Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

Tri-Squad Story Collection 1

This is the official story collection for Squadies! There are more but this is only the 1st collection!

published on January 06, 2014completed

Popular Song is from DWTS?

Me: popular! I know about pop-u-lar! Not about who you are or your fancy car all about who you were!... Zane: you got that from DWTS! Me: um no I got it from this! *holds up Yours Truly* Treyton: yeah! He downloaded it to... Zane: that might explain why this is here! *points at "I love Ariana Grande" pic* I thought Treyton... Treyton: Mine is the "I love Kaitlyn" one. Me: 1 2 3! Me and Treyton and Zane: You were singing all the songs I don't know now you're in the front row cause my song is popular! Popular I know about popular! Not about who you are or your fancy car all about who you were!
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on January 06, 2014