The Terrible Advice Giver

The Terrible Advice Giver

Everyone comes to Alex for advice! That's what Alex is known for at her school. Her twin sister, Lark, gets jealous and wants to give great advice as well, but her advice... STINKS.

published on January 19, 2014completed

Emailing the whole school

Finally inspiration hit her. Alex logged on to her school email and emailed the whole school.

To: All contacts
From: [email protected]
Subject: Ask me anything!
Hi guys--
For the school newspaper, I have an advice column and I was wondering if any of you have problems so I can give you advice. If you want, you can be anonymous or you can sign your name. Thanks!

Five minutes passed and Alex already had 8 replies! The advice giver was in business.
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plz read my story called ''ALL ALONE: BELLA'' thx plz comment
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on January 20, 2014