Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts

Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts

What happened after Rose arrived at Hogwarts? Read to find out about Rose Weasley's adventures!

published on January 04, 2014completed

The Sorting Hat

The Sorting Hat
"OMG!!! Tessa squealed, while Rose rolled her eyes and clamped her hand over Tessa's mouth.
"Hello, children. I'm Ignia Verum, but call me Professor Verum, if you'll please. I'm you're Transfiguration teacher. It was a pity when Professor McGonagall passed away a few years ago!"
She smiled and looked in a caring manner upon the youngsters. "Now, if you'll just follow me..." She turned and started walking up the stone path. She answered questions and chatted away about all she knew.
"At least someone here isn't a giant!" Rose giggled to Tessa.
"Half-Giant," corrected Tessa.
Rose nodded as if to say, "same difference!"
As they followed Professor Verum up the steps, Rose noticed that the stone ground had turned into marble, so she looked around. The first thing she noticed were paintings and statues, lots and lots! Then the floor had carpeting on it. This meant one thing, they were in Hogwarts! She looked up to prove herself right, and right she was!
As the students piled into the great hall, Tessa and Rose took a seat at the Ravenclaw table.
As the students got up one by one to try on the sorting hat, Tessa giggled when she noticed how one of the student's pants were falling off. Rose was about to say something but- "Rose Weasley!"
All the students gasped, for they recognized the name, "Weasley."
The sorting hat was placed on her head.
"Hhmm...with both parents a Griffindor, I'm afraid I have no choice but to put you into the mighty house of..." its thoughts were loud and clear to Rose.
"Ravenclaw!" it shouted.
Rose was stunned. She was almost sure she would end up in Griffindor!
"Good Job!" the students slapped her back and cheered.
But Rose was not cheered, she was glum and grumpy, but brightened when she heard that there was a feast.
She arose and looked around, eager to eat, but not one morsel was yet on they table. She sat back down and impatiently tapped her feet under the table. Tessa rose her eyebrows, signaling that the whole table could hear her.
"I'm hungry!" Rose growled in frustration.
"Too bad!" Tessa snarled, but noticing how harsh she was being, softened her voice, "I am too...Rose. Rose?"
She was nowhere to be seen. Tessa blinked and Rose reappeared.
"What was that?" Tessa scowled.
"Oh, sorry. I was just checking a spell father taught me."
Tessa shook her head. "Silly Rose, silly Rose." She thought quietly and grinned.
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Comments (16)

Too short... :(
Sry. I had other ideas, and I didn't really want to have more than 1 in progress at a time, so I put an end to it!
About Author
on July 17, 2014
About Author
on July 17, 2014
I'm sorry, but it was a bit too dramatic and pitiful. Also, misspelled.
Don't say sorry! As long as your not being mean, negative reviews are fine with me. ;) Also, please tell me what misspelled, if there's too much for you to name, you don't have too! Also, where was it too dramatic?
Besides, when I wrote that comment, it was only for the first chapter. I hadn't read the rest at the time.
About Author
on July 17, 2014
Four stars-- my score for this.
About Author
on July 17, 2014
About Author
on July 17, 2014
It was a bit much when Rose started crying, because she was OLD enough to go to Hogwarts, and I thought maybe that part was a bit dramatic. Otherwise, it was pretty nice. The details were good.
About Author
on July 17, 2014
About Author
on July 17, 2014
About Author
on July 16, 2014
Awesome! PART TWO!!!!
About Author
on May 01, 2014
More! Please don't let the suspense kill me!!!!
About Author
on April 23, 2014
Thanks guys! Finally some reads!
About Author
on April 21, 2014
LOL I like the Perlin thing
About Author
on March 24, 2014
Sry...The chapters are getting shorter!
About Author
on January 27, 2014
Thanks Nyda!
About Author
on January 06, 2014
AWESOME! Aurel you're really great at writing!
About Author
on January 06, 2014
BTW, Rose is Hermione and Ron's daughter!
About Author
on January 05, 2014