Random Story I Have To Write

Random Story I Have To Write

Blah Blah Blah I have to write a story for school so hay, u guys can read it too! LALALAL!

published on October 18, 2013not completed

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Epilogue
        Today my writing ryb gave me back this story after about 20 moon cycles. As I look down at my messy handwriting I realize how much I have changed since that one day when Shardloss attacked me and when there was the uprising at Glaux Chapel. Since then I have been traveling around the known owl world sending my message to owls everywhere.
        Everytime I give my speech I feel more of a weight lifted off my shoulders. Maybe that is why I keep doing it. Or maybe I simply need to keep moving to stay sane. I don’t know. I still don’t know who I am or where I belong, but I do know my purpose. I must be that sense of courage that keeps you going even when it gets tough. I must be that owl that you think of when you look at someone who is standing up for themselves or someone else. I have now realized that I belong in any place underneath this big dark sky spotted with stars. I belong in the places where the wind blows and the smell of the ocean is fresh. I belong where it is cold and where it is warm and where it is wet and where it is dry. I belong in the sky with the clouds and the moon and the star. I will be the voice that speaks for those who are silent. I will leda on my invisible army of words to make all equal, all free. To have it be that no owl is any better than another owl. I have started a revolution, and I plan to finish it.
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