Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

This is the official story collection for Squadies! There are more but this is only the 1st collection!

published on January 06, 2014completed

WWE: Waffle Wrestling Entertainment!

Me: I want waffles. Treyton: Too bad. move it or we lock you to the door Zane: don't lock him to the door! You will get in trouble Logan: Hurry it is almost time to start! Ring announcer: ding ding ding this match is set for 1 fall introducing first the team of Brendan and Treyton entering the ring with Logan! And their opponents Team Anti-Boy! crowd: Booooo!! Jessica sucks! So does Taylor! bell: ding ding ding Treyton: *knocks both out* Ref: 1 2 3! And here are your winners Brendan and Treyton!
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on January 06, 2014