A Welcome And A Punishment

"Oooo, it protects you!" cackled Striker. "Striker, it is none of your bee's wax of what I've been doing" Star snarled at her leader, who frowned. "Actually it is, I'm leader. I must know if you've been breaking rules" Striker growled.
"What happened is she met me in the East side pet area and told me all about you" Melon babbled, "also she made me want to be a wild". "Oh really?" Striker turned to Star, "Is this true?". "Yes, but I had a good reason to!" Star meowed. "No excuses! Today we will serve a Welcome and a Punishment" Striker meowed to the Wilds, "we welcome Melon and punish Star!".
Nodes of understanding could be seen as Star looked around, she put her head down in shame. "That's right little one, hang your head down in shame" Striker whispered darkly to Star, "you should be deeply ashamed!". Star shook head fiercely, it was as if Striker was controlling her with negative thought. "Stop! You will not control me" Star growled at her leader. "Ah, but look into the amulet" for the first time Star noticed a amulet swinging from Striker's neck. "No" Star rushed away.
"Get her, we need her for the meeting" Striker whispered to Eel, Eel nodded and ran after Star.
"Star I know your ashamed, but you have to show up for the meeting" Eel meowed, "come on". Star sighed and nodded, if she told Eel what Striker was doing, he wouldn't believe her. "Hurry, Striker doesn't like waiting" Eel shoved her out of the den.
"Welcome Wilds, welcome to another meeting!" Striker meowed, "today we'll start with our welcome". "Melon please step up, I welcome you as our new Wild" striker repeated the words, that so many had meowed before, "before you are fully welcome, your Wild name must be made. From now on you'll be now as Oak". "OAK, OAK!" cheers rose up from the crowd, then the cheering stop as Striker flicked his tail. "Time for the punishment, Star step up" striker meowed, "you have failed to follow Rule four; Following any Leader's command". "I know" Star growled briskly, "you don't need to weigh it on me". Ignoring Star's rude comment, Striker went on, "with the power of being Leader, I punish Star. Star's punishment is Staying in camp for a half moon".
"WHAT?" Star gasped. "Be thankful that's it's not a full moon" Striker growled. "Nona! No, we no talk back to Star!" Shadow came up to Striker, "NO". "Shadow get your muzzle out of this conversion" Striker scolded.
"NO NONA!" Shadow flung himself at Striker, claws out. "Shadow you flea head" Striker growled and kicked the kit away, Star gasped.
"You DO NOT HURT SHADOW! YOUR THE WORST FATHER A KIT COULD ASK FOR!" Star flung herself at Striker, staying a little longer in the fight then Shadow did. But as she was kicked away, Striker cackled, "Make that a full moon".
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