #6. Since I play the tag game when ever I can, I’m considered one of the small on and off characters. It also consists of Carter, an acrobatic monkey, Portia, stolen from being me and Eiraté’s best friend to the hands of Makayla who she now hates. Danielle, and Greg are a year younger than Kaila, Carter and Portia but it makes no difference. It doesn’t even make a difference between them and Farley who in grade 2. When ever I need to do a work in pairs I either chose Kaila or Lili, someone in group #3.
So here I am with my Eiraté watching kindergartens play freeze tag. We’re set a few feet apart, I’m siting on a rock well she sits on a fence. I wright and watch well she reads and watch. My school ground is awesome! It’s full of trees, bushes and rocks. Perfect for the daily manhunt game. It has a big soccer field were all-or almost all-The older group #4 boy play football. It switches between football and soccer, or I think It’s football, it might be rugby. I can’t tell. Other people play adventure games (grade 2-4) well the grade ones play ball on the basket ball court. A quarter of the nature is for the kindergarteners playing house. The grade 4s and 5s aren't even allowed in there! Eiraté’s spot was taken by Adam Jacob (AJ) the popular boy. Almost all the girls have at least a small crush on him and almost all the boys have at least a small crush on Makayla. Not me, I despise boys, no room for crushes there! I can’t even believe people DATE in grade five! AJ has already been with Courtney and Portia. I mean at least save it for middle school! Gretel is hopelessly in love with Jacob, Lucas, Avery, Charley ( who she only sees once a year ) and Harry Styles from one direction. Jacob, Lucas and Avery are in middle school but was in our class last year since we were in a grade 4-5 split.
I just came back from music, since I’m in grade 5 we’re playing the ukelele. Me and Kaila had a full-fledged conversation on a story she wants to write. She wanted me to give her ideas for her since she had none. In class I sent her a note saying I’d tell her later but Nathan got a hold of it so the teacher took it and shoved it in her back pocket.
Kaila is a ten year old girl who usually wears really neat earrings, an infinity scarf that her mom knitted and a necklace with a bumble bee charm. She is smart and always aces her tests.
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