Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

This is the official story collection for Squadies! There are more but this is only the 1st collection!

published on January 06, 2014completed

Keep calm and Ariana Grande followed you

Me: OMG ARIANA GRANDE FOLLOWED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Treyton: She did?! :-O Zane: Yes, she did. *facepalm* That means Brendan will go crazy. Me: What the bananas does that mean? Zane: just keep calm and forget about it. Treyton: you should make some of those. Zane: Keep calm and be a nerd Treyton: Keep calm and show-off Me: keep calm and be TRI-Squad's Arianator Zane: printing 100 copies of each ok here you go *hands me and Treyton papers* Me and Treyton: thanks Zane! jynx double jynx infinity jynx Me: Ariana Grande jynx Treyton: Kaitlyn jynx
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on January 06, 2014