Practicing with Shadow

Star bounced out of her den, and breathed in the morning air. Shadow raced up to her, he was growing bigger, bigger then Star soon. "Hey Star! Want to go to the forest and practice fighting?" Shadow's voice was deeper now, and his grammar better. "Sure Shadow, let me eat my morning share first" Star smiled at her fiend, who nodded and walked towards the Rock barrier.
Star ate her shrew quickly, making sure not to keep Shadow waiting. "Picking a something small, kitten?" it was striker sneered at her. "No, just giving my Wildmates something to eat" Star meowed coolly, "I thought you would see". Striker coughed, and stalked away. "Serves him right to walk away, defeated" Star mumbled to herself.
Star walked up to Shadow, "Ready?". "More then ready" Shadow smiled, "let's go!".
The two raced out of the Rock barrier, and ran swiftly through the forest. They were blurs as they ran, and flashes of colors. Some cat may have mistake them as a eye trick.
When they arrived at the Fighting oak, Shadow leaped into battle. Star hissed, clawed, and nipped Shadow, but he still beat her.
"Retry?" Shadow meowed as he saw her defeated look. "Sure, you want to get better right?" Star padded over to the dusty starting place, and knew she would lose. It was an obvious fact, panther against cat, panther would always win.
Battle after, after battle Shadow won, and Star was quiet bored with fighting. "Again?" Shadow purred, "maybe you'll win these time". Star shook her head, "your a panther, there's no use in fighting if I keep losing. And come on, it was obvious at the beginning".
Shadow sighed, and got up from the dusty arena. "Ok Star, see ya" Shadow meowed it with a slight bitter sound. "Are you mad at me?" Star called to him, Shadow looked at her and walked on. "So that's a yes?" Star called again, "if so, your not very good at not being SPOILED!". Shadow hissed at her, "I'M NOT MAD!". "Oh, fine" Star hissed back, "I take it back". "Good" and with that Shadow ran to camp.
'Who leaves their friend in the middle of the forest?' Star thought, 'Shadow, I guess'. Star started to pad up to the Wild camp, but stopped when she heard something. It was faint, and quiet like a whisper. Star pricked her ears, waiting for sound to lead her to the noise. Star slowly followed the sound, and then she stopped dead. Behind a bush, Star could hear to figures talking. But that wasn't was stopped her in her tracks, it was because she heard two familiar voices. Two voices that she had heard so often, she leaned closer to tell if she was right. And when she did, she knew she had been right. The two voices were Melon and Striker, what were they doing here?
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