Hogwarts is Here!

Tessa grabbed Rose's hands and jumped up and down while squealing. None of the other students stared, they were basically doing the same themselves. As they scrambled out, they pushed and squirmed until Rose was in back. Tessa was three people in front, so she leaned back and grabbed Rose, pulling her in front of her. Rose turned back and looked at Tessa, who nodded eagerly and shoved Rose gently. When Rose realized it was her turn to get off, she jumped. Then, with her wide eyes, she stared up for about, eh, 2 seconds.
"Come'n Rose, or you'll be left behind!"Tessa joked and nudged Rose playfully. Now they were friends, right? As they walked along, they arrived at a huge lake. A enormous man with a shaggy beard rowed a boat toward the bank where they were standing.
"That must be Hagrid!" Rose thought, remembering her father's descriptions.
"Hello first years! I'm Rebeus Hagrid, but you can just call me Hagrid! I will be teaching you Care of Magical Creatures! I m also the gamekeeper! I live in the little stone cabin at the edge of the forest!" He grumbled. And with that, he pointed his finger at the shack.
"See? That's where I live. You can come anytime, if you need help."
Tessa with big eyes, whispered to Rose, "I didn't think he could fit in there!"
Tessa was acting serious, but Rose could identify the smile creeping onto her face. Rose slapped Tessa.
"That's not funny!" she said, laughing!
"Hypocrite!"Tessa teased back.
Hagrid cut in. "Hey, hey, hey. This is not a way 'ter start classes!"
The friends nodded. They certainly didn't want to get in trouble with this guy! Despite her father's speech, ("Hagrid is a nice guy, you just need to learn to like him.") Rose was afraid of him. No wonder why her father was a Griffindor! Remembering the sorting hat, for the first time today, Rose whispered to Tessa, "What house do you want to get in?"
"Ravenclaw! You?"
"Griffindor, almost everyone in my family is Griffindor! But, my mother ALMOST got into Ravenclaw!"
"I hope you get in Ravenclaw. You're a smart girl."
Rose's cheeks turned to a lovely shade of dark red.
"We're here kids!" Hagrid climbed out of the boat and carefully picked up each child gently, and put them back down on the shore.
Tessa breathed in the fresh willow scent.
They were here, finally. Her new home. Hogwarts.
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